I was barely 18 in 1975 when I gave up my son. I live in Alberta, Canada and at the time the Alberta Government looked after adoptions. I came from a supportive family and my parents said they would stick by me and my decision.  I knew from early on in my pregnancy that I would give up my son for adoption.  The father of my son was not in the picture. I wanted him to have every chance with 2 parents.  In 2004, the Alberta Government opened up all adoption records.  Unfortunately there was quite a backlog and only 2 people assigned to work on this large task. I was already on the registry but called to get an application.  It took a long time and I had heard nothing.  I called in March or April only to find out I hadn’t filled out the papers correctly. The papers were sent back to me to fill in again.   After filling out the forms again, I resent them.  I waited and waited and by August I went to my member of parliament to get some help. 
By September 26, 2005, my son’s 30th birthday they arrived in the mail. I was overwhelmed at seeing for the first time, my son’s name was Steven. I didn’t know what to do so I called my older sister and she told me to search for phone numbers and start calling.  I found names on the computer in Canada 411 (a telephone white pages on line)  I only made four calls and the fourth call was to Steven’s aunt.  She didn’t let on that she was related and wished me luck on my quest.  She called her brother (Steve’s Dad as she had call display) and he called Steve and Steve called me.  I asked him if it was his birthday and he said yes. I told him who I was and asked him if he had a good life.  He said he had and asked me the same. I have had a great life and better now that I found you.  I told him I always knew we would meet someday and I was thrilled.   I had moved to Calgary which is 180 miles south of Edmonton, where he was born, in Jan 1979. It turns out Steve family moved to Calgary that same year.  We lived close by each other for a few years. Steve only worked a couple of blocks from my work. I met his parents and adopted sister as well. We all went to dinner.  My son Tony and I were invited to his wedding and his mom introduced us to her 12 siblings.  It was very emotional. I told Steve’s Dad that I couldn’t have made a better choice for parents.  He said that the children never once gave them any trouble. Steve has been married now for 2 years and they are expecting their first child. Unfortunately his Dad passed away 6 months after the wedding.  We now look forward to the birth.  I am blessed!


2 Comments on Helena’s Story

  1. Wow, what an interesting space. I have read through some of these stories and I am amazed at the love of a mother. When my son passed away in June 2009, my hubby and I were on the road of grief when we decided to start the adoption process. Our son was born last October, but we are still going through the process to hopefully add one special child to our family through adoption.

    Kudos to all the mothers here. This is a great site.

    I am a new follower from the Thursday hop.

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