Adrienne’s Ghost


FBI Agent Jackson Yates has never believed in ghosts…until now. Called to the deepest, darkest basement at FBI Headquarters to investigate the discovery of the body of agent recruit Adrienne Garza, Jack is forced to look beyond the earthly to the spirit world for answers. Shaken by what he finds, he turns to beautiful paranormal psychologist Rachael Sullivan for help. As he draws her into the investigation, finding himself drawn closer to her with each step, can he protect her from the killer’s wrath?

Rachael has spent her adult years seeking knowledge of life after death. She has focused those years on helping those stricken with grief, but when she receives messages from beyond the grave, messages that seem to have come from Adrienne herself, she is compelled to follow the trail. As the slain woman’s spirit reveals more and more of her killer, and of her past with investigating agent Jackson Yates, Rachael wonders if the clues are leading her to love, or death.

Brought together by forces beyond their control, beyond their understanding, together Jack and Rachael seek the killer. Together they encounter Adrienne’s Ghost.

My Review

You follow and FBI agent that is trying to solve a murder that happened 5 years prior.  The women that was killed was going through the training to become an FBI Agent with him.  They found her body and so they gave him 3 days to solve it before he had to leave because he was being transferred.  He then meets a lady and then fall in love.  I won’t tell the ending buts lets just say I was reading this at work and someone walked up while I was reading it and I jumped because this book was creepy to say the least.  I like this book because he has the cute love story in it.   I am going to find out if the author has any other books because I really enjoyed  this book and her writing.

FTC-I received the book for free in return for a review.  The opinions expressed here are 100% mine.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Twisted Vengeance

World Literary Cafe


Detective Rick Burns is far from normal. He’s smart, and he has a keen eye, but he’s tormented from his past. After a series of personal tragedies, the pain that Rick has held inside is about to spill out in dramatic fashion.

Rick’s wife left him after the death of their son, he’s in love with the one woman he can’t have, and he’s investigating a slew of unsolved, greusom murders. When a creepy boy begins “haunting” the detective, his life starts spinning out of control. He doesn’t know if he’s seeing things, going crazy, or if he’s the killer.

But the boy knows. He’s knows Rick. And he knows the maniacal serial killer who’s preying on domestic abusers. In an attempt to unearth the murderer, the boy ushers Rick into a terrifying chase where reality and the supernatural are blurred, nearly costing him his life, his love, and his reputation.

The question is, will Rick finally find the peace he’s been looking for, or does fate have something else in store for the detective? Find out in Book 1 of the Twisted Series by Jeff Bennington.

My Review

***I usually don’t give spoilers to books that I read but I am giving one to this book.  If you are wanting to read this book then don’t read this review because it will give away the ending.

You start out following a detective who has been investigating these murders where there is no evidence and no way that a human could have killed them because how each of them was killed.  He starts to see a boy that through most of the book I assumed was a ghost because how he acts and some of the things that he does through out the book.  He slowly starts to put the pieces together but I never saw the ending coming.  I fell in love with this book and the ending made me sad.  I wanted the detective to end up with everything that he work for through out the book.  It broke my heart that the little boy died and so did the lady that he fell in love with.  I usually think books are good but the endings don’t usually affect me but this time they did.  I am still sad knowing how it all ended.

I do recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a good Thriller.

FTC- Received this book for free in exchange for my review.  The opinions expressed in this review are 100% mine.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Defending Jacob

Book Description

Andy Barber has been an assistant district attorney in his suburban Massachusetts county for more than twenty years. He is respected in his community, tenacious in the courtroom, and happy at home with his wife, Laurie, and son, Jacob. But when a shocking crime shatters their New England town, Andy is blindsided by what happens next: His fourteen-year-old son is charged with the murder of a fellow student.

Every parental instinct Andy has rallies to protect his boy. Jacob insists that he is innocent, and Andy believes him. Andy must. He’s his father. But as damning facts and shocking revelations surface, as a marriage threatens to crumble and the trial intensifies, as the crisis reveals how little a father knows about his son, Andy will face a trial of his own—between loyalty and justice, between truth and allegation, between a past he’s tried to bury and a future he cannot conceive.

Award-winning author William Landay has written the consummate novel of an embattled family in crisis—a suspenseful, character-driven mystery that is also a spellbinding tale of guilt, betrayal, and the terrifying speed at which our lives can spin out of control.

My Review

I can’t say enough good things about this book!  I loved everything about this book and I didn’t want to put it down the entire time I was reading it.  The author does a great job keeping the reader interested and making the characters totally relate able.  I love how the book will go from the dad on testfiying before the grand jury and then telling the story through other parts.  I didn’t expect the ending at all and this for sure a book that I be reading again and I am sure my family and friends will love this book as well.  I loved reading about how each of the family members dealt with the pain and how it affected them.  I am sure going to check out more books by this author.

If you haven’t read this book yet I strongly recommend it anyone.  Here is the link to amazon where you can buy the book.  If you pick it up please come back and let me know what you think of it.

If you have read it what did you think of it?

FTC-I received this book for free in return for my review.  The opinions expressed in this post are 100% mine.  I received no other compensation for this review.
Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Henry Wood Detective Agency


Henry Wood is an average detective, at best. His typical cases are boring, predictable, and safe, that is, until his new client walks through his door.

It is Jan 1, 1955 and up until now his world has been one of black and white, right and wrong, but Luna Alexander’s case is going to change all of that and there will forever be shades of grey. Henry will face the mob, question his own understanding of right and wrong, and need to make a decision that goes against everything he holds dear.

A bit of a lone wolf, he finds that sometimes one needs help from their friends. There are clues, like bread crumbs, being left by a mysterious benefactor who seems to have Henry’s best interest at heart, but will Henry put it all together in time?

Learn more about Henry Wood Detective Agency and Brian Meeks at

My Review

First let me say that I thought it was  cool that that Brian started out as a blogger and the 2nd chapter of this book was written on his blog first.  I am always wondered if a blogger has actually gotten a publishing deal and now I know at least one person is.  I could not get into this book.  I love mysteries and I usually love books like this but I couldn’t get interested in it.  It did have great parts in the book but I wasn’t overly impressed with the book.   That being said I would still recommend the book to other people who like mystery books.  He has 2 more books and I think I am going to pick them up and read them.

If you have read this book what do you think of it?

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Want A Growing Marriage?

I am reviewing the book called “The Beautiful Wife” and I was sent 4 guest posts from the author and I after reading them I thought it would be a great thing for my readers.  I am going to be posting one every Sunday for the next 4 weeks.  Also be looking for my review on the book on 3/7/2012.


My husband and I were reading a financial book about how to make your money grow when one of the principles jumped off the page at me:

What you focus on grows. 

Because it’s such a simple principle, I couldn’t get it out of my mind and began applying it to all areas of life, especially relationships.

Most women have the desire to grow a more intimate relationship with their husband

yet  few  focus  their  desire  long  enough  to  do  anything  about  it.
Thus, nothing changes.

  • Ignorance, 
  • Distractions, and/or
  • hopelessness are often to blame.

I should know. Just 19 when I said, “I do”, I was ignorant about how to grow my marriage.  Our pre-marriage counseling consisted of one two-hour meeting with my pastor and that wasn’t enough to prepare me for the emotional, spiritual, and verbal abuse my husband doled out on a regular basis.   The abuse produced pain and grief.
I could think of little else than surviving.

Hope for our future crumbled.

Over time, I began sharing my pain with a few trusted, godly women.  Venting my pain and hearing their honest feed-back helped me see that the abuse I was suffering wasn’t my fault.

I  began seeing a Christian counselor who gave me tools that helped restore me to a place of strength and dignity.

The best choice I made was to dig into God’s word and find out what He wanted to say to me about my marriage.  In the Bible I found the following verses which applied to my situation:

  •  “…Your godly lives will speak to them [husbands] better than any words.  They will be won over by watching your pure godly behavior.” (I Peter 3:1,2)  In place of preaching to my husband, I began entrusting my difficult situation to God through prayer—listening for His instruction.
  •  Instead, we will hold to the truth in love…” (Ephesians 4:15) I began to exchange preaching for speaking the truth in love—in as few words as possible.
  • “See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good…” (I Thessalonians 5:15) On my new path, I chose to respond in kindness and enforce healthy boundaries in place of angry retaliation.

When I dug into the word, I learned that my husband wasn’t the only one sinning.  My responses to Tom were often sinful and my response was the only thing I was responsible for.
What I wanted was to change my husband but I couldn’t find a biblical reference to support my desire and neither will you)!    

Focused on God and His Word, I was able to reverse negative behavioral patterns in my life which had long plagued me.

When I did what I could do—keeping my focus on God, HE DID WHAT I COULD NOT!

He healed me and ultimately my marriage—to the praise of His glorious grace!

What you focus on grows. 

Are you focused on growing your marriage? 

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret