Two Faced People

So this week the thing that has driven me insane are two-faced people.  I am so tired of people who will say one thing to your face and then turn around and say or do something that goes against what they said to your face.  I have been at my current job of years now and lets just say I deal on a daily basis with people like this and I am reaching my limit with this kind of stuff.

The industry that I work in being two-faced is pretty common and I will never understand why people can’t just say to my face what they are thinking about what they are saying behind my back.  I was on Facebook a few weeks ago and I saw this saying and I loved it!

My Back Is Not A Voicemail . . .

This is how I am feeling about how things are at my job.  I have really reached my limit but I don’t think there is anything that I can really do about it.  It just amazes me that the people who I work with act like they are in high school.  It is just old and it sucks that the people who are doing it think that I am not smart enough to know what is going on but that is a whole different post.

I guess the point of this post is that I am so tired of people who can’t just be honest and tell me what they think of me while I am standing there.

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2 Comments on Two Faced-People – Things That Drive Me Insane

  1. Yeah it sucks allright. It pisses me off because it’s ridiculous. The only way I can make myself feel better is to try and think about my own actions. I don’t think that I’m two-faced, but then again, no one thinks that they’re two faced. If no one thinks that they’re two faced and everyone knows a bunch of two faced people, well, the math doesn’t add up! So I try to focus my attention on making sure that I’m telling the same thing to everyone, and not changing my story behind someone’s back and whatever. Sometimes the best thing we can do is just try to make ourselves better, right?
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