A Few Of My Favorite Songs

I haven’t written about music that I love for quite a long time, and I wanted to list a few songs that I am loving.  I used to post songs I loved on Mondays and if you wish to check those posts out you can click here to see them.  Let’s get on to a few of the songs that I am currently loving.

 If you click on the title of the song, it will take you to the video on YouTube that you can watch.

  1. See You Again ft. Charlie Puth by Wiz Khalifa.  I loved this song since I first heard it.  I wasn’t a huge fan of the movie, but I do love this song, and it is one of the ones that I put on repeat as I drive home from work.
  2. Love Yourself by Justin Bieber.  I just started listening to this song last week because I don’t follow the popular music anymore, so I never hear about songs until they are older.  I can’t help but sing along with the song, and it makes me wonder what else I have missed.
  3. Time Of Our Lives by Pitbull & Ne-Yo. This song is one that I loved when it came out but I forgot about it until a few weeks ago, and it reminds me of why I love Pitbull & Ne-Yo.  This song makes me car dance because you can’t help but dance when you listen to it.
  4. Black And Yellow by  Wiz Khalifa.  I am adding this song because even though I don’t listen to this song all that often it is one that I will randomly just start singing because it gets stuck in your head no matter what you do or, at least, it does for me.

  5. Big Guitar by Blackhawk.  I didn’t know anything about this song until 2014 when I started to listen to the 90’s Country station on Pandora and once I heard this song I was hooked.  They have such a different sound, and I know that is why I love it like I do.

I am going to stop at five but if you would like me to do this more often let me know and I will do it again.  What songs or artists are you currently loving to listen to?

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