MSI was reading this post last week and I loved how it described what some of this things that people Multiple Sclerosis go through and it made me want to list a few of the things that I deal with because of the MS.  I know that people who are around me don’t know what I go through most of the time because I am not the kind of person who complains or even talks about what I am feeling so I think this list will help others who are newly diagnosed to know that they aren’t alone.  So here goes the list:

  • Right now the number one thing I am dealing with is insomnia & extreme fatigue.  I wish there as a way to explain how it the fatigue I am experiencing is different from just a regular person feeling tired.  The best way to describe it that I can come up with is that it takes to much energy to even breath.  If I could stop breathing I would because it takes more energy than I have at that moment.
  • My fingers have been totally numb for about 6 years or so.  When it first happened it was scary because I couldn’t type or really do anything.  I taught myself to type and how to do everything that I used to do.  The reason that this bugs me is because there are somethings that I touch that I have to drop because I can’t stand how they feel on my fingers.
  • I get random shooting pains that come out of no where and go away as quickly as they came.
  • Headaches/Migraines: I have been struggling with these before I was diagnosed.  I am pretty sure that the migraines I get are part of my MS because they have never really said one way or another.
  • My legs just deciding that they no longer need to work when I am walking or when I go to stand up from sitting.

Those are the main things that I deal with on a daily basis.  I know there are more things but because of the whole lack of sleep and fatigue those are the only ones I can think of.

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13 Comments on MS Tuesday-Crazy Things I Deal With

    • My vision is actually getting worse and it is something I need to look into at my next appointment.

    • Thank you! That is one of the biggest things I want to accomplish when I share parts of my story.

  1. Hi. I do not have MS, so I can’t compare to what you are feeling like. I do suffer from another auto-immune disorder, though. This has lead me to research how the human body functions. And what I am finding is that our bodies are under so many attacks from toxins in our environment, stress, and the food that we eat. All of these cause inflammation, which is the root cause of our ailments, just that they manifest themselves differently person to person.

    We take our health for granted while we are healthy. Once we get sick, then we start paying notice. Dr Terry Wahls has MS, and was wheelchair bound. She researched ways to stop and reverse her ailment. She chronicles her story here: How I Beat MS – The Wahls Protocol DadsGreenLife . com/wahls-protocol/ (remove the spaces)
    Victor Goguen recently posted…The Thyroid Session – Encore WeekendMy Profile

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