This weeks quote is by Jimmy Dean.
The funny think about this quote is the fact that I saw for the first time a few weeks ago when I got a new phone case from Phone Case Of The Month and this was the quote that was on the little card that comes with each case you get. I knew once I saw the quote again that I had to use it. It is so true and something I know I need to be reminded of all the time. I am finding myself in a weird mental state as of late so this quote came into my life at the right time. This is one I am going to keep on my desk at work because I need the reminder.
What do you think of this weeks quote by Jimmy Dean?

They have this quotation on a bridge (along with some others) at the summer camp where my daughter goes each summer. I *love* it! –Lisa
The Dose of Reality recently posted…Forget #30 Days Of Gratitude, We’re Doing #29 Days Of Complaining
It is a great quote!! Thanks for stopping by!
Margaret Tidwell recently posted…The Three Year Lie by Amber Walter
I could not agree more! It is only possible to control what you can

MryJhnsn ( recently posted…The Ultimate House Cleaning Playlist
Yes it is
Margaret Tidwell recently posted…Vacation by JC Miller
Love it! I am in the process of adjusting my sails myself!
Kristen Kelly recently posted…2014 Holiday Gift Guide for Toddlers
I am glad you like it!
Margaret Tidwell recently posted…Vacation by JC Miller