The Woman with No Name by Kelly Nelson



Kelly Nelson graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor’s degree. She worked in public accounting for four years before starting a horse-boarding business so she could be more involved in raising her family. As an avid book lover, she later decided to pursue a career in writing. Her published works include The Keeper’s Saga, a young adult fiction series, Love’s Deception, an LDS romance, and The Woman with No Name. Her newest novel was selected as a finalist in the romance category for the 2018 writing contest of the Pacific Northwest Writer’s Association. She resides Cornelius, Oregon with her husband, four children, and a herd of horses.

Losing her memory might lead to finding happily ever after.
Sworn bachelor Colton Murdock gets more than he bargained for on the elk hunt when he finds an injured woman in Utah’s high country. She must have a history, but she wakes up to towering pines and the clap of a thunderstorm with no recollection of her name or how she came to be there. Colt brings her to the safety of his camp, trying to ignore the first stirrings of his heart since the tragic death of his fiancée six years ago.
The young woman can’t help falling for her ruggedly handsome rescuer, who calls her Skye for her blue eyes. But her life goes into a tailspin when she is recognized as Lily Vanasche, fiancée of a popular TV news anchorman, and Colt is arrested for a series of crimes—including her abduction. After the real kidnapper leaves a death threat in Lily’s ransacked house, the clock starts ticking. Can she remember her past before it catches up with her?
Praise for The Woman with No Name:
Kelly Nelson writes sweet romance that tugs at your heartstrings. —Susan Hatler, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author 


Q&A With the Author:
1.     Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing?
Horses are a life-long love of mine. There’s nothing that rejuvenates me more than cantering through the nut orchard, feeling the rocking cadence of my horse’s gait. Also, I can never get enough of traveling the world, though the horses make it difficult to leave home sometimes. But when I just need to unwind, nothing beats dark chocolate and a good romance novel.
2.     When did you first realize you were an author?
I started my first book when I was 15, then began another about a decade later, but I didn’t consider myself a true author until 2009 when I wrote a time-travel trilogy The Keeper’s Saga.
3.     Have you done anything writing-related, but besides actually writing your books, that seemed to get a lot of positive response? Something that encouraged you?
Hoping to inspire one of my kids who was going through a tough time, I wrote a parable titled The Lost One. Over the years, I have shared the story with many people. Seeing their positive response encourages me to keep writing.
4.     What is the thing you struggle with the most while writing? And how do you defeat it?
I love the writing and creating aspects of being an author. It is some of the publishing facets of the business that pose a struggle. I am looking for a larger publisher for my current projects, so it is a little like starting over at square one. That can feel really discouraging at times.
5.     What is the “message” of your writing? (For example, is your purpose to encourage old-fashioned values, encourage romance, or do you have different purposes in different books?)
Hope and a sense of adventure. Hope that despite what happened in the past or where you are now, there is always hope for the future. A couple of years ago I had this epiphany: Today’s heartache and tragedy should not define our future, but should be the prologue for tomorrow’s happily ever after.
I want to inspire a sense of adventure and immerse readers in another world. Author Anne Perry once said, “We get to live only one life, but by reading well we can experience many.” That is my goal. Help readers experience different lives through the characters in my books.
6.     Are your characters/stories/scenes, etc. based on anything in real life?
To some extent, always! Though usually the real-life part is small enough that only I see the connection and know about it. As an author, all of my experiences impact my writing. In 2010, my husband drew an elk tag for a premier unit in Utah. I joined him in elk camp for two days, inspiring the characters and backdrop for The Woman with No Name.
My sister’s husband served in the Air Force and completed multiple tours to Afghanistan, inspiring one of the characters in Love’s Deception. The main character boards horses and her love interest is a CPA. Since I have worked in both of those professions, I drew on my personal experiences to write many of the scenes.
7.     What are your future projects?
I have two projects in the works:
An Inconvenient Marriage
The terms governing Amelia Grayson’s trust fund propel her into an unlikely match in this modern-day marriage of convenience. Montana cowboy Garrett Strong, wants nothing to do with marriage after his first attempt failed, while Amelia’s eccentrically old-fashioned grandmother insists her granddaughter be married before she sees a cent of her trust fund money. Garrett and Amelia bid against each other for the Double J Ranch, but for completely opposite reasons. When it appears neither of them will secure a contract to buy the ranch, a marriage of convenience might be the only solution. After a private investigator digs up secrets from Garrett’s past and a land-hungry cattle company willing to bend the law sets its sights on the Double J, will their fragile relationship shatter or can they build a foundation that will last the test of time?
Selected as a finalist in the Pacific Northwest Writers Association contest for the romance category, this will soon be pitched to literary agents and editors.
Hidden Heir
After commoner Dade Hawkes rescues Greer’s lost princess, he doesn’t expect to see her again, but a mysterious summons from the king changes that. Princess Tessalyn of Greer knows her duty. Getting married off in a political ploy is a risk she had no choice but to accept the moment she took her first breath. However, she never thought feelings toward a commoner would get in her way. When a forbidden attraction becomes an impossible situation, Tessalyn must escape her betrothal or spend a lifetime married to the brother of the man she loves. The fates meddle with their futures as ancient secrets catch up to the royal families of Greer and Nebani in this fantasy adventure.
This YA trilogy needs a literary agent and a publisher.



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Iquitoes: The Past Will Kill by John R Beyer


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Pump Up Your Book in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Iquitoes: The Past Will Kill by John R Beyer was an interesting book.  It took me awhile to read this book because I had a hard time staying interested in what was going on in the book.  I am not sure why I had a hard time staying interested in this book.  I really did enjoy the authors writing and the characters in this book.  I think part of the problem was with the fact that I am not really gravitating to this genre of books right now, but I am going to hold on to this book and read it again when I am more interested in these types of books.  I love that this book dealt with things that some other authors won’t touch or won’t do it as well as this book did.  This book didn’t have anything that bothered me, but I could see that parts of it would be to graphic for some people.  If you usually love books in this genre than I am sure that you will be fine with everything in this book.  Like I said before I will revisit this book in the future and see if my thoughts change on it once I am more into this genre again.

About The Book

Author: John R. Beyer
Publisher: Black Opal Books
Pages: 353
Genre: Mystery/Thriller



Jonas Peters and Frank Sanders team up to solve a string of murders, starting with the intentional and fatal bombing of a local coffee shop in downtown Riverside—a usually calm city in Southern California. Dozens are dead after an explosion rips apart the Coffee Grind, leaving dozens of others gravely wounded. Frank soon finds himself up to his elbows assisting the bombing victims, especially when he discovers that Jonas was walking to the Coffee Grind to meet up with his fiancée, but he never made it. In an instant, all their lives are thrust into a trail of death and destruction carried out by an unknown psychopath.

About The Author

John R. Beyer spent nearly ten years in law enforcement in Southern California as a street cop, a training officer and a member of the elite SWAT team. After leaving the force, he continued in public service entering the field of education. During his tenure, he served as classroom teacher, school administrator and district administrator, and was an integral part of the gang and drug force in San Bernardino. While in both worlds he earned a Doctorate in School Administration and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.

During all those years, he never gave up the passion for writing – both fiction and nonfiction. He has been published in numerous magazines, newspapers and the like for decades, writing on a variety of topics. His latest short stories in the past year can be found in Foliate Oak Literary Magazine (2016) and GNU Journal (2017). He is also the author of three highly praised internationally known novels – Hunted (2013), Soft Target (2014) and Operation Scorpion (2017).

He won the ‘Write Well Award’ in October of 2018 from the Silver Pen Writer’s Association for a fictional short story.

His newest novel, ‘Iquitos – the Past Will Kill’, was released in November of 2018 by Black Opal Books bringing two of his protagonists together for their first investigation. Jonas Peters and Frank Sanders will work hand in hand with an international incident which left undetected could cause a catastrophic issue for the United States. They are friends and they are good at they do. Catching the bad guys.

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Maybe Ever After by Cassie Grahan


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Barclay Publicity in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Maybe Ever After by Cassie Grahan was a great book.  This is the first book I have read by this author and I know that I will read more books by her in the future because I really enjoyed this book and her writing.  I did at times feel like certain points were super drawn out and maybe could have been shortened but it wasn’t bad enough that I wanted to put the book down.  There were parts that I found to be predictable but that almost always happens to me because of the number of books that I have read.  There were also parts that might make people uncomfortable because it was kind of graphic, but it is between two consenting adults, so they didn’t bother me.  This book was a super easy read for me, and I was able to finish it in just over a day and I also love books that I can read super quick.  All in all, I really enjoyed this book and I can’t wait to read more books by this author in the future.  If you love chick lit books I would pick this one up because I am sure that most people that like that genre will enjoy this book like I did.


About The Book

Maybe it’ll never happen, or maybe they’ll get their ever after all in MAYBE EVER AFTER by Cassie Graham. Brynn Darling has been in love with her best friend, Easton Cole, for a while now, but after many failed attempts at finding love, she’s ready to move on. When Brynn begins seeing a guy who threatens everything Easton’s ever wanted, all bets are off. Fans of playful, friends-to-lovers romance will devour this angsty yet nerdy story about what happens when you fall in love with your best friend.

Title: Maybe Ever After

Author: Cassie Graham

Release Date: January 18, 2019

Publisher: Self-published

Genres: Contemporary Romance


No one tells you what happens when you fall in love with your best friend.

They don’t tell you it’s like waiting for the answer to a question no one can hear you ask.

Meet Brynn Darling. Successful event coordinator. Celebrity friends. At the top of her game. But after many failed attempts at finding love, and a realization that her best friend is clueless, she’s ready to move on.

Easton Cole has been in the friend zone since . . . well, forever. He fills the void with unimportant people and never gets attached. That is until Brynn begins seeing a guy who threatens everything he’s ever wanted.

All bets are off.

Maybe it’ll never happen.

Maybe she’ll fall in love.

Maybe they’ll get their ever after . . . after all.

About The Author

A Moscato aficionado, and chocolate mistress, Cassie Graham is a born and raised Arizona girl. Her sass knows no bounds and almost always has something kind to say, no matter the situation. She runs a platform of love and strives to bring those attributes out in every book she writes.

She started writing early in her high school career after an English teacher forced her to write in a journal. Four years and thirty-something notebooks full of words later, she found her passion. If Cassie isn’t shoulder-deep in writing a version of a fairytale, you can find her front porch sitting with her husband and daughter, eating all the bread, gossiping with her best friends, visiting Disneyland, supporting strong women, listening to cheesy music and reading great books by amazing people. She loves binge-watching Supernatural, drooling over Dean, Sam and Cas, and going to conventions. She also enjoys spreading love any chance she can. So, if you run into her, give her a hug or a high-five. She guarantees they’re magic.

Author of Unable to Resist, Anyone But Him, The Truth of a Liar, Enchanting Wilder, Surviving Wilder, Who Needs Air and The Girl Behind the Red Door.

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On Sale: Catch Him If You Can by Jennifer Shirk

In Jennifer Shirk’s newest installment in her Accidentally Yours series, town widower Wade Roberts is being bombarded by Cape Harmony’s matchmaking mamas. His only way to stop them: pretend to be in a relationship with his sister’s best friend, Arden Pearson. But when what started as an act begins to shift into something more, it might take a village to convince Wade that Arden’s his perfect match.

We are excited to announce that CATCH HIM IF YOU CAN is currently on sale for only $0.99! Don’t miss out on this flirty, fun contemporary read and snag your copy today! Be sure to enter the giveaway to win a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card (winner’s choice)!

Rafflecopter for Catch Him If You Can Sale Alert Book Blast Giveaway:

Jennifer is offering one lucky winner a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card (winner’s choice)! To enter for your chance to win, please fill out the Rafflecopter link below:

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About Catch Him If You Can: 

Title: Catch Him If You Can

Author: Jennifer Shirk

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: August 13, 2018

Publisher: Entangled Publishing

Series: Accidentally Yours

Format: Digital eBook

Digital ISBN: 9781640636156

Veterinarian Wade Roberts is done with love. But try convincing the elderly folk of Cape Harmony who are determined to play matchmaker. Now the young single women in town are bombarding him with baked goods and love notes, and being “taken” is the only way to stop the meddling grannies—which is why he needs a fake fiancée. Fast.

Arden Pearson loves planning weddings. Other people’s weddings, that is. After her own engagement ended in disaster, she prefers to live vicariously through her work. But when she needs to persuade a big client that she’s capable of planning the celebrity wedding of the year, she’s willing to go as far as pretending to be engaged herself to her best friend’s older brother.

Soon their ruse has everyone in town believing they make the perfect couple—including Arden. She’s always been nothing more than a kid sister to Wade, and it might take a village to convince him otherwise…

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!!!!NOW ON SALE FOR $0.99 thru January 21, 2019!!!!

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Copyright© 2018 Catch Him If You Can

Jennifer Shirk

He threw Arden a tight smile, hoping she’d get the hint and play along. “Yes, because I’m dating Arden here. We’ve been waiting to finally make it official in town.” He gave Arden’s shoulder an extra squeeze when her mouth dropped open. “Didn’t want to tell people too soon. You know, in case it didn’t work out. But I think we can finally come clean, don’t you agree, honey?”

Arden slowly blinked her ocean-blue eyes up at him as if coming out of a yearlong coma. “Uh, right…babycakes.”

Babycakes? Seriously? That’s the first nickname she could think of?

Wade’s smile was frozen in place as he turned back to Judy. “See?”

Judy pushed her dark-framed glasses up her nose, then laid a hand on her heart. “Oh my. This is such wonderful news! Better than I’d hoped. I knew something was going on between you two.”

You did?” they both asked. He and Arden regarded each other. She seemed as confused as he felt.

Judy nodded. “Yep. I’m an expert on true love. Been married sixty years next month,” she said proudly.

“That must be why you’re so good at matchmaking,” he lied. “Sorry to take your work out from under you like this.”

She blushed and waved his comment away. “You’re too sweet. But the girls and I just wanted to see you happy for a change now that Kinsley was settled.”

Happy for a change? Was he really that miserable looking?

Arden cleared her throat, nudging him in the side with her knuckle. Ow. The woman had steel for bones.

“Babycakes,” Arden said between her teeth, slyly poking him again, “I really need to buy my coffee and get going. I have an appointment this afternoon to prepare for.”

“Oh right. I forgot. Well, you know your money’s no good when you’re with me, honey,” he said, winking at Judy. “Order what you like. I’ve got it.”

Arden smiled up at him sweetly before ordering. “Two regular macchiatos—no, make that grande macchiatos, a bag of regular ground coffee, and four gingerbread muffins. Oh, and you might as well throw in a couple of those ham paninis. It’s almost lunch time after all.”

Wade narrowed his eyes. “Two coffees, a bag of coffee, four muffins, and a couple of paninis, honey?”

“Yes, babycakes,” she said with an innocent smile. “I’ve been so very hungry lately. Gee, I hope I’m not eating for two.” When she gingerly pressed a hand on her belly, he choked.

“Uh, she’s kidding,” he told Judy, handing her the money. “That’s what I love about her.” He gave Arden a sidelong glare. “She’s so much fun to be around.”

Fun as a rabid rottweiler.

Judy winked as she gave him back his change. “Trying to one-up Kinsley with a baby, huh?”

He shook his head. “No. There’s no baby.”

“Yet,” Arden chimed in.

Wade gritted his teeth. At that very moment he wasn’t sure who he was more annoyed with: his nosy personal matchmaker or his sassy, fake, almost-pregnant girlfriend.

One of Judy’s staff came over to the counter and handed Arden her bag of food and take-out tray of coffees. “Thanks so much,” Arden said. She gave Wade a wide grin. “And thank you, baby lips.”

It’s babycakes. Couldn’t she even keep the nickname straight? She was a terrible fake girlfriend.

Judy chuckled. “You two are so cute together.”

Wade harrumphed as he watched Arden sashay to a side table for napkins. “See you later, Judy.” He pointed a finger at her before turning away. “Remember, no more matchmaking. Arden is very jealous.”

“Oh, of course.” The older woman folded her hands and seemed insulted. “I wouldn’t think of it now.”

Halleluiah. He was almost sure he heard angels singing, and hoped what Judy said was true. No more matchmaking. No more women. No more gifts. And if it were true, he needed to ensure pronto that his newfound-fake girlfriend didn’t blow his cover. He glanced around, and when he saw Arden had left, rushed out the door to catch up with her.

Other Books in the Accidentally Yours series:

Bargaining with the Boss (Accidentally Yours #1)

Kinsley just wanted to have some fun for a change. Then she wakes up in a stranger’s bed, with her bridesmaid dress on backward and a hazy memory of what happened at her friend’s wedding. With a quick escape, she can get back to her predictable life. But then she meets her new boss—the same guy she’d woken up next to—and seeing him with a clear head doesn’t make him any less attractive.

Mixing business with pleasure has never been Damon’s style, and easily avoided, but the hotel he just bought comes with an unexpected perk—its manager. “Sensible” Kinsley today is as alluring as “impulsive” Kinsley was the night before, and she talks him into a deal. If she can turn around the hotel by the end of summer, he won’t tear it down to put up a more profitable condominiums.

Their plan is simple…until falling for each other becomes more than they bargained for.

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About Jennifer Shirk:

Jennifer Shirk is a USA Today bestselling and award-winning author of sweet (and sometimes even funny) romances for Montlake Romance and Entangled Publishing. Her novel, FIANCE BY FATE—a 2015 Readers’ Crown Finalist—became an Amazon #1 best seller for Series Romance. And recently, Wrong Brother, Right Match, WON the Sweet Traditional category of the 2017 Golden Quill Contest and became a #1 Amazon bestseller for Holiday Romance.

She resides in a beach resort in NJ, so when she’s not writing or working on her tan, she’s taking care of her most treasured possessions: her husband, daughter and puppy (Sox).

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Colder Than Ice by Jane Galaxy

Contemporary Romance author Jane Galaxy returns to her Super Stars series with a sexy new title fans of Sariah Wilson’s #Starstruck will swoon over. Sophie Markes just landed the ultimate gig: turning her award-wining superhero comic into a screenplay. But her dream job quickly turns into a nightmare when the studio makes her story unrecognizable. When she learns the truth behind her butchered script, she’ll need the help of gorgeous British actor Tristan Eccleston to set everything right.

Rafflecopter for Colder Than Ice Blitz Giveaway:

In celebration of the release of Jane Galaxy’s Colder Than Ice, book #2 in her Super Stars series, Eventide Press is offering one lucky winner a $25 Amazon Gift Card! To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Colder Than Ice:

Title: Colder Than Ice

Author: Jane Galaxy

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: January 15, 2019

Publisher: Eventide Press

Series: Super Stars #2

Format: Digital eBook


SOPHIE MARKES just landed the ultimate writing gig–turning her award-winning superhero comic ‘Shadows of the Imperium’ into a screenplay for Card One Studios.

TRISTAN ECCLESTON just landed the ultimate acting role–playing the icy, brooding Lucius in Card One Studios’ newest blockbuster.

Sophie’s dream job quickly becomes a nightmare. Card One has completely changed her story, rendering it unrecognizable. Salvaging the script means plenty of on-set time… particularly with one unbearably gorgeous British actor.

Tristan’s dream role is more precarious than ever. His father, British acting royalty, and his scheming ex-girlfriend are determined to sabotage his “frivolous” gig. Avoiding them and their snobbish expectations means spending more and more time with the quiet, nerdy, and irresistible Sophie.

But when Sophie learns the truth behind her butchered script–when Tristan learns the truth behind Sophie’s icy facade–it’ll take more than the might of the Imperium to thaw their hearts.

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Available:  Amazon


Copyright © 2018 Colder Than Ice

Jane Galaxy

Tristan Eccleston.

One of her new coworkers.

He was a darling of… well, everything and everyone, it seemed like. Since he’d been cast as Morganna’s brother Lucius, Sophie had spent some time looking into him. Wunderkind of the British theater scene, only son of an acting dynasty that dated back centuries, he had a legendary charm that could infatuate even the iciest drama critic or interviewer. Not that he’d ever met anyone who didn’t like him, from the way articles absolutely gushed over him.

Sophie peered more closely at the tweet. Several pictures, all paired off, featured the actor in an expensive outfit on the left and increasingly fancy old cars on the right. Tristan in a red velvet smoking jacket over his bare chest, next to a glossy Jaguar from the 1960s. Tristan in profile looking moody, wearing blue pinstripes next to a Cadillac with huge fins. Obviously a commentary on the size of his nose. And finally, Tristan in a sleek black tuxedo from last year’s BAFTA awards, one strawberry blond curl springing out from his temple, next to…

Sophie zoomed in on the picture of the last car. A small photo credit at the bottom told her it was a 1938 Phantom Corsair. It looked like a giant bullet, or vibrator.

Who is this guy, and why does he have to be so embarrassing?

She flipped back to look at the editorial photo of him. Like this, for example. Who the hell wore Gucci and then faved photo posts by fans who made life-sized cardboard cutouts of him and posted pictures of themselves pretending to be asleep next to him for Instagram fame?

Sophie zoomed in on the V-shaped split where the velvet smoking jacket opened over the expanse of his chest. Comics Twitter claimed that his workout routine was mostly swimming—he hadn’t bulked up like so many of the Card One players who needed to fill out exoskeletons and spandex, but was focused on being lithe and hungry for power. The planes of his face and angle of the shot combined to make him look like he was gazing right at her, about to suggest that she remove her panties and come closer.

God, she kind of hated him.

Handsome, yes. Annoying and constantly mugging for attention, also yes.

They were going to cross paths on set, and it was going to take a lot of effort to not recall the infamous picture of Tristan on one knee pretending to propose to a girl giving an over-exaggerated look of shock and delight. Sophie tossed her phone to the head of the bed and found a robe to change into.

She could be polite, but ultimately distant. That was really all it required. She’d been raised with good manners.

Being polite and professional was no problem.

Other Books in the Super Stars series:

Harder Than Steel (Super Stars #1)


Henry Jackson (Jax) Butler is Hollywood’s hottest bad boy. Ever since the release of STEEL KNIGHT, his first movie in the world-famous Defender superhero film franchise, he’s been able to land any girl he wants, even his co-star’s sexy model girlfriend. But this dream job comes with downsides—like feeling completely typecast and unable to move on artistically. That and the paparazzi. The evil, privacy-invading scum who tail his every step, smearing his name and reputation just for having some innocent fun. And one pap in particular has become his worst enemy…

Vanessa Reyes would give anything to be a real photographer, shooting for investigative journalism pieces that could make a difference in the world. But with her sister’s medical bills to pay, she’s stuck tailing Hollywood’s latest bad boy Jax Butler through New York, cashing in on every one of his plentiful hookups. She might not love her job, but she feels no remorse about exposing Jax for the heartless heartbreaker he is. Why shouldn’t she cash in on his dirty dealing?

But when Jax is ordered to clean up his public image, he can think of no better media contact to approach for help than his rival. Keep your friends close and your enemies… Well, you know the rest. As for Vanessa, her boss has ordered her to find him newer, dirtier dirt on Jax. What better way to worm her way into his good graces than by accepting his offer to write some fluff pieces about him?

Yet the more time the two enemies spend in one another’s company, the more they begin to see different sides to one another. Is Jax really the ruthless hookup artist he seems? Is Vanessa just another shady pap out for his blood? Or do they both have another, deeper self? One that only shines when they’re together…

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Available:  Amazon

Illustration of flying superhero carrying woman in his arms. No transparency used. Basic linear gradients used for the sky and clouds.

About Jane Galaxy:

Jane Galaxy has the heart of a romantic and a brain full of pop culture knowledge. She loves to escape into the world of super-powered heroes and heroines with awesome abs who punch stuff, but putting them through their paces when it comes to the hard work of emotions and true love is even better.

You can usually find her pining over gifs from ComicCon and coming up with the perfect song for a hot guy to play in the background of his latest angst-riddled workout session.

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Who I Am With You by Robin Lee Hatcher

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Audra Jennings – PR in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Who I Am With You by Robin Lee Hatcher was a sweet romance book that I really enjoyed reading.  I always love to read this type of books because they are an easy read, but they also leave me feeling good when the book is done.  I have read several books by this author, but I think that this might be one of my favorites by her.  I also can’t wait to read more books in this series because I loved this one so much.  I felt so bad for Jessica and Ridley throughout the entire book because of all the things that they lived through before they got to this point in their lives.  I always enjoy books where they go between two different times to show that people used to struggle with the same type of things that we still struggle with today.  I am sure that most people who love books by this author will also enjoy this book like I did.

About The Book

For these two broken hearts, the first step toward love will be a huge leap of faith.

Jessica Mason isn’t looking for love when she meets Ridley Chesterfield. Instead she is still reeling from the tragic, unexpected loss of her husband and daughter—and awaiting the arrival of her unborn child. Harboring the secret of her husband’s betrayal, her pain is deeper than anyone knows.

Ridley Chesterfield is hiding out in Hope Springs, Idaho, avoiding a political scandal and the barrage of false media headlines that have tarnished his good name. The last thing Ridley wants is a relationship—but when fate leads Ridley to form a friendship with his reclusive and pregnant neighbor, he wonders if this small-town hideout might be more of a long-term destination.

When Jessica begins to read her great-grandfather’s Bible, she finds a connection with a man she never knew. Somehow the verses he marked and the words he wrote in the margins open her heart to healing. And as Ridley and Jessica help each other forgive the people who have broken their hearts, they must decide if the past will define them or if they will choose to love again.

Who I Am with You weaves together a modern-day romance with Jessica’s great-grandfather’s story from the 1930s, reminding us that some truths can cross generations and that faith has the power to transform families forever.

Who I Am with You is the first book in Robin’s new “A Legacy of Faith” series.

About The Author

Robin Lee Hatcher is the author of over 75 novels and novellas with over five million copies of her books in print. She is known for her heartwarming and emotionally charged stories of faith, courage, and love. Robin is an ACFW Carol Award winner and an eight-time finalist and has won two RITA Awards and been a finalist eleven times. Her numerous other awards include the Christy Award, the HOLT Medallion, the National Reader’s Choice Award, and the Faith, Hope & Love Reader’s Choice Award. She is also the recipient of prestigious Lifetime Achievement Awards from both American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America.

When not writing, she enjoys being with her family, spending time in the beautiful Idaho outdoors, Bible art journaling, reading books that make her cry, watching romantic movies, and decorative planning. A mother and grandmother, Robin and her husband make their home on the outskirts of Boise, sharing it with a demanding Papillon dog and a persnickety tuxedo cat.

For more information, visit http://www.robinleehatcher.comFacebook: robinleehatcherTwitter: @robinleehatcher and Instagram @robinleehatcher.

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