Saturday 9: Hard Habit to Break
1. Do you have any habits or rituals at this time of year?
Nope I don’t and that is okay with me.  Since 2008 I hate this time of year so I always just hope it will pass quickly!
2. Polar bears seem to do well in the snow… How about you? Is snow just another thing you deal with when it shows up, or is it shutdown time? …and if you’re posting from a non-snowy locale, do you make trips to actually see snow? It’s okay to admit it…
I hate the snow!!!!!  I am in Utah and I hate driving and even watching it snow.  It always causes idiots to come out of the wood work and cause accidents
3. Tell about a toy you remember from your childhood.
I don’t remember very many things but one thing I remember are my Barbies and Dolls that I used to play with.  I also had a stuffed dog that I loved other than that I don’t really remember much.
4. If you could make one thing in the world absolutely free for everyone, what would it be?
Food!!!!!  There is no reason that people should have to go hungry.
5. Do you live close to your immediate family members? If not, how far away are they?
Ya I live with them because I can’t afford rent because of all my doctor bills.
6. My mom ordered a turkey dinner from a local market. it was o.k., but not very good. how was your turkey (or last holiday meal) this year?
It was good.  I have had 3 that I can think of and they were all good but I do love turkey and chicken.
7. In a one horse open sleigh: Have you ever been on a sleigh ride or a carriage ride? Do you even like horses? Or would you just rather travel by your own two feet?
No I haven’t been on one but I think it would be fun and no I don’t like horses in fact I hate them.
8. What is your favorite Christmas song? …and sung or played by whom? You know, the one you tend to listen for on the radio or hit ‘repeat’ on the player…
I don’t have a favorite Christmas song.  I never have had a favorite either or at least I can’t remember having one.
9. What is your least favorite Christmas song? …and sung or played by whom? You know, the one you tend to skip on the player…
I don’t listen to Christmas music so I don’t have one that I hate.  I only listen to it if someone else is listening to it.
Also I wanted to let everyone know that right now Melissa has a lot of personal things happening in her life and won’t be posting for awhile.  You should all go over to Suger Filled Emotions and give her some love because she really needs it right now!

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