This week for the Writers Workshop I picked number 1.) Have you ever had a fight with a long time best friend and never made up? Do you think about her from time to time and think about contacting her? What would you say? What if it didn’t work out? What if it did? (inspired by Elizabeth from Mama Sick). I picked this one because I had a great friend all through high school and around the time I got pregnant we got in a fight and to be honest I have no idea what we were fighting about.  I have several ideas but I not 100% sure what we fought about but I do know that ever since then we haven’t spoken until a month or so ago.  She sent me a message on Facebook that said she was sorry she couldn’t be the friend I needed her to be.  I was shocked and taken back by it because I am pretty sure I caused the fight.  I sent her back a message telling her that I don’t really remember what we were fighting about and that I would love to talk to her again.  We exchanged numbers and we talked a couple times for our birthdays.  I have always wondered what she was up to and things like that but I have never had the guts to email her and see how she is doing.  She is really the only person I have ever fought with that I have missed being in my life.  I have the attitude that if you are in my past there is a reason for that and leave people there but with her I have always wondered.  I hope her and I can get close again because I do miss having a friend that is my age!

2 Comments on Susan

  1. Rekindling old friendships can be hard, but worth it. I hope it works out the way you want it to. It sounds like she's just as interested in restarting the friendship as you are, which is a good thing.

  2. This is awesome Margaret!!! I hope it all works out for you!! I have the same attitude, and was just thinking about my lost friend that has been in my life sine I was 5, and is more like a brother then a friend when I checked my email, and seen this. Him and I got into a fight last year over what? I have no idea? I think he was mad about a video game we were playing!! He would never talk to me about why he was upset? He would make his wife. Over a game? We are not children, he is 34 with 7 kids. I still cannot believe this, cause I have no idea what I did? I love this guy a lot!! He has always been my best friend, for 28 years!! I miss him dearly, and was thinking about him, and wondering if I should message him? I don't think he will answer my call. Or do I leave it alone, and say forget him? I am lost at this time, but think about him all the time. Like I said he is like a brother to me, and I still speak with the rest of his family (brothers and mom). Thank you for the post, and I wish you nothing but the best with this long,lost friend!! I am excited for you, and hope one day me and my friend can reunite (I think he is VERY bi-polar and gets VERY upset easily so it scares me. Please keep us posted, and enjoy your friendship!! We all need one!!

    One Love

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