A Monster of All Time by J.T. Hunter

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Partners In Crime  in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

A Monster of All Time by J.T. Hunter was a very interesting read.  I love reading books about true events and I fell in love with this author writing.  He has several other books about serial killers, and I can’t wait to read them in the future.  I loved that this author included a list of the major players in this book so that if I ever got confused, I could easily flip back to the list and refresh my memory of who is who.  I do wish that this book was written in chronological order instead of jumping around from different time periods.  I find when they jump around like it does in this book that I end up getting confused and I have a harder time keeping the details all straight in my head.  I hadn’t heard of this killer before I read this book and I can’t wait to pick up other books about this killer because I have to know more about him and why he did the things that he did.  I also liked this book because it did have pictures of the victims and I love knowing when they all look like and who they were as people.  If you love true crime stories like I do then I know you will love this book just like I did.

About The Book

Genre: True Crime Published by: RJ Parker Publishing Publication Date: September 4th 2018 Number of Pages: 304 ISBN: 1987902521 (ISBN13: 9781987902525)

The True Story of Danny Rolling, The Gainesville Ripper

Ambitious, attractive, and full of potential, five young college students prepared for the new semester. They dreamed of beginning careers and starting families. They had a lifetime of experiences in front of them. But death came without warning in the dark of the night.

Brutally ending five promising lives, leaving behind three gruesome crime scenes, the Gainesville Ripper terrorized the University of Florida, casting an ominous shadow across a frightened college town.

What evil lurked inside him?

What demons drove him to kill?

What made him A Monster of All Time?

About The Author

J.T. Hunter is an attorney with over fourteen years of experience practicing law, including criminal law and appeals, and he has significant training in criminal investigation techniques. He is also a college professor in Florida where his teaching interests focus on the intersection of criminal psychology, law, and literature. JT’s bestselling true crime books include:

  • Devil in The Darkness: True Story of Serial Killer ISRAEL KEYES
  • The Country Boy Killer: The True Story of Serial Killer Cody Legebokoff
  • In Colder Blood: True Story of the Walker Family Murder as depicted in Truman Capote’s, In Cold Blood
  • Deadly Deception: True Story of Tampa Serial Killer, Bobby Joe Long
  • Death Row Romeo: The True Story of Serial Killer Oscar Ray Bolin
  • The Vampire Next Door: True Story of the Vampire Rapist and Serial Killer

Catch Up With J.T. Hunter On: jthunter.org, Goodreads, BookBub, & Facebook!

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This is a rafflecopter giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for JT Hunter. There will be two (2) giveaway winners. Each winner will receive one (1) Amazon Gift Card. The giveaway begins on July 1, 2019 and runs through August 2, 2019. Void where prohibited.

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Cover Reveal: Sweet Talk by Ashley Hastings


Cover Reveal for SWEET TALK by Ashley Hastings
Brought to you by Forever Write PR

We are thrilled to share the cover for Ashley Hasting’s SWEET TALK. Keep scrolling to take a closer look at the cover, and don’t forget to add SWEET TALK to your Goodreads TBR shelf!


Title: Sweet Talk
Author: Ashley Hastings
Release Date: 7/23/2019
Genres: New adult/contemporary romance
Word Count: 60K

Casey is all work and no play. Since the death of the man who raised her, she’s thrown herself into establishing her new bakery and doesn’t have time to waste on playful pursuits. She’s all business.

Cade doesn’t do relationships. As an attorney, he’s tasked with helping Casey fulfill her uncle’s dying request. Too bad all he wants to do is sample her sweet treats.

What happens when the guy with the guarded heart falls for the girl he can’t have?



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Ashley Hastings latest book is Sweet Talk. She writes new adult, romantic fiction with a dash of suspense and a liberal sprinkling of humor. A lifelong Southerner, Ashley creates quirky characters in a small-town setting. When she’s not busy plotting her next book, Ashley is collecting cats and planning a future as a crazy cat lady.

Ashley’s favorite quote is “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door,” by Milton Berle. She intends to build all the doors.

This sales blitz is brought to you by Forever Write PR. For more information, visit our Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/ForeverWritePR/

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Diantha by Zina Abbott



My name is Robyn Echols. Zina Abbott is the pen I use for my historical novels. I’m a member of Women Writing the West and Western Writers of America. I currently live with my husband in California’s central valley near the “Gateway to Yosemite.”I love to read, quilt, work with digital images on my photo editing program, and work on my own family history.

I am a blogger. In addition to my own blog, I blog for several group blogs including the Sweet Americana Sweethearts blog, which I started and administer.


The daughter of a
Georgia plantation owner, Diantha Ames was raised and educated to be a lady.
Surviving the Civil War as a child, her family, in a desperate, but ultimately
unsuccessful bid to save the property of both her father and her uncle,
arranges a marriage between her and her first cousin. Although not a love match,
she and Eugene were amiable. As information about her husband comes to light
after his death in the Gold King Mine disaster that took so many lives in
Wildcat Ridge, she is left with her husband’s hotel and postmaster position to
fill—and a lot of questions.
With Diantha’s
former laundress gone, she hires Hilaina Dowd, whose family hails from the
mountains of Appalachia. Hilaina loyally stays with her mother who wishes to
live out her life in Wildcat Ridge and be buried next to her husband who died
in the mine disaster.
Henry “Hank”
Cauley is branded a failure after refusing to be part of his father’s Salt Lake
City brick-making business and then losing his stationary and book store
business. To bury him far away, his brother and conniving sister-on-law use
their political influence with the territorial Congressional representative to
award him the postmaster position in Wildcat Ridge. He arrives in town to take
over the position starting the first of September only to discover the
postmistress, Diantha, knows nothing about the change, and is not relieved she
no longer is obligated to fill this position originally awarded to her deceased
husband. Finding himself surrounded by those loyal to the soft-spoken, Southern
lady, is he destined to also be a failure in Wildcat Ridge?
Buckley “Buck”
Kramer, wrangler on the Grassy Fork Ranch in Colorado, has not been totally
satisfied with his lot ever since the trip he took to Wildcat Ridge earlier in
the summer with his boss and best friend now he sees the happiness of family
life the two men enjoy after they brought back wives. When two trail-worn young
brothers stumble onto the ranch looking for a meal and permanent jobs, but are
told with winter coming on there is only room for one, Buck insists on leaving
in order to keep the brothers together. Is Buck really dissatisfied with his
job on the ranch, or is this an excuse to return to Wildcat Ridge and the woman
he has not been able to get out of his mind?
Diantha, Book 14,
is a stand-alone novel. However, you might enjoy it best by reading all the
books in the series, The Widows of Wildcat Ridge. Also, my other book in the
series, Nissa, Book 3, was written to
be a duet with Diantha—a series
within a series. You might also enjoy reading Nissa if you have not already done so.

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Top Ten List:
10 Fun Facts About Myself
I’m not a fun person—I tend to be serious.
I’ll go to an organizational meeting with a speaker or class before I’ll
go to a social party.
I’m analytical and sometimes suffer from “analysis paralysis.”
I like to quilt rather than sew garments because l like doing the math
to create new block designs.
The other fun part of quilting for me is to put together colors and
fabric patterns I don’t think will look good together – but in the end, they
I like photography, but I’m not a professional. Thank goodness for
digital cameras and photo-editing programs.
I love to create digital memes, banners and blog post headers.
I belong to my county genealogical society.
My idea of camping is staying in a fifth wheel or a trailer—with
internet access.


I’d rather be reading.


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The Australian Billionaire by Britney M Mills



Britney Mills was born in Utah but
parts of her heart lie in Boston, Washington D.C. and Germany. Her love of
writing began with the third grade book her teacher assigned her to write and
she spent hours hidden behind her mother’s couch writing pages and pages about
knights and castles. Now she writes about romance. Go figure.
When she’s not mothering her 4 small children, writing or reading, she’s
probably out playing a sport, going on a hike, or binge watching a murder mystery
series. The way to her heart is through homemade chocolate chip cookies and
five minutes peace.


A self-made billionaire, his real
estate agent and three weeks to find the right property.
Jackson Walker hasn’t had the best family life. Growing up in the foster system
in Australia, it wasn’t until he met his college football coach that he
understood what a normal family looked like. When he gets the call that Coach
has passed away, he returns to California for the funeral and to find a place
to honor the man. 

Hailey Montgomery threw herself into real estate soon after breaking up with
her boyfriend nearly five years ago. She’s been working to build a name for
herself and when the chance to make partner at her firm becomes available, she
jumps at the chance. But the only way to achieve that distinction is to find a
commercial property for the guy she’s nicknamed ‘Golden Boy’ from all the
stories her father told about him. 

As spending time together brings them closer, the trust between them is called into
question. Can they work through what’s happened in their individual pasts to
create a relationship that will last?


Q&A With the Author:
1.  What do you like to do when
you’re not writing?
Read, play outside with my kids, travel.

2. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

I like to write with music that has singing, but I
have to edit with classical music

3. Do you have any suggestions to help budding authors become better writers?
If so, what are they?

Read, A LOT. Read craft books, read in your genre,
join a writing Facebook group and learn from them.

4. Where do you get information and ideas for your books?

Ideas come in everyday life. I’ll have an idea pop
up for a story and then I do some research. For the International Billionaire
Club series, I’ve used Youtube a lot to learn about the different countries.
5. What do you think makes a good
One that makes it hard to put down.
6. Tell us about your favorite summer
vacation? Or what do you like to do in the summer?
It’s been a few years since we’ve
been able to go camping but those are some fun times. S’mores, tin foil
dinners, hiking. Those are my favorites in the summer!


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The Kingdom of Nereth by TJ Amberson


TJ Amberson hails from the Pacific
Northwest. With a love of writing in several genres, TJ strives to provide
well-written, age-appropriate, & original novels for tweens, teens, and new


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Dark times are upon the land of
Nereth. Centuries have passed since the rightful heir to the throne was
banished. The people are losing hope in ancient legend, which foretells of one
who will rise up, overthrow the evil king and queen, and restore peace. Like
all others in Nereth, Edlyn has suffered greatly. Orphaned as a child, Edlyn
grew up as the serf of a drunken lord. Now a spirited seventeen-year-old, Edlyn
works to buy her freedom while fighting off the unwanted advances of Sheriff
Hurst. One morning, Edlyn discovers a young man hiding in the stable. He is
fleeing from Sheriff Hurst and inflicted with a sword wound that will surely be
fatal without her help. In a split-second decision, Edlyn conceals the young
man from Sheriff Hurst and begins nursing him back to health. As the young
man’s strength returns, Edlyn learns that his name is Maddock, and she is
stunned to find that he has come from the mysterious land to the north. Maddock
soon comes to Edlyn’s aid, rescuing her from Sheriff Hurst. Suddenly declared
outlaws, both Edlyn and Maddock must escape for their lives to enchanted
Ravenshire Forest and then the desolate mountains beyond. As their adventure
unfolds, Edlyn and Maddock discover that their meeting may have been more than
chance, for their lives prove bound by a fate that neither of them could
possibly have imagined.


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Q&A With the Author:
Question 1) What do you like to do when you’re not writing? When I’m not writing, I
enjoy working in my garden, bike riding, taking walks on a sunny day, star
gazing with my telescope, and traveling whenever I can.
Question 2) What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? I would say an
interesting writing quirk of mine is that I’m much more productive at
certain times of the day, particularly right after waking up or in
the late evening.
Question 3) Do you have any suggestions to help budding authors become better
writers? If so, what are they?
 For budding
writers, my advice on how to improve is to simply keep writing! Just like
any skill or talent, you get better the more that you do it!
Question 4) Where do you get information and ideas for your books? I glean information or
ideas for my books from just about anywhere – including random ideas
popping into my head, online research, dreams, my educational
background, witnessing something humorous or inspiring – ideas come
from all around!
Question 5) What do you think makes a good story? I don’t know if there’s a
way to articulate perfectly what makes a good story, but I would include on the
list: characters that we can care about, a story that intrigues us,
storytelling that makes us feel emotion, and a conclusion that satisfies.


Question 6) Tell us about your favorite summer vacation? Or what do you like to do
in the summer?
Summertime is all about
being outside and enjoying sunshine! That can be anything from big to small,
including a boat ride, traveling, or a peaceful evening enjoying dinner
out on the patio.


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The Evil That Was Done by Michelle PW

Release Tour for THE EVIL THAT WAS DONE by Michele PW
Brought to you by Forever Write PR

Michele PW is back with THE EVIL THAT WAS DONE, the shocking conclusion where long-buried
secrets will finally be revealed. Time is running out for Becca to prove she isn’t responsible for the
recent disappearances in her childhood hometown, Redemption. Fans of Dean Koontz, Nora Roberts,
and Holly Seddon will devour this addicting award-winning series.

Title: The Evil That Was Done
Author: Michele PW
Published: June 26th, 2019
Publisher: Love-Based Publishing
Series: Secrets of Redemption, book 3
Genres: Psychological thriller/romantic suspense/mystery

It’s happening again—people are disappearing.
And just like before, the finger is pointed at Becca.
She knows how it looks … and that she’s being set up.
Someone is following her. Sneaking into her house. Planting evidence to make her look guilty.
The problem is, she has no idea why.
The bigger problem is, no one believes her.
And time is running out.
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Only Available on Amazon and FREE in Kindle Unlimited!
As the 2018 Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewers’ Choice Book Series Winner, the Secrets of Redemption series is a must read. Fans of psychological thrillers, romantic suspense, and mystery novels will devour the twisty and addicting series. Grab your copies today! Also, available in Kindle Unlimited!  

It Began With A Lie, Book #1 on Amazon

This Happened To Jessica, Book #2 on Amazon

Copyright @ Michele PW 2019

“So, if we’re done grilling JD, maybe we can move on to other topics of interest now,” Barry said. “Like Daniel.”
I spilled my wine.
“Oh, clean up on aisle ten,” Barry said, as JD handed me his coaster napkin to mop it up. “Maybe we need to get a refill.”
“I’m good, really,” I said. The last thing I needed was more wine. Or to talk about Daniel.
“It’s not a big deal. Daniel can bring it over when he comes over.” Barry started signaling with his hand.
Wait a minute. Daniel was here? He was supposed to be working. That’s why he canceled our date. Did he lie to me?
A part of me wanted to march over to wherever he was and give him a piece of my mind. I had asked him straight out if he really wanted to do this, to try dating. I had already told him I would understand if he thought it was going to be too complicated for him to date me and be a cop in this town.
He assured me he wanted to try.
I believed him.
And, here he was, standing me up again.
A small voice inside me immediately wanted to argue—fifteen years ago, Daniel didn’t actually stand me up. And, regardless, Daniel wasn’t standing me up right then, because he had called to cancel.
Yet it somehow still felt like I was sixteen again, standing alone in the woods, wondering where Daniel was … and feeling like a total fool.
Of course, I couldn’t say any of that in front of all our friends. Maybe I should just leave. That would kill two birds with one stone. Not only would I avoid seeing Daniel, but I could also get away from JD and his strange, intense energy.
Before I could figure out how exactly to sneak away, there was Daniel, doling out drinks—including another glass of wine for me. He was wearing a blue tee shirt that brought out the blue in his eyes. His blonde hair was getting a little long, curling around the back of his shirt.
Speaking of his eyes, they darted between me and JD, but he didn’t say a word. Not only that, but his face was completely unreadable—a professional mask. His cop face. He pulled a chair over and turned it around before he sat down, so he was straddling it backwards. He was careful not to look at me, but I could still feel the sparks dancing between us. I was having trouble breathing, something that happened often when I was near him.
“So, since you’re here, does that mean Ellen is safe and sound?” Mia asked.
He took a pull from his beer. “No, but there’s not much we can do right now.”
“What happened?” Daphne asked. On the surface, her voice sounded neutral, like she was simply inquiring about an acquaintance, but I could hear the confusion and worry swirling beneath the calm.
He shrugged. “No one seems to know. She didn’t show up at work today, which is unlike her. They had tried calling her home and her cell, but there was no answer, so they called her mother. Her mother was the one who came in to file a missing persons report, but since there’s no sign of foul play, there’s not a lot we can do right now.”
I felt a shiver run down my spine, like I had just been blasted by air conditioning.
“What about putting an alert out?” Mia asked.
“We can, but she hasn’t even been missing for a day. It’s not a crime for an adult to disappear. We’re in wait-and-see mode.”
“And, Ellen has been known to just take off without telling anyone,” Daphne said darkly, pressing her lips together so hard they turned white.
“Not to mention it’s pretty common here for people to leave quickly, making it seem like they’ve disappeared,” Mia said, after a quick glance at Daphne.
“Yeah, I had heard that,” JD said. “Something about how, if the town doesn’t like you, it makes sure you don’t stay?”
Celia rolled her eyes. “It’s all a bunch of nonsense.”
“It is NOT a bunch of nonsense,” Mia said. “Weird things DO happen here. And, they have for years. Over a hundred years.”
“Weird things happen in every town,” Celia said. “It’s no different here.”
“I don’t know, we sure seem to have more than our share of weirdness,” Daphne said.


Author Michele PW:

When Michele was 3 years old, she taught herself to read because she wanted to write stories so badly.

As you can imagine, writing has been a driving passion throughout her life. She became a professional copywriter (which is writing promotional materials for businesses), which led to her founding a copywriting and marketing company that serves clients all over the world.

Along with being a copywriter, she is also a bestselling, award-winning fiction and nonfiction author.

For fiction, she writes psychological thriller/mystery/romantic suspense novels. She also hosts a popular book and entertainment blog. Check out MPWNovels.com for more.

For nonfiction, she’s the main author and creator of the “Love-Based Business” series that include both business and personal development books. For articles and resources on business, writing, success and more, visit LoveBasedBiz.com.

She holds a double major in English and Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Currently, she lives in the mountains of Prescott, Arizona with her husband Paul and southern squirrel hunter Cassie.

This sales blitz is brought to you by Forever Write PR. For more information, visit our Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/ForeverWritePR/

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