One of the prompts from last weeks writers workshop was to list 6 random facts about me. Since I am not sure what I have shared and what I haven’t shared I decided I was going to ask my grandma to tell me six random things about me from when I was growing up and I would post what she said so here are her answers: (I was hoping to have pictures for most of these but I couldn’t get my scanner at home to work so there won’t be any pictures)
- I was probably 3 or so but she put me in a tree and took a picture of me and I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not. I thought this was funny because I hate heights to this day so this is still so true!
- I loved to wash dishes when I was younger. When she told me this I looked at her and said to bad I am not like that anymore lol
- There was one time when my mom dropped me off at my grandparents house that my braids were so tight that they stuck out from the side of my head like Pippi Longstockings did and mine didn’t even need wire in them!
- I have loved cats since I was a baby. There are pictures of me looking at cat books and what not when I was a baby.
- I eat strange things such as Avocado’s, Kiwi’s, Pomegranates and things like that. Now this isn’t weird now but back when I was in elementary school it was super weird because people didn’t eat many things like that.
- When I was learning to ride a bike I guess I borrowed a bike of one of the kids that lived behind us at the time. Well his older sister came to get the bike and I was pissed off because he said I could borrow it. Well as she was leaving I yelled out this out the door at her “You’re a butt head and your whole family is a butt head!” I still laugh when she tells me about this because it just so me and who I am.
So those are the 6 random facts about me that my grandma told me!