I take lots of pictures so I am going to post a few that I haven’t posted on this blog!  For those that read my other blog you will know where these are taken at and why I was there.


Saturday 9: Jumping Someone Else’s Train

1. When was your last train ride?
The only train I have ever been on is Trax.  The last time I was on it was when I had to go to the apple store and get my laptop fixed.
2. How many foreign countries have you visited? Tell us about one.
Just Mexico and Canada.  I hated Mexico but I liked Canada.
3. What do you always take with you on vacation?
Cloths and things to entertain me because I get bored easily
4. Tell us about something you’ve lost recently.
I lose things all the time.  I can’t remember the last thing I lost but I am sure it was recently.  Oh wait I lost memory of a whole entire conversation I had at work with my boss lol.
5. Do you prefer action packed vacations or relaxing ones?
A little of both
6. How long will you wait in a check out line before abandoning your purchases?
I will wait until I get the checked out.  I don’t mind waiting in line.  Hell my favorite shopping day is the day after Thanksgiving
7. How old do you wish you were?
I am happy being 25 so I don’t want to be different age than what I am
8. Do you consider yourself kind?
I try to be but if I am pushed into a corner I will be a straight up bitch.
9. Tell us about your tattoos. Or if you had to get a tattoo, where and what would it be?
I don’t have any and I don’t know that I would get any because I change my mind so much I am sure I would end up hating it after a few weeks.

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