Month: July 2010

Day 23- A You Tube Video & Saturday 9

There are so many videos posted on You Tube that I don’t know I could pick just one.  I love all the ones that are made by soldiers while they are deployed!  I am going to post one of those because they either make me laugh or cry!


Saturday 9: Make Me Say It Again, Girl

1. Do you feel that you need to keep repeating yourself when talking to a particular person?
I had to do that with the ex and it drove me totally crazy!!!!  I hate repeating myself.  I started to tell him at the end that if he didn’t hear me the first time then it was his loss and I wasn’t going to repeat myself!  I know that because of the MS I may not say things clearly so I do repeat myself but if it always the same person asking it drives me totally crazy!
2. It’s July. Do you have anything special planned?
Hiding til after the 8th and then going on with life.
3. Who is your big celebrity crush?
I don’t really have one to be honest with everyone.  I am not big into having crushes on people.  Hell right now I am done with men!
4. Tell us about a local restaurant you are sure we’d love.
I love Village Inn.  It is like Denny’s or IHOP but so much better!  I could go there everyday of my life and be okay with it.
5. Tell us about the shyest person that you deal with regularly.
Myself-I am super shy and I think I am the only shy person in my life right now.  I tend to keep the outgoing people around me so that I don’t have to do anything but stick to myself.
6. What is your vision of heaven and hell?
Heaven will be a great place to live.  You won’t have any worries or wants.  Where as hell will be miserable and you will want to get out of there.
7. What is your neighborhood like?
It is starting to get old and run down looking.  You have people that take great care of their house’s and yards and then you have the people who could careless about taking care of things in their yards.  All in all it is starting to get run down.
8. What’s your favorite cook-out food?
Hot Dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. When was the last time that you saw fireworks?
I didn’t go last year so the year before that was probably the last time I watched them.

Day 22- A Website 5 Question Friday

Today’s topic is just a website.  There are lots of websites out there that I like.  I go to Facebook all the time and I also use Blogger all the time.  I read over 200 blogs so there again are a lot of websites.  I am always looking for new blogs to read and new sites that have DIY tips on blogging!  This is short but I couldn’t think of anymore and I didn’t wanna list any because I don’t have favorites!

1. What is one thing you miss the most about childhood?
Not having to worry about bills and going to work everyday.  I also would love a summer vacation where I didn’t have to worry about anything!
2. Are you still friends with your friends from high school?
Nope-I don’t even talk to hardly anyone from high school
3. Is there a catch phrase, cliche, or word that just drives you bonkers every time you hear it?
Not really oh wait UMMMM or Like drives me nuts
4. What is one thing that you think symbolizes America…besides “Old Glory”?
The military
5. What are your 4th of July weekend plans?
A whole lotta nothing!  Just reading and blogging!

Day 21-A Recipe

There are tons of recipes that I like but I am going to post one that we don’t have very often because grandma hates mashed potatoes.


1 lg. onion, diced
2 cans tomato soup
2 c. grated cheese
3-4 lg. potatoes, boiled and mashed with salt, pepper, butter, milk
2 cans cut green beans
1 1/2 lbs. ground hamburger

Brown hamburger and onion in large pot. Drain fat and add green beans and tomato soup. Salt and pepper to taste. Place in casserole dish and spread mashed potatoes over the top. Sprinkle cheese over potatoes. Serve with garlic bread and salad

 You all should try it out and let me know what you think!!!!