Quote Of The Week

This week quote is by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I loved this quote when I found it but if I am being honest I don’t know that I could ever do anything like this.  I am very much the person who will follow a path because I am so shy and hate to be noticed.  I am okay to just be in the background and not be noticed.

I have always wondered if it was something I would grow out of but now that I am 31 I think this is just who I am.  I can at times push myself and make myself do things I don’t want to but not very often.

Since I am being honest I can say the reason I have been at my job for 8 years even though I hate it is because the thought of finding and starting a new job makes me sick to my stomach.

What do you think of this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson?  

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