I just finished reading “Please Stop Laughing At Me” by Jodee Blanco.  I have never written a book review but I loved this book and wanted to share some parts of it with you.  More than that though I really think that everyone should read this especially teenagers.  This book is about the bullying that she endured while she went to school.  She had to go through this all through school and now as an adult isn very successful and is trying to spread more awareness of bullying in schools.
I also had to endure bullying from about 5th grade until I graduated.  I got 2 years of relief when I went to a different school but when I came back it started up again.  Now what I endured wasn’t nearly as bad she what she went through but it was bad enough to make my life hell.  I think the bullying is on the rise and parents and kids need to take more of a stand to try and stop it.  I know it won’t ever be totally gone away but maybe if kids read this book they will see what it does to kids and more kids will try and stand up for the kids that are always picked on.