1. Have you, or has someone close to you, ever won an award for anything? (I just came from my dad’s ceremony wherein he was given a medal of honor by the French government for service in France in WWII. Pictures to follow.)
I got a lot of awards when I was in high school but other than that I don’t think anyone I know has won anything.
2. Who is the nearest relative to you who has served in the US Military?
My grandpa, uncle, dad, and brother all have served or are still serving in the case of my little brother.  I would have joined as well if I hadn’t been diagnosed with MS at such a young age.
3. Share something that stirs the patriotic spirit in you.
Seeing people in uniform and attending a military event.
4. Where are you in the birth order in your family? Do you think your “placement” made a difference in your personality?
I am the oldest-It definitely made me feel like I need to be in charge of everything.
5. Name one trait you hope you carry that was evidenced in your parents or grandparents.
I would say stubbornness but I can tell you that I got a double dose of it-I used to think I was the most stubborn person in my family but my little brother takes the cake on that one.
6. If female, do you prefer wearing a skirt or pants? If male, shirt and tie or polo?
Pants for sure!  I don’t even own a skirt or dress for that matter.
7. Approximately how many times do you wake during the night? What do you do to go back to sleep?
I can’t even count and that is dependant on when and if I actually fall asleep.  I have horrible insomnia so I don’t sleep that much and I can go days and days on just a few hours of sleep.
8. Share a favorite movie quote.
“My tail isn’t bushy til 9!”
9. What is your favorite Fall candle scent?
I am not a huge fan of fall scents.
10. What is one Fall activity you’re looking forward to?
Football baby!!!!!
11. Tell us about a pleasant surprise that happened to you recently.
I haven’t really had anything that surprised me lately.
12. What was it like when you first met your in-laws-to-be?
When they came out for the wedding and they were actually his grandparents because lets just say he comes for a dead beat family and they didn’t come for the wedding.  I should have looked at them and called it all off!!!!!

3 Comments on Randon Dozen

  1. lol @ the last one.. one of those crap what am I doing moments…
    I am a military brat as well.. Navy brat at that, yet married and dated everything BUT Navy lol

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