This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number six which is: List 8 people, places, or things you’d like to give a timeout too. I chose this one because it made me smile and I wish that I could put people in my life in time out. There are quite a few things that I want to put in time out, so let’s just get on the list.
- The very first thing on this list has to be the people who have been working on getting our emails working at work. We are at a week down, and there still is no end in sight. I get that is can be hard at times but over a week just seems like someone isn’t doing their job. I also can’t even imagine how much work and money we are losing because we aren’t receiving any emails. (They are up and working now. I wrote this a few days ago and they weren’t working yet.)
- The next thing that needs a time out is the crazy spring weather in Utah. It will go from freezing to 80 degrees and then back to freezing over two or three days.
- Stupid drivers are the next people that need a timeout. I have had to commute for years now, and I have seen some crazy things like one lady curling her hair. I want them all to be in timeout so that we make it to work safely without any stress.
- The next things that need a time out are the stupid birds that insist on eating the cat food that I put out for my stray cats at work. It makes me so mad to see the birds eating all of the food that I bring for the cats so most of the day I leave the food inside until I see a cat waiting for it.
- The next people that need a time out is most of the men in my family because they just get on my nerves, and I would love to make them sit in the corner.
- Next, up I wish I could put my health insurance in time out because it sucks and doesn’t cover anything, so I am going to be upside down in medical debt again.
- I also would love to put some of the women that I work with in time out. I have worked with the same group of men for almost years, and we were all hired by another company in January. The new business has a ton of women working for them, and we all know that women tend to have drama, so I want to put them all in time out because I have no patience for drama or high school games.
- The very last thing that I would love to put in time out is Google. I have a love-hate relationship with Google, so I want to put them in time out because I can.
Those are the eight things and people who need a time out. I am sure I will think of more once this post is live so maybe I will make this post into a series of posts in the future.
What or who do you think needs a time out?
Here are all the other prompts for this week in case you want to pick one and join in:
1. Throwback Thursday: Choose a photo from a previous May and write a poem or a blog post.
2. You are given a part to act in a show you watch. Which show would you choose?
3. Share a lesson you learned from your Mother that still sticks with you to this day.
4. Write a blog post inspired by the word: red.
5. Talk about your favorite social media platform and why you love it so much.
6. List eight people, places, or things you’d like to give a timeout to.