I want to welcome everyone that is coming by today!!!!!  I am super excited to be the featured blogger by SITS today!  If anyone doesn’t know who they are you need to check them out because they are totally awesome!  They pick a blogger a day and feature that blogger.  Today is my day and I am super happy and excited that everyone is coming by today!!!!!

Let me tell you about me.  I am a 25 year old that is going through a divorce to a total idiot.  Here is a story from when I was learning to drive that I think you will find funny.  I also have written two post about Bullying which you can find here & here.  Bullying is something that I feel strongly about because I was bullied when I was in school.

I placed a baby for adoption when I was 20 and funny enough the 7th was her 5th birthday so this made that day easier on me! Here and here are where I wrote about the experience.

I have to cats that I call either the girls or the cubs and I treat them like they are children!  Here and here is a post that they posted on my blog awhile back.

 I also have Multiple Sclerosis.  I post updates about that all the time but here are two posts about M.S.
Me & The MS
FYI About MS

I am so glad that everyone  stopped by!  I will return visits and emails as soon as I can!!!!!!  Have a great day and I hope that you stick around!!!!!!


154 Comments on Welcome Sista’s!!!!

  1. Congrats on your SITS day! You have such a fun variety of posts to read through! Have a wonderful day! 🙂

  2. Congrats on your SITS day, a special day for you. I haven't looked around yet. Off to check out some of your posts.

  3. Hang in there sweetie! I divorced an idiot when I was 23 – you will find someone so much better! Congrats on being Saucy today!

  4. Congrats on being featured on SITS!! Reading through the MS posts and posts about Brita. All I can say is wow. You've been through quite a bit. You cat looks adorable and they sure know how to blog, LOL. Enjoy your SITS day.

  5. Congrats on your SITS Day! I look forward to exploring more of your blog and checking out some of the posts you mentioned here!

  6. Congratulations on your SITS day! I love finding bloggers my age (oddly enough sometimes that is hard to do…) and let me say, you have so many inspirational and emotional stories I don't know if I can take it! You're strength and honesty is amazing. I'm a new follower 🙂

    Cabin Fever in Vermont

  7. Wow. You've been through some shit yet you are still a very positive spirit. Very cool. Looking forward to reading through some of your posts and getting to know you better. Following and subscribing.

  8. congrats on your SITS day!!! Love to see someone else going through the 30 day blog journal! Can't wait to read yours! Your cats are adorable! Happy Thursday!

  9. Wow, Margaret! You have been through a lot for such a young age. I am amazed by your sharing spirit and bright soul.

    Congrats on your SITS day!


  10. Wow, I am blown away by how much you've been through at such a young age. You are clearly a very strong and inspirational woman.

    Congrats on your SITS Day! I look forward to reading more.


  11. Congrats on your SITS Day! Have a blast! Congrats also on your divorce. I'm sure you'll meet someone great! No sense in wasting your time being married to a jerk.

  12. Congratulations on being featured blogger at SITS! Wow, I love the variety of posts you have here. I'm going to direct my daughter-in-law to your blog as her mom has MS, too. Prayers to you that everything turns out better for you for your future! Lord bless you! =)

    {hugz} from a SITSta!

  13. Happy SITS day! You are very brave for all that you have been through and are facing now! God bless!

  14. Wow! Only 25 and you have been through a lot! I'm now going to read more of your blog. Happy SITS Day!

  15. Happy SITS day! It sounds like you've been through a lot in a very short amount of time – but you seem to have kept your sense of humor. Hang in there!

  16. Hi, Margaret!

    Happy SITS Day!

    I swear you've lived enough for two lifetimes in your 25 years. I can't imagine all the things you've gone through and seen. And to come through sounding so optimistic and happy. Wow. You're an inspiration!

  17. Congrats on your SITS day! You've been through a lot in such a little time. Thanks for sharing it all. I'm following now too.:)

  18. Happy SITS day!! My Uncle has MS and it has been a hard thing to watch him go through. Can't wait to have a look around your blog! 🙂

  19. It's great to meet you! You seem like an amazing women. My friend has MS and I've been a part of her team to raise money for the research for a cure. I believe that the day WILL come.
    Happy SITS day, you deserve to be featured!
    I'm a new follower!

  20. congrats on being featured!!!! I seriously could not imagine following/commenting back everyone who pools over from SITs. Enjoy it lol.
    I was curious what the days were counting to or from…

  21. Congrats on your SITS day!

    I just read a whole bunch of your posts… you have quite a story to tell! I'm glad we were introduced by the SITStas … I'll be back!

  22. congratulations on your special day today i have read a lot of your posts i just couldn't stop reading i must say you have a grate writing power another thing is you are so honest and just write what ever is there no secrets nothing to hide thats a very rare quality ,every day i come to meet with people in blog land who have sooo many problems and are passing through very difficult times you know what this teaches me ? that you should always look at the people who are even less fortunate then us who have even more problems then we have in our lives who are in even more pain then us and this make your heart so thank full to God that at least we are spending a life much better then sooooo many others i would recommend you a post to read on Little tots big ideas (a blog of one of my friend) (http://littletotsbigideas.blogspot.com/2010/06/real-mommies-real-challenges_5870.html)

    the post is about a very pretty lady who had every thing in her life and how a car accident took away every thing away from her,please dont think that i am preaching you some thing i realized from your posts that you are very depressed and i just want you to feel better and have faith in yourself that you still have what others might not and see how you beat the MS no more lesions :)best of luck with lots of good wishes from a sister

  23. Congrats on your SITS day! Hope you get lots of visitors. Off to check out your posts now. Have a wonderful day!

  24. WOW Girl! You are one heck of a lady! I admire your strength and courage in handling some of the things that you have faced. I'm so glad that you decided to share your story through this blog, because I think you are helping more people than you could ever realize.

    I've got two good friends who are living with MS. They both like to say that they define what living with MS looks like; but having MS doesn't define them!

    Happy SITS Day!

  25. happy SITS day!! wow…there is so much to read about. you've been through alot in 25 years. i am interested in reading your posts to see how you have coped. may your special day today is everything you hoped it would be 🙂

  26. Congrats on your SITS day, Margaret. I wish you best of luck in all that you have going on right now.

  27. Congrats on your SITS day! Your blog sounds like an interesting read. I can't wait to poke around a bit more!

  28. In a nutshell, you captured a LOT that has happened to you in your short quarter century lifetime. I'm interested to go and read now. 🙂 Off to the "here" links! Happy SITS day and Happy Thursday.

  29. Happy SITS day! It sounds like you have a lot going on in your life, I'm sure your blog is really interesting and inspiring – I'm off for a look around.

  30. It sounds like you have a very interesting life. I am looking forward to learning more about it. Congratulations on your SITS Day!

  31. Congrats on your SITS day. I was thrilled that you were featured because on of my closest friends has MS. She is a complete inspiration to me. She gets up at 4:30 every morning to workout, she researches the condition and has found some sources that are helping her prevent the progression. I will send her a link to your blog. I'm sure she'd love to stop by.

  32. Happy SITS day. I look forward to checking out your blog. I hope this year brings you much happiness.


  33. Stopping by from SITS! I also have two cats that I treat as if they're my children.

    I grabbed your button!

  34. Sounds like you have a life full of stories … am anxious to hear more from you..

    enjoy your SITS day!

  35. Congrats on your SITS day! I'm a new follower – I think your blog is super interesting, and most of all, totally you and from the heart. I look forward to reading 🙂 I'm a cat lover, too!

  36. Happy SITS Day! Wow you have been through a ton. Every single post you listed I want to read. I was adopted from a young mother who gave me up and it always fascinates me to read what the mother's point of view is. I always wonder if they remember my birthday…funny you mentioned that part. Hope you have a great SITS day & Happy blogging!!!

  37. Have a wonderful SITS day, and I hope you get to make new friends! Sounds like a whirlpool of experiences you have had, and I wish you the very best in all that comes your way in the future. Keep positive and shining.

  38. Happy SITS Day! I was 35 before I realized I needed to get rid of the idiot I was married to. It happens!

  39. Happy SITS day!

    I read your adoption posts. In understand why it bothers you when people say "Sorry". Without leaving a novel in your comments, I will just leave it at I complete relate to that situation and your feelings.

    I'm also a new follower. Have a great day!

  40. Happy SITS day. And as someone who has been divorced from a total idiot for about three years, I'm here to tell you things get better. I'm sorry about what you're going through, but hang in there.

    P.S. — Don't you love how they're nice one minute, trying to get you back, but when you turn them down, they get nasty?

  41. Wow, it sounds like you've lived quite a life already. Good luck in your divorce! Nothing but smooth sailing from here on, right? My boss has MS as well and I am interested to read about it from your perspective.


  42. Hey,

    thank you for writing that sweet "welcome" post, it's great! I will now go and read some more.

    PS: Your cats are super cute 🙂

  43. Hi, I'm Helena. I am excited to read your posts. Thank you for giving me some specific ones to read, they look really good.

  44. Congrats on your SITS day! You have an intriguing blog that drew me in right away. Look forward to checking more of it out!

  45. Congrats on your SITS day! You have an intriguing blog that drew me in right away. Look forward to checking more of it out!

  46. Congrats on your SITS day! You have an intriguing blog that drew me in right away. Look forward to checking more of it out!

  47. Visiting from SITS. I'm noticing the details you've put into your site- your button signature (recently updated), the stars diving each post, the scrolling blog button's in the side bar…You're site really reflects personality.

  48. Congrats! Have a fun SITS DAY! I am already enjoying your blog 🙂

    I divorced and idiot too…then I married my soul mate!

    I like your "children"…

  49. Wow. I can't believe you've gone through so much in such a short period of time. Being diagnosed with MS in the 10th grade — I can't imagine! My mom was diagnosed with MS when I was in the 7th grade, and I remember her going through all the same things you described in your post Me & the MS. She is still on Avonex, still has the terrible flu-like symptoms once a week. Luckily for her, she's only had one episode since she started the meds 15 years ago. I still pray though that she will make it to be able to run around with any future grandchildren she may have.

    God bless you, it looks like you've been through a lot of hardships, and I'm so glad you've found an outlet like blogging to get your thoughts out. And what a great network of SITstahs to share them with!

    Katie P

  50. Thanks for posting about MS. My Dad and my step-dad's mom both have it. Good to get some perspective and hear other people's stories!

  51. Congratulations on your SITS day!! Your cats are adorable. You have some interesting posts I look forward to reading.

  52. Wow, you've got a lot to talk about! Which leads to lots of interesting subjects for us to read about. 🙂 Congrats on being featured today!

  53. Happy SITS Day!!! I love your blog. Sorry to hear you are going through so much but you seem like a very strong woman. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  54. Congratulations on your SITS Day.

    I, too, am in the middle of divorcing a total idiot! I can't say that on my blog, though — I don't want my children to read it someday and see me saying bad things about their dad.

    Interesting that you are a birthmom — I am adopted.

    Love your blog, looking forward to reading more!

  55. happy sits day! it sounds like you have a pretty incredible life story. you've been through a lot in 25 years but seem to be pretty grounded! off to read some more and glad to be a new follower!

  56. you got a lot of comments there lady! 🙂 i love your design, i wonder who made it!! HAHA. hope you have a great day. oh and i love the part where you said "I am a 25 year old that is going through a divorce to a total idiot."

    love it!! haha

  57. Congratulations your your SITS day! Such a pleasure to meet you. Sorry to hear about the divorce, although, from your description of him, it sounds like your so much better off. I look forward to reading your posts. I don't know much about MS and am interested in learning more. Jenn

  58. Wonderful blog!! You're so brave to write so honestly about your divorce. I have a friend going through one now and although it's been very stressful, we're both relieved she'll soon be free of him and can move on with her life.

    Hang in there.

  59. Congrats on your SITS day! your blog is lovely. Wow, living with MS – I know your struggles must be very difficult. For the past year my doctors have been convinced I have MS, but I haven't been given a concrete diagnosis yet. I've been far too reluctant to get my MRI done to let me know one way or the other. I have lots of other health issues going on that cause me to react to even the simplest of things in a very bad way, which has been my reason for not getting my MRI (I'm afraid of my reaction to the contrast dye). But as of late, things are pointing more in that direction, although I keep hoping it's going to be something else. I'm so glad to have found someone like yourself that is willing to share their experiences with MS with others. Thanks so much! Peace. 😉

  60. Congrats on your SITS day!! You sound like you have a very interesting life and I'm eager to hop around and explore. I'm studying for my nursing boards this summer and I worked in a M.S center for a while so I love reading about people's health stories!
    Stay strong and Happy SITS day!!

  61. Congrats on your SITS day! Looking forward to checking out your blog!

    – Steph of formerlyhot.com

  62. Happy SITS day today! What a journey you have to write about. Going to check out some of your posts now!

  63. Happy SITS day, hope it's been a wonderful one for you! I have a blog hop going on . . .stop by and link up!!

  64. Hello & happy SITS day. I'm a patient blogger, too. I write about my life with chronic migraines and related health conditions. Glad to find your blog!

  65. Congrats Margaret! I love it when bloggers I regularly read are featured as the SITS blogger of the day!
    I was absolutely blown away by your amazing posts about the adoption of your daughter. It was such a beautiful story of the ultimate example of unconditional love.

  66. Congrats on your SITS day — I can tell there is a lot of good stuff here… I love the purse prompt – one of my favs!! You look like you are a LIST LOVER like me — glad I found you!

  67. Congrats on your SITS Day. I hope you enjoyed your day. Thank you for sharing your stories with us. The love you have for your daughter shown through as you wrote and your desire to put her needs first. You have certainly faced some tough decisions.

  68. Sounds like you have your hands full with everything going on in your life. Enjoy your day in the SITS limelight!

    Celebrate Life and Capture It!

  69. Happy SITS Day!!! So sorry I'm so late to the party, but it looks like you've had plenty of guests 🙂

  70. Congrats on your SITS day! And wow, you've led quite the life in such a short time! Best wishes always…

  71. Congratulations on you SITS day. You sure have been through a lot. You are a very strong woman. Glad to have had this chance to meet you.

  72. Wow you have certainly lived a lot of life in your young years. Praying that everything goes well for you.

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  73. Stopping by from SITs to say hi! Wow – you really are a strong individual! In May this year I took part in a 24 hours mega swim to raise money for people living with MS. It was such a great event and I had a very good school friend that was diagnosed in her early 20s. It felt great to be able to do something. MS is so misunderstood so thank you for sharing.

  74. Love your story of when you learned to drive. What out for those curbs!:) Happy SITS day!

  75. Stopping by from SITS! You are very courageous and there's a great honesty to your writing. Keep at it!

  76. I'm stopping by from SITS. I'm a day late, but that's because I wanted a chance to look around your blog a bit more.

    I read your posts about MS. I can't imagine how difficult those must have been to write. You're really brave for being so honest. I know how hard that can be. I hope that you have received loads of support, though! You seem like a very strong woman!!

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