My brother had his gallbladder out on Sunday and I wanted to write about something here because I see a lack of it respect for choices that others make regarding their own bodies and/or lives. I love people sharing information with me but I get tired of people trying to push their views on me and others. Everyone makes different choices because everyone is different.
For example I know now my doctor doesn’t totally agree with some of my choices but she has left it up to me. She tells me her opinions and what she would do if she was me. I have seen a lot this going around and it upsets me because everyone makes choices based on their own lives and their own situations.
This doesn’t have to do with just health things but anything going on in people’s lives. I have stopped sharing most things on Facebook because I get tired of people judging and/or trying to push their views on me and my other friends. I came to realize while I was pregnant what it feels like to be judged and I try my hardest not to judge anyone. I know that we all judge people on some level but I do my best to keep in check because I know how it felt to be judged and it is an horrible feeling.
I have friends in my life that I don’t agree with their choices but I do respect them and I also allow them to live their lives as they see fit. There is no way that everyone in the world will agree with what you do or how you do it but people need respect their choices.