Saturday 9: I Want to Hold Your Hand

1. What do you notice about other people’s hands?
I really only notice the nails of other people.  I am not really a big hand person so I don’t pay much attention to them.

2. If someone was nosing around your house, what would you hope they wouldn’t see?
I wouldn’t care if you are being nosy then oh well.  If you don’t like what you find then don’t go being nosy.
3. Do you think that the more stuff you own enhances your life or adds to your burden?
Depends on what the stuff is.  The stuff in my life that I am making payments on is becoming more of a burden to me because I am not making the money I need to pay for it all but the things that I am not paying for are enhancing my life.

4. What was the last movie you saw in the theatre?
Probably “The Blindside” and it is a great movie!

5. What do you have under your bed?
A lot of things.  If you look under my bed it is at your own risk. 
6. What do you think your s/o or best friend would say about what makes you unique?
I would be scared to find out lol-I will ask them and then let everyone know what they say.

7. What’s your current favorite TV commercial?
I don’t watch much TV so I don’t have a favorite commercial

8. Who do you owe a phone call to?
No one that I can think of

9. Do you know about my friend’s new meme Wednesday Wickedness? Will you give it a try this week just for me? Please? 🙂
I don’t know about it but I will check it out and see what I think.

3 Comments on A Phone Call

  1. I stumbled across your blog and wanted to say hi.
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  2. Oh, I'm waiting to get Blind Side in the mail. Hope it's as good as everyone keep saying. I haven't seen a truly good movie in awhile.

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