Blog Design Sale

If you are looking for a new design for your blog you can’t pass up this great sale. I have the two packages that are on sale listed below.

Blogger Sale $35

  • Header
  • Background
  • Menu bar
  • Blog button with grab code
  • Post divider
  • Signature
  • Sidebar title design
  • Footer message (ex: Thank You For Visiting)
  • Social Icons
  • Template Choice: (these are sample sites)
  • 2 columns (left or right sidebar column placement)
  • 3 columns (2 columns right or left OR split with 1 column on each side)
  • 4 columns (left or right sidebar column placement)
This includes only a basic Menu Bar, if you want a drop down menu it will cost $10 extra.
This package doesn’t include any digital images/kit fees.


WordPress Sale $60

  • Header
  • Background
  • Blog Button
  • Signature
  • Social icons
  • Theme Used: Lifestyle, Prose, or Magazine from StudioPress
This package doesn’t include any digital images/kit fees.

Right now is a great time to get a new design! Please fill out this form if you are interested in this package. This sale ends on 3/30/2012

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

The Public Pretender

Back Of Book

When criminal defense attorney Maeven Dayne decides not to walk away from her job to defend a teenage girl with no family and no money, she not only finds herself taking on a corrupt juvenile justice system, but she winds up in the middle of a murder plot forced to choose between saving her client or her family.

My Review

I really liked this book.  When I first started reading it I didn’t think I would like it but I end up really liking it.  It had me sitting on the edge of my seat and once I got to the last few chapters I couldn’t put it down so I stayed up late just to find out how it all ended.  I love the characters and I found that they were super relate able and I could see them being real people.  I hate books where there is no way that the characters could ever be real people because of how the author writes about them.

I would recomend this book to any who likes thrill/mystery books.

FTC-I received this book for free in return for my review.  The opinions expressed in this post are 100% mine.  I received no other compensation for this review.
Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Lost Followers

Go ahead and confess it, how crappy/no biggie does it feel to have someone “unfollow?”

When I first started blogging I was caught up in how many people I had follow my blog  via GFC but this past year or so I have started to not really care.  Since I have moved to I don’t even check how many followers I have anymore.  I blog for me and if people read it and comment that is great but I won’t stop blogging if people stop reading and commenting.  Blogging has turned into a stress relief for me.  I have found that even if I don’t post the post that I still feel better after I write it down and get it out of my head.  I love to get feed back and advice from my readers.  I would hope that people would keep reading my blog but if people stopped reading I would still be here writing because of what it does for me.  Now I hope no one stops reading because that would be weird to say the least.

As most of you know in March GFC is going to be going away for all blogs that aren’t using Blogger. Since I am now self hosted my posts won’t show up in bloggers reader and Google Reader (at least I assume it won’t update in Google Reader).  If you are also a wordpress blogger feel free to grab the button and put it on your blog along with the links to all the different ways they can subscribe so that no one will miss any posts.

Here are all the different ways that you can follow me so you won’t miss any of my posts:

I hope you will all stick around and keep reading my posts!

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

MS Tuesday

I haven’t done a MS update in awhile so I figure now is  a good time to catch everyone up on how I have been doing.  I have an infusion this Friday and than a MRI on the 21st after work.  In September of 2011 the company I work for switch insurance companies which means that I had to miss a infusion and I am still trying get to back to feeling great again.  I am glad that the Tysabri does make me feel good once it gets built up in my system.  I have been on Tysabri for about 3 years or so and for me that is huge.  When I was younger I refused to stay on a treatment because all the medications that they had for MS then made me so sick.

Anyway  I have been super tired and worn out.  I know part of that is because I missed a month and another part of that is because of the stress of my day job.  It has been 7 months since they let Misti go so it is busy for me and for some reason January has been crazy busy here and when it is like this by the time I get home from work all I want to do is sleep so I haven’t been able to keep up with designing let alone blogging.  I am going to try and get all caught up on Friday while I am getting my infusion.

My hands are still numb all the time but I am starting to have times where I can’t hold on to anything because  I can’t grip whatever I am trying to hold. My feet are also going numb on and off which makes walking hard and it is just annoying.  Also at my last Doctors appointment she noticed that my balance has gotten bad and since then I have been paying attention to it and it is still bad but like all MS things it is hit or miss as to when it will happen.

That is all for now but I will update again after my doctors appointment at the end of this month.  I hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!!

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Finishing The Book

How do you feel about not finishing a book once you’ve read a few chapters?

As most of you know I love to read.  I can pretty much read anything because I love to read but if a book doesn’t grab my attention in the first couple of pages I for the most part I won’t finish the book.  If I get a chapter or two into the book then I have to finish it because if I don’t I will always wondered how it ended.  Then there are the books like “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo”  where the first book was hard to get through but the 2nd & 3rd book are two of my favorite books.  I am trying not to judge books by their covers but there are just some books that I can’t make myself get interested in.

Right now I am reading a book that I just can’t get into but I am  like 10 chapters into the book so now I have to finish it or I will always wonder how it ended.  The only book that I couldn’t read was the Twilight series.  I tried several times and I couldn’t even get through the first chapter of the first book.  I can’t figure out what people saw in those books but I guess it is like me and Harry Potter.  I could read the Harry Potter books over and over again.

Do you finish books if you have read a few chapters into the book?

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret