Book Review 1-2016

20 Short Ones by Dan Salerno was a good book that I was able to get through  pretty quickly.  I loved that each story in this book can teach you something different and I was able to learn from each one.  I love that this book has god in it and things like that but none of it is shoved down your throat so even if you aren’t super religious I still think you would enjoy this book.  If I has to pick a favorite story it would be  the second story in the book.  I liked this one because I could see myself in Tilley and I felt so bad for her.  If you love reading short stories than I know you will love this book because you can just read one or two of them when you have a few extra minutes to your self.
20 Short Stories By Dan Salerno

About The Book

Human relationships can be intriguing, heartbreaking, funny, frustrating, and soulful (among other things). Sometimes all at the same time.

20 Short Ones takes you from Northern Ireland to New York and places in between. Each story offers a snapshot experience and an opportunity to emotionally relate to the age-old mystery of how friendships (romantic or otherwise) happen, told from a faith perspective.

This book is written from a faith-based (Judeo-Christian) point of view so if you’re a fan of Christian Fiction, 20 Short Ones is for you!

Dan Salerno

About The Author

Dan Salerno has traveled to Northern Ireland five times and to Japan (once) on mission trips. This was before he lived in New York City for eight years, earning a master’s degree in social research while working for the National Coalition for the Homeless. After that he worked and lived at the Catholic Worker’s Joseph House near the Bowery, before moving back to the Midwest.

He eventually returned to New York and worked for a children’s ministry in Brooklyn, NY for 16 months soon after 9/11.

20 Short Ones, published by Westbow Press (a division of Thomas Nelson Publishing)is his first book. It’s an engaging collection of short stores each focusing on how relationships (romantic and otherwise) begin, told from a faith-filled (Judeo-Christian) perspective.

You can read a preview of 20 Short Ones on the Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Westbow Press and Christian Family Stores websites.

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