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FTC: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.  I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are mine.

In The Context of Love by Linda K. Sienkiewicz was a hard to book to read at certain points in the story. I don’t get very many books that I want to read because I am super interested in them but I have a hard time because of the subject matter in them. I didn’t give up on this book like I have with others and I am glad that I didn’t because I truly enjoyed this story and the authors style of writing. I felt myself feel the things that Angelica felt throughout the entire story because I got so wrapped in who she is and everything that happened to her. This book is a heavier book than any that I have read in the past few months but even saying that I loved this book and it is one that I will be keeping in my personal collection because I don’t think I could ever get rid of it. I would tell everyone that this is a heavier book but give it a chance because I think you will end up loving it.

In the Context of Love

About The Book

What makes us step back to examine the events and people that have shaped our lives? And what happens when what we discover leads to more questions?

Angelica Schirrick wonders how her life could have gotten so far off-track. With two children in tow, she begins a journey of self-discovery that leads her back home to Ohio. It pains her to remember the promise her future once held and the shattering revelations that derailed her life.

Can she face the failures and secrets of her past and move forward? Somehow she must learn to accept the violence of her beginning before she can be open to life, and a second chance at love.


Book Trailer

In the Context of Love | Book Trailer from Linda Sienkiewicz on Vimeo.

 Linda K. Sienkiewicz

About The Author

Linda K. Sienkiewicz is a published poet and fiction writer, cynical optimist, fan of corgis, tea drinker, and wine lover from Michigan. Her poetry, short stories, and art have been published in more than fifty literary journals, including Prairie Schooner, Clackamas Literary Review, Spoon River, and Permafrost.

She received a poetry chapbook award from Bottom Dog Press, and an MFA from the University of Southern Maine. Linda lives with her husband in southeast Michigan, where they spoil their grandchildren and then send them back home.

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