Day 20

Day 20-The Meaning Behind The Name Of My Blog
Right now the name behind my blog is The World As I See It but I am thinking of changing it.  I chose the original name because it is how I see the world but as this blog grows I think it is time to change the name.  I was thinking of changing it to My Life . . . My Stories but I am not sure if I want to change it or not.  What does every one else think?  Can you think of a better name for the blog?  If you have any idea’s or suggestions please let me know!

NES & Weight Check In

Well I am another week down and I have done really well this week when it comes to not eating all night long.  I am writing this on Saturday and Saturday nights are usually the bad nights but I am going to try and take a sleeping pill and go to bed so that I am not up all night eating.  I am coming far from where I used to be with this and I know I am getting passed it.

I have decided that I am going to start doing updates as I try and loss weight.  Here is a picture of what the scale said when I was got on it this morning.  I am going to use this as my starting weight.

If you can’t see it is says 184.  I am trying to get to about 135 or so.  I know this is going to be a long road but I can and will do it.  I am doing the Slim Fast diet for the most part.  I am drinking the shakes and not eating much crap anymore.   I still have my days where I eat like crap but for the most part I am doing really well.

Until next week!  Hope you have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blog Party

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

So I have seen people doing this and I thought it would be great way to meet great blogs and find some great friends.  My blog is basically about my life.  I post about Mutliple Sclerosis because I was diagnosed when I was 15 and I want to teach people about it.  Feel free to pick around and let me know what you think.  I am going to have a great giveaway starting next week!

What Would You Do?

I thought about skipping my guest post this week. My mind certainly is not as focused as I would like it to be. However, I decided to follow through with it. The main reason why is I need the distraction. My father’s death has been very hard on me.

Usually, I am the one presenting some ideas, and/or quotes – giving you my take on them – hoping you will like what I have to say. What I share is based on my own experiences, and how I have grown, and changed from them. Right now things are different. I am encountering something I never have experienced before. The feeling of loss, and grief from the death of my father.
I have absolutely no idea what I can do – if anything – to ease the pain in my heart. I am clueless about how I can help ease my mother’s heart wrenching pain. I honestly have no idea what to do.
I am turning to you, hoping you can give me some advice that might help me get through the difficult days ahead.
How do other people deal with feelings of grief, and loss?
How do you provide emotional support to someone who is hurting as much as you are?
Does the emotional pain go away?


Meet Me On Monday

1.  Crunchy or soft tacos?
Soft!!!  I should eat crunchy ones because I shouldn’t have gluten but I don’t like crunchy ones at all.
2.  Do you scrapbook?
I do.  I have even scrapbooked my cats.
3.  Do you take any daily medications?
Ya I take a few things daily.  I take: Baclofen, Zoloft, Loritab and then Lunsta most nights so I can sleep.
4.  What is your favorite sound?
I love any and all music!
5.  Where were you born?
At St. Marks Hospital in Salt Lake City Utah.