This is the first time I have done this MeMe but I figure why not. I have a lot of stories that I can write about so this should be too hard. Today’s story took place when I was 15 and learning to drive. Let me just tell you that I thought driving was dumb at the time and I didn’t want to learn because I didn’t want to drive. I wasn’t the kind of kid that was super excited to learn to drive. Anyway now on to the story.
My grandma took me out for the first time. She took me to an elementary school because it was on the weekend and I could go slow and what not. So we get to the school and we switch places and I start to drive. Lets just say I was super nervous and it didn’t help that my little brother was in the backseat. We were coming up to a curve and lets just say at that point I thought the car would turn itself I guess. So I didn’t turn the wheel and I hit the curb but not only did I hit the curb I also took a chunk out of the tire and they had to buy a new tire because I ruined one. This fateful day was the day I started having issues with curbs that I still have today. The rims I have on my car now one of them is all beat up because of hitting a curb at work. My other car I was always running into curbs.
There is my story! I hope it gave you a good laugh. Have a great Tuesday!