This weeks quote is by Rose Kennedy. Read the quote and then I will tell you my thoughts on it.
From the minute I saw this quote I knew I had to use it. I have wondered quite a few times in the past couple years if time really does heal all wounds or if like Rose says you just learn to deal with the pain because there are days when it feels like everything just happened yesterday and not years ago. I wish that time could actually make things go away completely because it is hard to not know when something is going to remind you of the past and put you into a tailspin.
What do you think of this quote??? What quotes are you loving right now???

I tend to think that time does heal (or dull) all wounds. But I am a bit older than you, so maybe it’s because I’ve had more healing time!
Ya I am waiting and I will see. I just wish time would heal things quicker if you know what I am saying. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment!
I couldn’t agree more. Time doesn’t heal, we just grow accustomed to living with the pain of missing someone forever.
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Ya I thought that when I saw the quote as well. Thank you for stopping by!
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