Curse Breaker by J.T.Bishop

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Curse Breaker by J.T.Bishop was a good book, but there were a few things that bothered me as well.  I really liked the characters in this book right from the start of the book.  One of the big things that bugged me about the book was the fact that you don’t know much about Gillian and that plagued me pretty much through the entire book.  Now by saying that I think that if you had read the other 3 books before this one, you would know what was going on more than I did.  I spent almost the entire book mad because I wanted to know more about her and you never really get the answers to that question.  I really did enjoy this author writing, and as I said before, I was a huge fan of Gray.  This was a bigger book but because I was so in love with Gray I read it in about two days.  If you love books like this one, I would check this one out.  I am going to add the first three books to my list of books I want to read in the future.

About The Book

Grayson Steele is cursed.

In high school, a friend’s mother blames Grayson Steele for the tragic death of her daughter. Now, years later, Grayson is wealthy and successful, but on the brink of suicide. Because the women he loves are dying. And he can’t stop it.

Gillian Fletcher wants to help.

Knowing about Grayson’s circumstances, she derives a plan. Catch the killer who’s making Grayson Steele’s life a living hell. But there’s only one way to do it. She has to be the bait.

But solving Grayson’s curse could risk everything she holds dear.

As Grayson and Gillian’s plan takes shape, they must not only expose a killer, but also their feelings for each other. The further they go, the more secrets they will reveal. Secrets that will illuminate not just a murderer, but shocking truths that neither may be prepared to face.

Truths that will change their future forever.

About The Author

Born and raised in Dallas, TX, J. T. Bishop began writing in 2012. Two years later, the Red-Line trilogy was complete. She’s not done though. The Red-Line saga develops as she continues to write new books.

J. T. loves stories that explore character’s unique abilities and origins. What if extraterrestrials did walk among us? It’s a theme she finds intriguing and provides a wealth of inspiration for her books. Drama, angst, passion, and humor all add to the fun. A little bit of romance doesn’t hurt either.

J. T. loves to spend time with family and friends, traveling whenever she can, and spending time in nature (despite the heat in Texas). Getting up in the morning with a cup of coffee, ready to write is the start of a perfect day.

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Romancing The Wallflower by Michelle Major

In a Colorado mountain town, a good girl kindergarten teacher propositions a sexy bad boy uncle of one of her students…It’s all part of ROMANCING THE WALLFLOWER by Michelle Major



Dedicated kindergarten teacher Erin MacDonald isn’t the type to make the first move on a man—especially gorgeous David McCay, her secret crush. But when a crisis involving one of her pupils offers a chance to help the pro baseballer turned local brewery owner, Erin goes way out of her comfort zone. So way out she makes a shocking suggestion!

David moved to the Colorado mountain town to look after his sister and her son. Now he’s a stand-in parent to his nephew, trying to fight his attraction to Erin…who just propositioned him. David is nobody’s hero. So why can’t he convince the sweet, kindhearted beauty that she deserves better than him? Is it because they’re the perfect imperfect match?


On Sale in Print: August 22, 2017

On Sale in Digital: September 1, 2017

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Grand Prize: 1 Winner Will Each Receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card

Runner-Up: 3 Runner-Up Will Receive any Backlist Michelle Major Title (Digital Version Only)

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“Stop staring at the hottie brewmaster’s butt.”

Erin MacDonald choked on the gulp of strawberry daiquiri she’d just swallowed. “I’m not staring at anyone’s butt,” she said as she grabbed a wad of napkins and dabbed at her chin and shirtfront. “And don’t talk so loud.”

Melody Cross, one of the second-grade teachers at Crimson Elementary, snorted. “It’s a crowded bar on a busy Thursday night. No one can hear me.”

But Melody had the kind of booming voice that could quiet a room full of squirming eight-year-olds the afternoon before summer break. The tall table they stood at was a good five feet from the bar, but Erin swore she saw the man’s broad shoulders stiffen.

“Want me to take a picture of him?” Suzie Vitale, her fellow kindergarten teacher, offered with a tipsy smile. “It lasts longer.”

Before Erin could stop her, the curvy blonde aimed her phone at the backside of the gorgeous guy who not only worked the bar but also owned Elevation Brewery. The brewpub had opened a little over a year ago and had become a popular hangout for both locals and tourists in the quaint mountain town of Crimson, Colorado.

Erin had noticed David McCay, the brewery’s owner, the first time she’d stepped into the nouveau rustic—and very on-trend for Colorado—space. He was tall and lean, with dark blond hair that curled around the collars of the flannel shirts he favored. David McCay was as handsome as a movie star and built like he spent endless hours tossing huge sacks of barley—or whatever it was beer brewers did.

Erin, who was built like she spent her days sitting cross-legged on a reading rug, had surreptitiously watched him each time she came into the bar with friends or coworkers for a random happy hour or birthday celebration. He was often tending bar or sometimes she’d spot him coming out from the back, wearing the heavy rubber boots and backward ball cap that she’d quickly learned were his uniform when actually brewing beer.

Colorado was known for its craft brews, and the fact that Elevation had made a name for itself so quickly was a testament to his hard work and talent at running a business.

At least that’s what Erin wanted to believe. Her mother liked to remind Erin that she too often assumed the best about people, which allowed them to regularly take advantage of her.

But David McCay hadn’t taken advantage of her, even though it was the stuff of her fantasies. Even though his nephew, Rhett, was now in her kindergarten class and David had been with the boy and his mother for back-to-school night. Erin had barely been able to put a sentence together with David towering over the other adults in the back of her classroom, but he hadn’t bothered to acknowledge her. Heck, it was doubtful he even knew she existed.

Except when she blinked and looked up, he was staring straight at her. Sparks of awareness flamed through her body, setting every inch of her skin on fire. He lifted one thick brow as if he could read her thoughts. Which might be impossible since it felt like all of her brain cells had spontaneously combusted under the weight of his stare.

She heard Melody giggle behind her, and Suzie gave her a little shove forward. David now stood at the edge of the bar, only a short distance from her, with movement all around him. Customers in groups laughed and talked. A waitress set her tray on the rich wood bar top. A group of women at near the edge of the bar vied for his attention. But his focus remained on Erin.

Then something—someone—suddenly blocked her vision. Cole Bennett, Crimson’s recently elected sheriff, was talking to David. Cole was also tall and broad, and to use one of her mom’s favorite expressions, made a better door than a window.

Erin shifted to the right as she overheard Cole mention Rhett, David’s nephew. David’s gaze hardened and his jaw clenched. Unable to stop herself, she moved forward, sidestepping a couple heading toward the back of the bar and a group of twentysomething guys who looked like they’d just come off a hiking trail, until she stood directly behind the sheriff.

She was five feet four inches tall in the clogs she favored for work, so both men towered over her and were completely unaware she was listening to their conversation. Invisibility was Erin’s unintentional superpower. She knew much more than she should about her coworkers and neighbors, simply because people didn’t notice she was there.

“Rhett is safe,” Cole told David. “But they can’t get him to come out.”

“What the hell was Jenna thinking?” David asked, then scrubbed a hand over his jaw. “No, don’t answer that.”

“She’s in trouble, David. The crowd she’s running with—”

“I’ll handle it.” He pulled a set of keys out of one of the pockets in his tan cargo pants. “I just need to tell Tracie I’m leaving for the night. I’ll be over for Rhett.”

“I have to call Social Services,” Cole said softly, and Erin felt the tension ratchet up a notch.

“Give me some time with him first, okay?”

“Can you—”

“I’ll handle it,” David repeated. He moved behind the bar and spoke to the woman filling two pint glasses from the tap.

The sheriff walked out of the bar, patrons instinctively clearing a path for him although he wasn’t in uniform tonight.

When she looked up, David McCay stood toe-to-toe with her. She realized she’d moved forward to block his path from behind the bar.

In her daydreams, she’d compared his eyes to the brilliant summer sky above the ragged peak of Crimson Mountain or the iridescent cobalt of a tropical lagoon. But now his frosty stare was more like the ice blue of a glacier, so cold a shiver passed through her.

“I don’t have time for this, sweetheart. You and your friends are going to have to play your liquid courage bar games with someone else.”

“It’s not a game,” Erin said.

“Darlin’, you ordered a froofy drink in my bar. It’s either a game or a joke.”

This close to David, the heat and frustration radiating off him made her feel different from the woman she knew herself to be. She was aware of her body in a way that was new and exhilarating. She wanted more. She wanted…something she couldn’t name. Still, the promise of it made her weak with longing.

Also braver than she’d ever been. Or maybe crazy was a better word, because when he moved to step around her, she placed a hand on his arm.

“I can help with your nephew.”

Author Bio:

Michelle Major grew up in Ohio but dreamed of living in the mountains. Soon after graduating with a degree in Journalism, she pointed her car west and settled in Colorado. Her life and house are filled with one great husband, two beautiful kids, a few furry pets and several well-behaved reptiles. She’s grateful to have found her passion writing stories with happy endings. Michelle loves to hear from her readers at

Connect with Michelle: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon


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The Baby Project by Miranda Liasson

When a workaholic OB doctor asks her commitmentphobic, globetrotting ex-fling to donate a sperm sample, a simple request turns into far more than either of them ever bargained for…Here comes THE BABY PROJECT by Miranda Liasson…



Liz Kingston spends her life delivering babies and longs for one of her own. All she needs is someone with fabulous genetic material. Who better to ask than her sexy ex-fling, who has no interest in ever settling down or being a father.

International correspondent Grant Wilbanks loves danger and travelling the world. But nothing in all this Brit’s experience could have prepared him for the way a torrid affair with Liz makes him feel. When she asks for his assistance, he figures he can help her out with a simple donation. No strings, no emotions, just…test-tube science.

But this simple favor gives them both more than they ever bargained for. Grant agrees to her terms, but stepping away gets harder and harder because the more time they spend together, the more he finds himself falling…and losing the battle to safeguard his heart.

On Sale in Digital: September 4, 2017


 Add THE BABY PROJECT to your TBR pile on Goodreads!


Grand Prize: 1 Winner Will Each Receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card

 Runner-Up: 3 Runner-Up Will Receive any Backlist Miranda Liasson Title (Digital Version Only)

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“I have one question,” Grant said.

“What is it?” Liz asked. Her body felt boneless, her throat suddenly dry, blood whooshing in her ears. Either she was having a heart attack or she was very, very turned on. Or both.

“Why are you wearing my bathrobe?”

Oh, dammit. Busted. At least the embarrassment made her thoughts veer back into safer territory. “I—spilled vinegar on my shirt and it was hanging on your kitchen chair.” That was the truth. She omitted the fact that she’d inhaled it repeatedly and probably would have slept in it if he hadn’t shown up.

His full, beautiful lips curved up in a smile. “It looks better on you anyway.”

His hands stopped moving on her arms. He stood there looking at her, his grin slowly fading.

There went that whoosh-whooshing of her blood pounding through her temples, her pulse points, the heat from his gaze spreading through her, settling in her core.

“It might look even better off,” she said, her voice barely a whisper. Oh God. Did she say that?

His brows shot up in surprise. The smile returned, this time predatory. A gleam flashed in his eyes. Then he bent his head and kissed her. Just a graze of her lips, soft and featherlight, but it made her lose her breath, her balance. Her sense.

He steadied her. Pulled back, holding her by the shoulders and tracing her cheek with his thumb. “I need you to tell me what you want. Perhaps this isn’t a good time.”

She couldn’t let him leave. She wanted him more than air, needed him too badly. But to say that?

His thumb slipped down and traced her lower lip. “Let me make you feel better. I know how.”

Of course he did, and every cell in her body knew it.

His other hand wrapped around her neck, tangled in her hair. Slowly, he drew her in to him. Tugged on her lower lip, tasted it. Teased it. She gasped. The surprising tenderness of his touch, the slow, careful moves, had her trembling beneath his touch.

“Is this what you want?”

Oh, of course it was. Emotions collided inside her, some attached to warnings, but her absolute need for him pushed all her doubts away.

“Say the word and I’ll leave. But say it now.”

His voice was soft, tender, yet demanding at the same time.


One word was all it took for him to seal her lips with his. He possessed her mouth with relentless kisses and thorough strokes of his clever tongue, making the slow steady simmer building within her go up in flames.

Suddenly their bodies were flush, and she could feel the raw, uncontrolled heat of him searing her through his thin robe. The hard thickness of his erection pressed against her belly, against the throbbing pulse between her legs. His mouth was on her, oh God, his wonderful, soft lips kissing her, possessing her mouth, his tongue tangling with hers.

She forgot everything—her sadness, her disappointment, her name. All were smoke and ashes scorched by the absolute hunger between them.

He slid his hand down her back and cupped her ass, positioning her over his raging erection. She ground her hips against him until he emitted a deep, low growl, which pleased her greatly. She felt his smile against her lips as he scooped her up and carried her into her bedroom.

“Make love to me,” she whispered.

“I will,” he said, tossing her lightly onto the bed and shrugging off his suit jacket. “But only if you give me back my robe. I’m quite possessive of my clothing.”

Author Bio:

Miranda Liasson loves to write stories about everyday people who find love despite themselves, because there’s nothing like a great love story. And if there are a few laughs along the way, even better! She’s a Romance Writers of America Golden Heart winner and an Amazon bestselling author whose heartwarming and humorous small–town romances have won accolades such as the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence and have been Harlequin Junkie and Night Owl Reviews Top Picks.

Connect with Miranda: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon | Newsletter | Bookbub | Pinterest | Blog

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Tell Me That You’re Mine by Victoria De La O

In TELL ME THAT YOU’RE MINE Ryan McCallister and Eva Romero are two people trying to find a once-in-a-lifetime second chance at love. Fans of Tamarra Webber and Erin McCarthy will adore this emotional and heartfelt conclusion to Victoria De La O’s RITA-nominated family drama.

Rafflecopter for Tell Me That You’re Mine Blitz Giveaway:

Victoria De La O is offering one (1) lucky Grand-Prize winner a $25 Amazon Gift Card and three (3) Runner-Up winners an eCopy of Tell Me How This Ends, book #1 in Victoria’s Tell Me series! To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below:

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About Tell Me That You’re Mine:

Title: Tell Me That You’re Mine

Author: Victorial De La O

Publisher: SMP Swerve

Release Date: August 29, 2017

Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance

Series: Tell Me #3

Format: Digital

ISBN: 9781250122100


Ryan McCallister is ready to come home and put the heartbreak of his first love behind him. But when he returns after teaching abroad, the home he once knew isn’t quite ready for him. The woman Ryan once loved is living with his brother; his friends have moved on; and his new landlady, Eva Romero, seems determined not to like him.

But Ryan likes Eva. A lot.

It doesn’t matter that Eva has a six-year-old son and a troubled ex-husband; when Ryan’s with her, everything makes sense. Eva isn’t convinced she’s ready to take another chance on love, but Ryan’s determined to show her he’s worth the risk.

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Available at: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Kobo | iTunes | Google Play


It’s feels like an eternity since I’ve been home. In reality, it’s only been a year.

My slow walk to the house is surreal. The lawn is as pristine as ever, each blade of grass shorn the same height by Jude’s meticulous mowing. The red geraniums I planted years ago are thriving. And the dent in the porch rail, caused by my foot accidentally connecting with the wood, is still visible. But I don’t remember the house being this uninspiring shade of blue, or the crack on the front stoop being this wide. This house, this city, used to be my whole world. It seemed a lot bigger then.

Discordance skitters over my spine: what should be familiar is foreign, relief mingles with anxiety. Time snaps and contracts as I knock on the front door, and suddenly it seems like an hour since I left. A nanosecond.

The door swings open, and the reason for my hasty departure is staring at me. She’s as pretty as I remember—maybe more, damn her. Green eyes that used to flutter when I kissed her, full lips that whispered confidences in my ear.

Now, her face is frozen in a hostess’ smile. Her fingers worry the bottom button of her pink cardigan and the threads begin to loosen. She doesn’t know what to do because she wasn’t expecting me. I guess it wasn’t nice showing up a day early.

“Ryan. You’re home.”

Home. Does she mean mine or hers?

I had almost forgotten what Lizzie’s voice sounded like, but its husky depth brings the memories of the six months we spent loving each other rushing back.

Well, I had been loving her. She’d been falling in love with my brother.

I wait for my heart to ache, but there’s only a small twinge. That’s a surprise. In my mind, this was all so much more dramatic and intense. Hard stares and pinched lips. A little social awkwardness seems so mundane by comparison.

And then the door swings open wider and Jude is there. My pulse stops—doesn’t slow, just ceases to exist for a second. Leave it to him to bring the fireworks.

Like the house, Jude seems smaller than I remember. Or maybe that’s because he has gone expressionless, his discomfort hard-crashing him. His hands dig into his pockets, searching for an anchor, pulling his shoulders into a hunch. It takes a lot to knock Jude off his game. Glad to see I can still have that effect on him.

When he opens his mouth, no sound comes out. It’s unusual for me to have to step up and be the better man when I’m around my big brother. But today is that day.

Copyright © 2017 Tell Me That You’re Mine by Victoria De La O

About Victoria De La O:

Victoria De La O is the award-winning and RITA®-nominated author of the Tell Me romance trilogy, including Tell Me How This Ends. A native of California’s Silicon Valley, she spends time hanging out with her family, arguing about films, and practicing Wonder Woman spins, She loves talking to readers, so find her at

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Blood Loss by Ashley Fontainne & Lillian Hansen

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Pump Up Your Book in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Blood Loss by Ashley Fontainne & Lillian Hansen was a fascinating book.  This is the second book in the series, and I haven’t read the first book, but I still understood what was going on in this book.  I did wish I knew more of the back story, but it didn’t make me want to stop reading this book.  Right from the start this book hooked my interest and keep me interested right up through the end of the book.  This book didn’t keep me on the edge of my seat, but it did hold my interest throughout the entire thing.  I was such a fan of the characters that I am going to go back and read the first book even though I do know how it all works out in the end.  If you like mystery books, I would check this book out.

About The Book

Karina and LiAnn worked hard to put the awful memories behind them of the nightmare they walked into at The Magnolia and all the death and destruction caused by the former owners. As they settled into their new roles as managers of the upscale independent living facility, LiAnn reconnects with her true love and Karina continues to explore the new relationship with a sexy cowboy named Bo.

Each are haunted by the atrocities committed at The Magnolia and how close Karina came to dying at the hands of mafia monsters. With the help of her mother, beloved grandparents, new job, an enormous dog, and a hunky, younger man to keep her mind occupied, Karina lets her guard down, naively assuming the worst is over for her family.

Unfortunately, she’s wrong.

When one of the elderly residents of The Magnolia reveals the truth about a shady past, the entire Tuck family find themselves embroiled in one of Arkansas’s most notorious mysteries from 1957. The disappearance of a beloved attorney and her young charge was never solved, bodies never found, and even after over 60 years, Karina and LiAnn discover there are still those who intend to keep it that way.

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Adeline by Christina McKnight

When the beast with a heart of gold tames a beauty with a wicked past.

Follow the tour and enter to #win one of 5 paperback copies of Theodora (Lady Archer’s Creed book 1)

About The Book

Title: Adeline
Series: Lady Archer’s Creed #3
Author: Christina McKnight
Genre: Historical Romance Romance
Release Date: August 29, 2017


Everything changed for Jasper Benedict, the Earl of Ailesbury, the night his family died in a tragic fire—the same fire that left him disfigured. Now, his scars have given him the name the Beast of Faversham. But when he stumbles upon a damaged carriage during a tempest, the beautiful woman inside reminds him of the man he wishes he could be: free of his past, and able to love.


When her carriage breaks down outside Faversham Abbey, this is just the most recent in a long series of misadventures for Miss Adeline Price. Her beauty hides a fatal flaw: she’s quick to judge, and rarely looks beneath the surface. But the longer she’s around Jasper, the more she begins to want to be better—someone deserving of him.

But when it comes time to reunite Adeline with her family in London, will Jasper believe that she sees not his scars, but the good, honorable man he is?


Available at: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo

About The Author

Christina McKnight is a book lover turned writer. From a young age, her mother encouraged her to tell her own stories. She’s been writing ever since.

Christina enjoys a quiet life in Northern California with her family, her wine, and lots of coffee. Oh, and her books…don’t forget her books! Most days she can be found writing, reading, or traveling the great state of California.


You can visit her online at the following places: Website Facebook | Twitter Goodreads | Amazon

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