Saturday 9: What a Fool Believes
1. What celebrity do you think is the MOST foolish?
I think all of them are total idiots.  I can’t really pick one that I think is the most foolish. 
2. What are 5 things you don’t care about?
Stupid People
People who are rude
People who abuse animals
Men who hit women
3. What ‘issue’ do you think your opinion is so right about that you end up trying to sway others to your point of view?
A lot of them.  I have strong opinions on child abuse and molestation but I don’t really talk about them because I hate arguing with people over them.  NO one will ever change my view on those subjects.
4. What personality do you like to listen to on the radio?
I listen to 97.1 ZHT
5. What culture are you fascinated by?
I am fascinated by all different cultures.  I love to learn about people and what they think and do.
6. You are alone with your lover’s diary. What do you do?
Probably read it because I am nosey and don’t trust men.
7. What frustrates you?
Stupid people!
8. Do you remember the first time you were on the internet? What did you do first?
I can’t remember I know I was in middle school though and it was on AOL
9. What was the biggest fight you have ever had with someone?
I have had lots of fights with people and most of them are pretty big because I am a hot head and don’t have a filter when I am mad.  I always say what I am thinking even if I shouldn’t say it.

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