FTC: I received a free copy of this book from iRead Book Tours in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.
The Company Files: 1. The Good Man by Gabriel Valjan was an interesting book, but I had a hard time staying interested in what was going on. It is a book that I am glad I didn’t give up on because I did enjoy it at the end but getting through parts of it was super hard for me. I found that I was always skim reading parts of it because I would get so bored with the story. I did wish that I knew more of the backstories of the characters right at the start so that I could have kept them all straight right from the start. They do give you a list of the characters, but I wished I would have known more about each of them, but I also know that isn’t how most books go. I did love that this book takes place after World War Two because that time period is my favorite. If you are looking for different type of book that takes place right after WWII than I would pick up a copy of this one and let me know what you think about this book.
About The Book
Book Title: The Company Files: 1. The Good Man by Gabriel Valjan
Category: Adult Fiction, 251 pages
Genre: Thriller, Historical Fiction, Crime Fiction, Espionage
Publisher: Winter Goose Publishing
Release date: December 2017
Tour dates: Feb 12 to March 2, 2018
Content Rating: PG + M (No bad language but there is an attempted rape scene, and some violence.)
In 1948, Vienna was divided among four powers: France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Jack Marshall had served with Walker during the war, and now, working together for The Company, they are tasked to do the inconceivable. Could former Nazis really be recruited to assist the U.S. in the atomic race? As their team moves forward, they quickly discover they are not the only ones looking for these men. And the others in the search may just have the objective of murder.
In this tale of historical noir, of corruption and deceit, no one is who they say they are. Who is The Good Man in a world where an enemy may be a friend, an ally may be the enemy, and governments deny everything?
About The Author
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