Once again I am amazed at people how they act.  For the first time in a long time I am not even talking about my husband.  In fact things have been ok on that front since I posted that last update.  I think he read it and saw what he was really doing to me.  Anyways back to the reason for this post.  Today I went and picked up Miss CoCo and took her over to visit Misti.  CoCo is really Misti’s fiances dog.  He is currently not able to take care of her so she is at my “friends” house.  Well the last few weeks my “friend” has been acting really weird.  When I got to the house he is living in I find out that he has til Tuesday to get out.  He has known this for about two months and hasn’t once told me I needed to find a place for the dog to go.  In fact I still wouldn’t know if his ex wasn’t there helping the kids pack their things.  I mean good hell who is out of town on vacation when they are going to lose their house and all of their animals.  But the story gets even better than just that.  In the beginning there were two dogs but now only one of the dogs is alive and that is something that he never told me as well.  I was so heart broken to have to tell Misti that one of Ron’s dogs had to be put down and I am just now finding out about it and once again it is from his ex and not him.  I decided today that I am so over his games and what not.  Who the hell can act like they are a “friend” and not tell me what is going on and give me more than 2 days to figure out a place for this dog to stay.  I mean good hell it isn’t that hard to call or text me and let me know that he was losing the house and that I needed to find a place for the dog to go for about 17 days.  This post was more about me venting than anything else.  Now I am going to have to pull something out of my ass to find a place for this dog and I am out of options.  If anyone in the Salt Lake valley is willing to help me out for 17  days I would be really grateful.  If you can help out please leave a comment and I will get in touch with you ASAP!
I hope everyone is having a great Monday!

9 Comments on Tired Of High School Drama & Liars

  1. What a sad story- for both of you. I might ask if he is scared to tell you or depressed over the situation? Often we feel embarrassed or "stuck" about a situation and pretend to ourselves that if we just ignore it, it will go away or resolve itself.
    Or, he could just be inconsiderate! Either way, best of luck.

  2. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Some people wil stick their head in the sand, as if it will all go away. But when it affects someone else, that's just wrong…

  3. Maybe he was too embarrassed to tell you. Still he could have given you more time to find a place for the dog. I hope you find a place!

  4. I think you oughta kick that guy's ass.
    It would make me feel better; maybe you too.
    Sorry about being 2ooo miles away and not able to help.
    A kennel?

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