My Secret Santa

I took part in a Secret Santa Gift Exchange with Simple Stacie.  They had you pick a catagory so that people would have some idea of what to buy for you.  I chose books because I have started to read a lot to pass the time since I can’t leave the house very much because of the MS.  My Secret Santa sent me the two following books:

I am reading “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo” right now and I am not sure how I feel about it right now I will do a review when I finish it.  I haven’t started the other one but I am super excited for it because I love books about WWII so I am sure I will love it!

I super happy with what I received and I will for sure be doing another one!!!!


This week for the Writers Workshop I picked number 1.) Have you ever had a fight with a long time best friend and never made up? Do you think about her from time to time and think about contacting her? What would you say? What if it didn’t work out? What if it did? (inspired by Elizabeth from Mama Sick). I picked this one because I had a great friend all through high school and around the time I got pregnant we got in a fight and to be honest I have no idea what we were fighting about.  I have several ideas but I not 100% sure what we fought about but I do know that ever since then we haven’t spoken until a month or so ago.  She sent me a message on Facebook that said she was sorry she couldn’t be the friend I needed her to be.  I was shocked and taken back by it because I am pretty sure I caused the fight.  I sent her back a message telling her that I don’t really remember what we were fighting about and that I would love to talk to her again.  We exchanged numbers and we talked a couple times for our birthdays.  I have always wondered what she was up to and things like that but I have never had the guts to email her and see how she is doing.  She is really the only person I have ever fought with that I have missed being in my life.  I have the attitude that if you are in my past there is a reason for that and leave people there but with her I have always wondered.  I hope her and I can get close again because I do miss having a friend that is my age!

Proud Blog Button Hop

Jacqui and I are starting this cool new blog hop.  All you have to do is:

  • Swing by Jacqui’s blog and fill out the form she has.
  • Be a follower of all the hosts
  • Grab a button and post it on your sites that you have apart of the hop
  • Blog about the hop each week inviting your followers to become members
  • You only have to fill out the form once and after that it will always show up!!!!

Everyone should run over to her blog and sign up to play along!!!  This hop will be every Wednesday.

Day 5

Today’s topic is a photo of me that was taken 2 years ago.  I believe that this one was taken then but I could be off by a year.

MS Tuesdays

This is something I posted on my private blog but thought that maybe people out there can relate to what I am saying.  This post really isn’t about MS but it is something that I am struggling with right now because of the MS and people not understanding my current mood.

I wish people could understand how it feels to one day be able to do something and then the next day not be able to do it.  People just don’t seem to understand the amount of frustration and anger that it causes to never know what the next day will bring.  It is so hard right now for me to except that I am sick and getting sicker.  I hate that I am never going to know from day to day what this disease will bring.  I know people think I am crazy, mean and or bitchy but if they want to know what it is like lets randomly make them not able to do things and then change it at random times.  I really wish everyone could experience it that way they would know what it feels like and how frustrating it is not knowing what the next day is going to bring.  It is so hard going to bed not knowing how you will feel when you wake up or what you will be able to do.

People in my life assume that because I am up and walking around that I am okay but what they can’t see is the pain I am in or the fact that my feet are numb.  I wish I had a disease that you could see so that people wouldn’t think I am lying to them about how I feel.  I don’t understand why it is so hard to understand that I am in pain and I hurt on a daily basis.  I also don’t get why people don’t seem to get the I am sick and not lazy.  If I could work two jobs and move out of my Grandparents house I would in a heart beat but it is all I can do to work the job that I have now.  I hate living there and I don’t think people understand that.  I moved out before because I couldn’t stand it there and I am back to that point again.  No one will ever understand just how much I hate being there but because of the huge amount of doctors bills I have and will always have because of the MS I have no option but to live there because I don’t make enough to pay doctor bills and rent.


Myspace Layouts, Myspace graphics

Get your own myspace graphics or myspace layouts at

It is my bloggy BFF’s birthday today!!!  She is also the designer of my blogs.  I have never met her in person but it seems like I have known her forever.  I can tell her anything and she just seems to get me and what I am saying.  I am hoping one day soon her and I will be able to met up and party in Vegas for our birthdays.  Everyone needs to go send her some birthday wishes.  Here are the links to her blogs:

Love ya girl!!!!!!