I chose a quote by James A. Baldwin for this week’s quote.

When I saw this quote I knew I wanted to use it because I think it is one of the truest quotes that I have read in quite awhile.  I say that because look what happened in Florida last week.  It makes me sad that there are people in this world who have no problem going into a school or any other location and kill complete strangers because they are mad and feel like they have nothing to lose.  I wish that the government would do something to try make these mass shootings stop.  I have no idea how we can stop them but I think it is time to sit down and figure it out.  Those are just a few of my thoughts on this quote.  I also want everyone to know that my thoughts and prayers are with the people in Florida who are having to deal with this situation.

What do you think about this week’s quote by James A. Baldwin?

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