FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.
The Pattern Artist by Nancy Moser was an okay book. I honestly don’t remember much about this book because I read it at the end of last year and I don’t remember much about it. That being said I do remember liking this book, but it was very memorable to me. I know that this happened before with other books and it always tends to be historical fiction books. I usually enjoy the books but after I move on to another book I forget the one that I read last. If you like historical fiction than I would sure tell you to check out this book.
About The Book
English housemaid Annie Wood arrives in New York in 1911. On her own for the first time working as a Macy’s sewing department clerk, Annie catches the eye of a salesman at the Butterick Pattern Company. Through determination, hard work, and God’s leading, Annie discovers a hidden gift: she is a talented fashion designer—an artist of the highest degree. As she runs from ghosts of the past and focuses on the future, Annie enters a creative world that takes her to the fashion houses of Paris and into a life of adventure, purpose, and love.
About The Author
Her latest historical novels are the Downton Abbey-inspired Manor House Series:”Love of the Summerfields”, “Bride of the Summerfields”, and “Rise of the Summerfields.”
Also new is “The Pattern Artist” about Macy’s and the Butterick Pattern company.
Her historical bio-novels allow real women-of-history to share their life stories:”Just Jane” (Jane Austen), “Mozart’s Sister” (Nannerl Mozart), “Washington’s Lady” (Martha Washington) and “How Do I Love Thee?” (Elizabeth Barrett Browning.)
“An Unlikely Suitor” was named to Booklist’s Top 100 Romance Novels of the last decade.
Nancy’s time-travel novel, “Time Lottery”, won a Christy Award, and “Washington’s Lady” was a finalist.
Her contemporary books are known for their big-casts and intricate plotting. Some titles are “The Invitation”, “John 3: 16”, “Weave of the World”, “The Sister Circle”, “The Seat Beside Me”, and “The Good Nearby”.
Nancy and her husband live in the Midwest. She’s earned a degree in architecture, traveled extensively in Europe, and has performed in numerous theaters, symphonies, and choirs. She knits voraciously, kills all her houseplants, and can wire an electrical fixture without getting shocked. She is a fan of anything antique–humans included.
Find out more: nancymoser.com.
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