FTC: I received a free copy of this book through CLP in exchange for my honest review.  I received no other compensation.

Book Review Graphic

Starting From Lost by SK Wills surprised me because I didn’t think I would like it but I ended up loving it.  I didn’t know if I would like  Hannah when the book started because she didn’t seem like someone that I would get along with.  But once I was a few chapters into the book I began to like her.  She has the kind of personality that bother me, but they usually end up growing on me.  I felt bad for Hannah and what happened to before the book started and I love watching, and she moved on and learned more about herself and life.  In the end, I fell in love with the characters and this authors style of writing.  I can’t wait to read another book by this author and I am sure that almost everyone would end up loving this book like I did.

Starting From Lost by SK Wills

About The Book

Love is a risk. If you lose it all, would you dare to risk it twice?

Hannah Rogers is lost: cynical, insecure, and withdrawn. Skeletons forged through a bad breakup that should have been a marriage proposal. Now four years later, Hannah follows her dead-end job to the big city where her only hope is to survive the next eight months as her flirtatious boss’s personal assistant. The last thing her predictable life needs is to collide with the boy responsible for breaking her heart, or the twist of fate that sends a sexy new neighbor to awaken feelings she’s long since put to bed.

Alex Sorrento doesn’t have any room in his life for another pet project. He’s already put aside his career and his personal dreams to follow his half-sister Mackenzie to the big city. Lost in the guilt over the events that nearly took her life, he feels he owes her that much. When Mackenzie befriends the new girl on the second floor, Alex finds himself defenseless against the sizzling chemistry between them and the sadness in her eyes. Can he protect Hannah from her ex without losing his heart?

In this turbulent journey about self-discovery, forgiveness, and love, some second chances aren’t worth taking, but others have their own rewards.

SK Wills

About The Author

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S.K. Wills grew up with reading in her blood; a favorite pastime passed down thanks to her two beautiful grandmas. Wanting to inspire others, like good books inspire her, she added “write a romance novel” to her bucket list, and ultimately, checked it off. Writing makes her soul happy, and since she’s now hooked on story-crafting, she’s decided to stick with it for as long as it will have her. S.K. lives in Southeastern Michigan, and juggles expertly (or so she thinks!) also being a passionate marketer and entrepreneur helping other authors reach their writing dreams. She fuels her insatiable dream-chasing with what some would consider an unhealthy amount of coffee, and she wouldn’t have her crazy busy life any other way. To learn more, visit her at:http://skwills.com/

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