I usually don’t bring up current events on my blog but when I say this story I knew I had to say something.  I am disgusted that teachers treat students like this.  How in the hell can someone treat anyone like they treated this poor girl.  What makes it even worse to me is the fact that the teacher is still teaching kids!  Bullying is horrible  and never should happen but what makes it worse is the fact that this poor beautiful girl was being bullied by the people that should keep her safe and make sure that no one hurts her.  Everyday I see more and more children committing suicide because of bullying and something really needs to be done.  How can anyone live with themselves knowing that they pushed someone to kill themselves and how can a teacher do this to a child.  I was bullied and it make me so sad to see so many children get bullied and now to know that teachers maybe doing it as well as other students breaks me heart.

There isn’t much more to say other than the teacher needs to lose her license so that she is no longer around children!

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