Queen Immortal by Kaci Morgan

Kaci Morgan is the author of The Queen Immortal Series. She found her passion for writing later in life, but for the last eight years she has worked on honing the craft to the best of her ability by attending local classes, seminars, and reading books about the craft and in the genre. 

As a wife and mother, she feels that writing has helped her to find a sense of purpose, and to understand that hard work and determination are the keys to unlocking our dreams.
Secrets can be agents of destruction, Queen Beza learns after three-hundred years of ruling. Unable to produce an heir, and on the hunt for a sibling who should have never been born, Beza struggles to understand what the Gods and Goddesses have planned for her. Unable to come to terms with past discretions, she pushes away what might be her last chance at love, focusing only on the murder and betrayal going on all around her.

Immortal as Beza might be, she soon finds her life, and queendom crumbling underneath the burden of a brother, so named the lost king, who holds more legitimacy to the throne than she herself. Can she find him before his shadow becomes her devastation?

Author Interview:
1.     What is your favorite book that is not yours?  
a.     This might just be impossible for me to answer. With each season of my life I have had a new favorite. So over the course of my life I can’t say that I have one favorite above all (though Jane Eyre is definitely up there). However, over the last year I have enjoyed reading The Sevenwater Series by Juliet Mariller so much so that it has influenced my writing in a positive way.
2.     Do you write in multiple genres? 
a.     Currently, I only write in fantasy. But I would love to tackle historical fiction in the not too distant future. Which genre is your favorite to write? N/A
3.     How young were you when you started writing? 
a.     26 years young 
4.     If you could meet any author, past or present, who would it be and why? 
a.     I would love to meet Juliet Marillier. She became a successful author later in life, and only after a few years of writing. I would love to know what brought her to her decision to pick up pen and paper, and what choices she made that led her to success.
5.     How long does it take you to write a book, and what was your fastest book to write? 
a.     It took me about 6 years to write my very first book (that was including a year hiatus that I took after I had my third child). My second book took one year to write, and I have been working on my third book (a sequel to Queen Immortal) for six months now. Hopefully this momentum will continue!
6.     What is your favorite thing to do in the summertime? 
a.     Although I enjoy most things about summer, my favorite is a toss-up between camping along Mirror Lake Highway (we just became RV owners so it should be a new experience this year), and enjoying all that Independence Day has to offer. The 4th of July is one of my favorite days of the year, and to me, represents the pinnacle of summertime and all that it means to live in this great country. 

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Fight For You by Nina Crespo

Nina Crespo, author of the charming and sexy Forget You, is back with a sizzling romance that will have you believing in second chances, forgiveness, and learning to love despite the past.

In this second of the Kingman Brothers series, Aiden Kingman is reunited with the woman he mistakenly wronged seven years ago…and this time around, he’s determined to make things right in FIGHT FOR YOU by Nina Crespo out now!


In this second of the Kingman Brothers series, Aiden Kingman is reunited with the woman he mistakenly wronged seven years ago…and this time around, he’s determined to make things right.

Seven years ago, Aiden Kingman had to choose between betraying Delanie Clark and her father or staying loyal to his father’s company. He chose his father—losing Delanie in the process—and he’s regretted it ever since. Now as CEO and partner in Kingman Partners International, he needs to finalize buying a retreat property, but there’s one major hold up: Delanie is the contract negotiator for the owner, and she doesn’t trust him.

Delanie and her father lost everything when Aiden’s father lied about his intentions for buying her family’s mountain retreat. She swore that she would never have anything to do with Aiden Kingman again. But now she’s facing him across the negotiating table, and sparks that had previously been stamped out reignite between them. When tragedy places the deal on the line, will they put their history behind them? Or will the deal cost them both their second chance at love?

Nina Crespo, author of the charming and sexy Forget You, is back with a sizzling romance that will have you believing in second chances, forgiveness, and learning to love despite the past.

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Praise for FIGHT FOR YOU by Nina Crespo

“Such a satisfying romance…FIGHT FOR YOU is the second book in the series, but stands alone. But it won’t for long, because I am totally reading all of Nina Crepo’s words!”

Read the full review here at Smexy Books

Praise for FORGET YOU by Nina Crespo, The Kingman Brothers Series, Book 1

“FORGET YOU is a sexy and entertaining workplace romance. Nina Crespo created great chemistry while developing King and Sophie as individuals and as a couple.”

Harlequin Junkie

“FORGET YOU, the first book in THE KINGMAN BROTHERS series, sucked me in from the first page to the last.”

Romance Junkies

“FORGET YOU is the classic boss/ assistant romance, just ramped up enough, that it blows your mind.”

Cara’s Book Boudoir


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Read the an exclusive excerpt from FIGHT FOR YOU:

Delanie pulled the sheet over her head as she lay in bed. She’d take anything to get rid of Aiden—a surprise zit on her nose, the tequila hangover of death, eighteen bad hair days—it would all be worth it just to get some peace.

The medicine the doctor had prescribed made her sleepy, but every time she woke up, Aiden was there, giving her water, handing her more pills, or hovering just outside the bedroom, waiting for her to come out of the bathroom and get back into bed.

But even in a drugged haze, she couldn’t ignore the obvious about him. Yesterday, he’d brought her lunch after he’d gone for a run. The black running tights and matching long-sleeved workout shirt he’d worn had molded to his torso and legs. He’d smelled like sweat—the good kind that made her want to run her hands all over him and grab his solid-looking ass.

Delanie glanced at the digital clock on the bedside table. He was usually in her room by eight thirty sharp, reminding her not to exert herself and stay in bed. It was almost nine. Was Aiden still working out? This was her chance to take an extra-long shower without him banging on the door, checking on her. Just as she swept back the covers, he walked in the bedroom, shirtless, carrying a breakfast tray.

“Good morning. Sorry, I overslept.” Heavy lids emphasized his hazel eyes. A morning beard framed the angles of his face. Black sweat pants rode low on his hips. As he leaned down to place the tray of food on her lap, warmth radiated from him, along with the faint scent of his spicy cologne.

No one wore just-woke-up sexy like he did. When they were together, snuggling had been her favorite thing to do with him in bed. Okay, maybe her second favorite.

He stood and rested a hand on his hip. From the shape of his cock, that bad boy was roaming free. “How are you feeling?”

Feverish and in need of an orgasm—stat.


“Good.” He gave her a lopsided grin. “If you need me, I’ll be in the shower in the spare bathroom.”

A memory she couldn’t stop roared in. Aiden in the shower at Clearmount. Head thrown back, with soap suds gliding down his shoulders, winding through the muscles of his torso and down his muscular legs as water sluiced over him.


Aiden calling her snapped Delanie partially back to the present. She had to blink several times to erase the conjured up image of him standing naked in the bedroom doorway. “Yes?”

He pointed to the bottle of pills on the nightstand. “Don’t forget to take your medicine.”

FIGHT FOR YOU by Nina Crespo releases on July 9, 2018

Copyright © 2018 Nina Crespo. All rights reserved.

 Author Bio:

Nina Crespo lives in Florida where she indulges in her favorite passions—the beach, kickboxing, a good glass of wine, and dancing. Her lifelong addiction to romance began in her teens while on a “borrowing spree” in her older sister’s bedroom where she discovered her first romance novel. Curiosity about people and places, including what’s beyond the stars, fuels her writer’s imagination. Indulge in her sensual contemporary stories and steamy paranormal tales to feed your own addiction for love, romance, and happily ever after.

Need Nina? You can also visit her online at the following places:

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Boy On The Beach by R.D. Maddux

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from iRead Book Tours in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Boy On The Beach by R.D. Maddux wasn’t my favorite book I have read lately.  It was a slower moving book and those are always hard for me to stay interested in.  I am glad that I didn’t give up on it and that I kept reading because in the end, I did enjoy that book it just had slow parts where I had to force myself to keep reading.  There were parts where at the beginning of the book that I wished I knew where things were headed because I did wonder from time to time why we needed to know certain information but after I was a good way through the book everything made sense and I totally understood why everything was in the book.  I had a hard time to like Andrew through most of the book and I think that has to do with his personality but that is more of a personal thing and not because of the authors writing.  This would be a great mystery/suspense book for people who don’t like fast moving books.

About The Book

Book Title: Boy on the Beach by R.D. Maddux
Category: Adult Fiction; 304 pages
Genre: Mystery / Thriller
Publisher: Ezekiel 12 Publications
Release date: March 11, 2017
Content Rating: PG-13 + M (There are implied sex scenes but no graphic descriptions of lovemaking. There is one scene with some violence.)

Andrew Foster, a real estate developer in San Diego, is a man suddenly haunted by his past. Memories, like specters from his former life of sex, drugs and rock and roll have come crashing into his current world of business in this sunny coastal city. The ominous, repeated appearance of a black SUV at the beach where he meets his sister each week, has triggered fears that it’s payback time for a bad choice he made years ago.

To add to his frustrations, his hopes of a big breakthrough in the San Diego real estate market haven’t come to pass. He’s starting to wonder if his visions of success will ever come true when an investor offers to finance his dream project. Soon things start to fall into place for Andrew in business, life, and even love. He starts dating the beautiful and business-savvy Nicole but even with her at his side he can’t seem to shake the ghosts of his past. As the relationship with Nicole deepens, Andrew opens up to her about the many loves and adventures that have taken him from the crazy days of living in Big Sur and Joshua Tree to business success in San Diego. Her wise insights help him face the character flaws that have caused him to fail in his past relationships.

Rounding out his social life is his once-a-week task of assisting his sister with her nanny job watching a young boy named Chandler. They build sand castles on the beach and enjoy the beauty of nature together. But the now ominous weekly appearance of a strange car at the beach has awakened Andrew’s fears. Is the boy in danger? Or worse, has an enemy from Andrew’s past come seeking revenge and now Chandler’s caught in the middle?

A strange twist of events threatens to destroy Andrew’s dreams, but as he searches for answers, a sudden revelation offers hope of a future he never imagined.

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About The Author

R.D. Maddux has story telling in his blood. Since he was young he’s always loved a good tale. He’s been writing seriously since he was in high school and college. His novels range from Mystery and Intrigue to Sci-fi/fantasy. With Boy On The Beach he’s set the story in modern America, to be exact, on the West Coast of California. He’s a native of the golden state and has been a resident of San Diego since 1987. Before that he grew up in northern California and lived in the Sacramento Valley and Bay Area with sojourns in some of the beautiful parts of our state.

Living in California for over 60 years he couldn’t help but watch the way things have changed in our culture and the impact this coast makes on the rest of America and the world. So even though Boy On The Beach is fiction, like most serious novels, it is not without a context and comment on issues we all face in our changing world. It takes place in real locations that are very familiar to him and its characters, which are fictional, no doubt have their counterparts in the real world. Boy On The Beach is a story of intrigue, suspense, revenge, love and redemption with flashbacks to the era when sex, drugs and rock and roll set our culture on it’s inevitable journey to our present day. This idea has been rattling around in his heart and mind for a decade and it’s finally coming to the page.

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Bad Time To Be In It by David Burnsworth

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Partners In Crime in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Bad Time To Be In It by David Burnsworth was a book that kept me on my toes while I was reading it.  This was a quick read for me and I loved that about this book because I was able to read it in one day and move on to the next book in my stack.  I loved that this book moved quickly because there is nothing worse than reading a mystery book that moves to slow because I always end up reading ahead because I get bored.  Like I said before this book was a quick read for me and it made me want to go and read the other books in this series because I really loved these characters in this series.  The author did a great job of making these characters come to life for me and because of that, I know that I will go back and read the other books in this series in the future.  I know anyone who loves’s reading fast-paced mystery books will enjoy this one just as much as I did.

About The Book

Genre: Mystery
Published by: Henery Press
Publication Date: July 10, 2018
Number of Pages: 254
ISBN: 9781635113587
Series: Blu Carraway Mysteries #2
Purchase Links: Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo

The past is never past. Sometimes it repeats itself. And sometimes it comes back to pay a visit. Blu Carraway, flush with cash and back in business, never had it so good. Or so he thought.The reality is his love life is in shambles, his business partner is spending too much time with women half his age and not enough time on the job, and someone close goes missing. Blu’s business partner goes off the rails, his friends show their true colors, and he realizes that getting closure sometimes means walking away from everything. With a case from the past gone wrong twice, a loved one in trouble, and an unanswered marriage proposal, it’s a bad time to be in it for Blu Carraway Investigations.

About The Author

David Burnsworth became fascinated with the Deep South at a young age. After a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Tennessee and fifteen years in the corporate world, he made the decision to write a novel. Bad Time To Be In It (July 2018, Henery Press) will be his sixth. Having lived on Charleston’s Sullivan’s Island for five years, the setting was a foregone conclusion. He and his wife call South Carolina home.

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Tarragon: Dragon Bane by Karlie Lucas



Karlie Lucas is a preschool teacher by day and a writer/artist by night.A graduate of Southern Utah University, Karlie received a B.A. in Creative Writing, with a minor in art. She is a member of Sigma Tau Delta, The International English Honor Society, as well as ANWA, the American Night Writers Association.

Karlie is interested in all things magical and mysterious, especially elves and dragons. She is an avid fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling.

When not writing, Karlie can often be found drawing, baking, watching her favorite old school shows, or just spending time with her family.

She currently resides in Dallas, Texas with her husband and a cat named Kally

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The Revenants are coming. 

Only recently woken from their centuries’ long slumber, the dragons are unprepared to face them. But when a legend is uncovered, revealing the existence of a lost tribe of mages, hope flickers to life. 

The race is on as Tyler Durand and Anwen Kaida rush to find this missing tribe while the others prepare for their last stand. But time and numbers are against them, and Anwen fears that even if they find the lost mages, it will be too late. 

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Author Interview:
1.     What is your favorite book that is not yours?
It really depends on the mood I’m in, but I tend to go back to Ann McCaffrey’s Harper Hall Trilogy. 
2.     Do you write in multiple genres? Which genre is your favorite to write?
I do write in multiple genres. At present, it’s primarily YA fantasy/fiction, but I also have a children’s picture book out. And I plan on going into more adult thriller/romance/adventures.
3.     How young were you when you started writing?
I’d say I was probably when I was about five or six, after I’d taught myself how to read.
4.     If you could meet any author, past or present, who would it be and why?
I would love to meet Tolkien. He’s like the father of modern fantasy, and I really would love to pick his brain about world building and so forth.
5.     How long does it take you to write a book, and what was your fastest book to write?
It usually takes me between 6-8 months to write the first draft. The fastest I’ve written one was in about  a week, which happened to be my children’s book.


6.     What is your favorite thing to do in the summertime?
In the summertime, I pretty much do what I do most of the rest of the year: read, write, bake, craft, and have the occasional dip in the pool or random road trip.


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Independence Day 1881 by Zina Abbott


My name is Robyn Echols. Zina Abbott is the pen I use for my historical novels. I’m a member of Women Writing the West and Western Writers of America. I currently live with my husband in California’s central valley near the “Gateway to Yosemite.”I love to read, quilt, work with digital images on my photo editing program, and work on my own family history.

I am a blogger. In addition to my own blog, I blog for several group blogs including the Sweet Americana Sweethearts blog, which I started and administer.


Zina Abbott’s first three books in the multi-author series, 
Sweethearts of Jubilee Springs.
Book 3 – Aaron’s Annulment Bride:
Andrea married Aaron so he could get his mining company house, but now she wants an annulment.
Book 6 – Cat’s Meow:
Catherine immediately falls in love with tall, hunky miner, Harold. She wants to marry him, but there is one “meowly” little problem.
Book 7 – Bargain Bessie:
Brought to Jubilee Springs after the death of her mother, Bessie, a confirmed spinster meets Zeb, a decisive, impatient rancher who is NOT pushing forty.
Author Interview:
What is your favorite book that is not yours?
            There are too many to mention. I like to read a full series of books. One book I really enjoyed was Shanna Hatfield’s Garden of her Heart. Another was Jane Kirkpatrick’s All She Left Behind. I also love any books by Sandra Dallas.
Do you write in multiple genres? Which genre is your favorite to write?
            I write variations of historical fiction. In addition to American Historical Romance, which is my favorite, I have written World War II fiction and a contemporary three generation book that went back to the Vietnam War. Under my real name I have written time travel fiction and some contemporary.
How young were you when you started writing?
            When I was about 11 or 12, instead of watching television with the rest of the family, I stayed down in what my mother called my ‘dungeon,’ my downstairs bedroom, and wrote stories. I started writing novels and short stories on and off through the years, but seriously started publishing novels in 2012.
If you could meet any author, past or present, who would it be and why?
            Thanks to my membership in writing organizations I have met many great authors. As far as authors from the past, I would like to have met Juanita Brooks and Helen Hunt Jackson. They both wrote of conditions of their times that affected women.
How long does it take you to write a book, and what was your fastest book
to write?
            My first book, including research, took me a year to write. I usually need two to three months for a book between 30K and 50K words.
            My fastest book to write was Dead Set Delphinia. I had a five week deadline, a title (originally Determined Delia) and mention of her character having been made in one of the books in the collection I am featuring today. Most of my novellas in this series ran 25K to 38K words. Dead Set Delphinia ended up being almost 67K words. One day alone I wrote over 13K words. They were not all keepers, but it got the story on the page to be edited.
What is your favorite thing to do in the summertime?
            I love to visit historical state and national parks including their books stores, and museums. I’m big on ghost towns and old frontier forts.

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