A Christmas Story of Light by Ora Smith


God’s light shines in all of His creations, from the Star of Bethlehem, to the angel proclaiming Christ’s birth, to the Son of God Himself—the light of the world.

Through this light, He illuminates darkness, gives us guidance, and shows us how to love one another.

Experience the rich artwork and inspirational messages of A Christmas Story of Light this holiday season and let God’s light bring you the brightness of hope.




As a mother, genealogist, artist, and faithful follower of Jesus Christ, Ora blends her understanding and unique skills to create faith inspired stories that she hopes will give others an added testimony of God’s goodness.


Q&A With the Author:
What inspired this Christmas/Winter book?
I wanted to write a Christmas story for my grandchildren, to let them know my beliefs and also my hope that they will always be kind to those they meet. I’ve always been fascinated with the scriptures in the Bible that tell about the light of Christ being both physical and spiritual, so I decided to tell the traditional Christmas story of Christ’s birth by explaining it all in the aspect of “light” since Christ is the Light of the World. If this light is truly understood, then we realize we are sharing His light by loving others.
Do you have other Holiday books? If so, what Holiday? If not, what other books do you write?
I don’t have any other holiday’s books, but working on an Easter idea for another children’s picture book. My grandson has asked me to write another, and I asked him what he would like it to be about. He’s thinking.  So, there’s that. His mother feels there aren’t enough children’s books for young boys that aren’t related to action heroes or toys. We are putting our heads together to see what we can come up with.
I also write historical novels about my ancestors’ stories. I’m just finishing the third and hope to get it published in 2020.
What is your largest unfulfilled dream, and what are you doing to reach it?
Getting a historical novel published. The one I’m about done with needs to go through the process of beta readers, editing, and revisions, but it’s a great book about John Lothropp, a man who lived in 17th Century England at a time when church goers were fined, imprisoned, or tortured if they didn’t attend the Church of England. He fought against the system and was imprisoned. It’s also a love story and his wife is a point of view character in the book. Lothropp came to America soon after the Pilgrims and five US presidents descend from him, plus Princess Diana, and a bunch of other famous people. He’s like a founding father most people have never heard of. Writing the story has been a joy and also one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I know it will be worth it in the end!
Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing?
I’m an artist, but when I write, it’s hard to find the time to paint. I work mostly with oils, and have a goal to learn watercolor for my next children’s book. I’m a genealogist and love all things that have to do with finding out more about my ancestors. I have a blog, Writing About Ancestors. I love to spend time with my grandchildren, but they live in different states than I, so I travel a lot, which is also a love—travel. I went to England in March to research my Lothropp book, and hope to go back soon. The UK and Ireland are my favorite places. Although any city with good art museums and galleries is where I want to be. I’ve traveled to 48 of our 50 states and have Alaska and Maine on my bucket list. I took a 10-day art workshop in Ireland, and it was the best way to see the country because we went to the most picturesque places to paint, even the Aran Islands.
Are your characters/stories/scenes, etc. based on anything in real life?
Yes, everything I’ve written, both children’s book and novels are based on true stories. I try my hardest to get every ounce of truth I know about my characters and the times he/she lived, and use that in the story. I wrote a Civil War drama about my third great-grandparents in North Carolina that is almost all real, other than the thoughts and conversations of the characters. It’s been harder to find information about 17th Century England, but everything I know for fact is in the story.
Tell us one Christmas or Winter tradition that you love to do every year, and why it is so special to you.
For about thirty years, my husband, children and I have Christmas caroled at retirement homes every Christmas Eve. It’s harder now that most of the children live in different places, but they come for Christmas often. We have always done it with friends, too, so their voices can be joined with ours. It’s amazing and sad how many of the elderly are left alone at Christmas time.
Merry Christmas everyone! If you want to feel the Light of Christ, try reading my book A Christmas Story of Light. I wrote it for ages 5-8, but many adults have told me they love it too.


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Her Last Whisper by Jennifer Chase


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Pump Up Your Book in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Her Last Whisper by Jennifer Chase was a great book that managed to keep me on the edge of my seat throughout the book.  This book was a slow starter for me but once it got moving I didn’t want to put it down until I was finished with the book.  This is the second book in the series but you don’t have to read the first book if it doesn’t interest you. I didn’t read the first book and I was able to figure out what was happening and follow along.  I adored Katie right from the start of the book and I know that I will read the first book in this series and any other books that come out in this series. It has been a while since I have read a book that I enjoyed as much as I did this one.  I loved that as I was reading and I thought that I had it figured out I discovered that I was wrong. I love it when I find a book that is able to keep guessing right through until the end of the book. If you are looking for a crime thriller book to read this winter I would for sure recommend this one to you.

About The Book

Author: Jennifer Chase
Publisher: Bookouture
Pages: 320
Genre: Crime Thriller

Katie focuses her mind, trying to keep another anxiety attack at bay. The victim’s long brown hair is slick and wet, her body rigid in the grass. She looks more like a mannequin than the woman Katie had spoken with only yesterday, the woman she had promised to protect…

When a cold, naked body is discovered by a couple on a jog through the lush woodlands of Pine Valley, California, new recruit Detective Katie Scott is stunned to discover the victim is Amanda Payton – a much-loved local nurse and the woman at the heart of an unsolved case she’s been investigating whilst getting a grip on her crippling PTSD.

Weeks earlier, Amanda had run, battered and bruised, out into the headlights of a passing patrol car. She claimed to have just escaped a kidnapping, but with no strong evidence, the case went cold. The Pine Valley police made a fatal mistake…

Katie is certain the marks on Amanda’s wrists complete a pattern of women being taken, held captive and then showing up dead in remote locations around Pine Valley – and she won’t let someone die on her watch again.

But then a beautiful office worker with a link to the hospital where Amanda worked goes missing. With only days before the next body is due to show up, can Katie make amends for her past by saving this innocent life?

Totally gripping crime fiction for fans of Lisa Regan, Rachel Caine and Melinda Leigh. Nothing will prepare you for this nail-biting roller-coaster ride…

Readers adore Jennifer Chase!

THERE WAS NO WAY I WAS PUTTING THIS BOOK DOWN!!!!!… I was literally holding my breathI HAD TO KNOW!!!!! As for the explosive ending WOW definitely not what or who I was expecting.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars

I was really wowed by itI couldn’t put the book down and was trying to read as fast as I could so I could find out who the killer was. The ending took me by surpriseI was literally gasping for air… I would definitely recommend.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars

Wow what an absolutely amazing fantastic read. I was hooked almost as soon as I started this book. I am still trying to pick my chin off the floor. I loved it from page one and couldn’t read the pages quick enough. I did not see the end coming…Awesome.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars

If you read one police thriller this year make sure that it is this one… it will grip you from the start and will drag you into the story trying desperately to work out who the killer is but I promise you that you will not be able to figure it out.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars

‘A great way to start a new series! It’s a wonderfully written roller-coaster ride. A must read!Book Obsessed Introverts, 5 stars

Wow!The hairs on my head stood up with this one!’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars

About The Author

Jennifer Chase is a multi award-winning and best-selling crime fiction author, as well as a consulting criminologist. Jennifer holds a bachelor degree in police forensics and a master’s degree in criminology & criminal justice. These academic pursuits developed out of her curiosity about the criminal mind as well as from her own experience with a violent psychopath, providing Jennifer with deep personal investment in every story she tells. In addition, she holds certifications in serial crime and criminal profiling.  She is an affiliate member of the International Association of Forensic Criminologists, and member of the International Thriller Writers.


Website → https://authorjenniferchase.com/

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The Miracle of Joie by Betsy Love

Betsy Love has loved to write from the moment she could hold a pen and has been creating stories ever since she was in elementary school. Her high school creative writing teacher told her that one day she would be published.




When not sitting at her computer pouring her heart and soul into her novels, she loves going to her mountain property for inspiration and to escape the desert heat. She loves spending time with her family. At last count she has 20 grandchildren, has given up on gardening. If she had a horse, she might give up writing.

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Joie, an over-confident rookie elf, is on her first assignment. 
Its one week before Christmas, and she must find a mother for eight-year-old Emily. Not an easy task, since Emilys grieving father, Matt, is not ready for marriage. Hes still bitter about the accident that killed his wife and handicapped his daughter. 

When events turn Joie into a human, she loses her magic and must use her ingenuity to heal the broken family. How could falling love be the answer?
Q&A With the Author:
What inspired this Christmas/Winter book?
I’ve been wanting to write a Christmas story for a long time, but just haven’t had any ideas. Then one day I was thinking about the movie Elf and suddenly a whole story formed in my head. 
Do you have other Holiday books? If so, what are they are for which Holidays? If not, what other books do you write?
I’m working on a paranormal winter story. I’m not sure I’m going to call it a Christmas story because it’s a little more on the dark side than I normally write. I’m also writing a series that will take place around different holidays. The first one (still in the writing phase) is called “Ginger in Grayscale.” The theme is “What if you woke up tomorrow with only what you thanked God for today.” This one takes place around Thanksgiving. My other books (all clean) are spread across a couple of genres. I write mail order brides of the future. The series is called “StarBride Chronicles.” My favorite novel “The Penny Project, my anti-bullying book written from the viewpoint of the bully, is inspired by a true story.

What is your largest unfulfilled dream, and what are you doing to reach it?
To actually make a living as a writer. To achieve this dream I am working on my marketing skills and to date, I’m terrible at it. But that is about to change!

Tell us about things you enjoy what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing? 
I love to crochet and am always on the lookout for a fun pattern. Yesterday it was a unicorn hoodie/scarf. My granddaughter is all about the unicorns.

Are your characters/stories/scenes, etc. based on anything in real life? 
Yes and no. But I won’t tell you which loved ones I’ve modeled some of my characters after. I get some of my best ideas by listening to people talk about themselves. My favorite t-shirts reads “I’m a writer. Anything you say or do maybe be written into a story.”

Tell us one Christmas or Winter tradition that you love to do every year, and why it is so special. 
When the kids were little, we loved to open one gift at a time and ooo and ahhh over each item. That allowed the receiver to properly thank the giver. We loved going to the Mesa temple to see the Christmas lights and then having wassail afterward. We would then read the story of The Three Trees and talk about how Christ is the center of Christmas. 
Now that the children are grown and are scattered across the US, instead of sending Christmas gifts, we like to send ourselves. We rotate visiting our children and grandchildren.


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Fatal Lies by Andrew Cunningham


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Audiobookworm in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Fatal Lies by Andrew Cunningham was a good book. The one thing that I really remember about this book is how pissed off I got at one point because I knew that if the two main characters when somewhere that someone would try and kill them and I was right.  Things like that always drive me nuts. It reminds me of the same thing that happens in horror movies when you know they are making a stupid choice as they are making it. This book was able to keep me interested in what was going to happen even though I pretty much know how it was going to end and who had been doing the killing in the book.  This is the second book in the series but if the first book doesn’t seem interesting to you don’t have to read it in order to understand the story. I did review the first book and you can see what I thought of that one right here.  This was a shorter book to listen to and I was able to listen to the whole thing in one day.  This book wasn’t sure suspenseful but I didn’t have a problem listening to the whole thing even though I thought the main characters are total idiots.  If you are looking for a new series to listen to I would for sure when this on out. I will also have a review of the third book up next week.

About The Book

Author: Andrew Cunningham

Narrator: Greg Hernandez

Length: 5 hours 57 minutes

Publisher: Andrew Cunningham⎮2018

Genre: Mystery, Modern Detective

Series: Lies, Book 2

Release date: Nov. 5, 2018

Daisy Leduc was forgotten and alone. That was just how she wanted it. But when she is discovered stabbed to death in a dusty little Texas town, it plunges Del Honeycutt and best-selling mystery author Sabrina Spencer into a 30-year-old mystery involving murder, hidden identities, dangerous family secrets, political intrigue, and a long-forgotten serial killer.

Daisy’s estranged daughter, who hasn’t seen her mother in years, receives a package sent shortly before her mother’s death. A note instructs her to immediately contact Sabrina and give her the package if Daisy is killed. But why Sabrina? The temptation to uncover the answer leads Del and Sabrina on a dangerous quest to find Daisy’s killer. When they discover Daisy, under a different name, supposedly died 30 years earlier, they find themselves squarely in the cross hairs of killers whose deadly secrets lie in Daisy’s mysterious past.

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About The Author

Andrew Cunningham

I’m the author of novels in several genres, including, mystery, thriller, and post-apocalyptic science fiction. Under the name A.R. Cunningham, I’ve also written the Arthur MacArthur series of mysteries for children.

I was born in England, but have spent most of my life living in the U.S.—including 25 years on Cape Cod before moving to Florida. A former interpreter for the deaf and long-time independent bookseller, I’ve been a full-time freelance writer and copy editor for many years. A 4th-degree Master Black belt in Tang Soo Do, I finally retired from active training when my body said, “Enough already! Why are you doing this to yourself?” I’m married, with two grown children and two awesome grandsons. My wife and I spend as much time traveling as we can, and are especially fond of cruising the Caribbean.

​I have been gratified by the response to my books. When I published Eden Rising back in the spring of 2013, I had no idea what to expect. When I sold my first few copies, I was excited beyond belief that someone was willing to take a chance on it. Numerous books and thousands of copies later, I am still humbled by the emails I get from readers telling me that my books kept them up late into the night.

In October of 2014, Wisdom Spring made me an official Amazon Bestselling author, a thrill I never thought would happen. But it still comes down to being able to bring a few hours of escape to a reader. That’s what it’s all about for me.

I hope you will try my books. Please feel free to email me with your comments.


About The Narrator

Greg Hernandez

Author-preferred Narrator of Mysteries & Thrillers

Narrating audiobooks is highly gratifying.  I immerse myself into an author’s story in order to bring it to life for the listener.  I’ve enjoyed working with Andrew Cunningham for several years. His books are filled with rich characters, and the stories keep me turning the pages.

I also work as a background actor in movies and TV shows.

For more than 20 years, I worked as a radio news reporter and news writer.  I spent half of my broadcasting career at ABC News Radio in the Washington, D.C., bureau.  I covered all the federal agencies as well as Congress and the White House. I reported on a wide range of stories during my career, including financial and entertainment industry news.

For nearly 24 years, I worked as a federal government spokesman at three separate agencies—National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Mint and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).


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The Librarian Picks Her Poison by Amber Gilchrist


Amber Gilchrist lives in New Mexico with her husband and six children. She writes YA , Romantic Comedies, and series mysteries. She calls her lifetime of jumping from one job to another ‘experience’ for her books and not an inability to settle down. Amber loves mysteries and a good, happy romance. She also loves to laugh. Sometimes she likes all of them together.
A fan of quirky movies and indie books, Amber likes to be with her family, is socially inept, and fears strangers and small yippy dogs. She alternates between writing and being a mom. She tries to do both at the same time but her kids don’t appreciate being served lunch and told, “This is the hot dog of your discontent.” So mostly she writes when everyone else is in bed.

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Audrey Scott might be a childrens librarian, but that isnt all she can do. When her best friend, Gretchen Holden, stands accused of a murder, Audrey cant handle doing nothing more than bailing Gretchen out of jail. She has to figure out who really killed Gretchens step-father, a universally hated federal judge.



With a not small list of potential people the judge has wronged, Audrey and her friends have a rough ride ahead of them trying to decide who had a motive, means, and opportunity to put the judge in an early grave. With the help of Derek Hennessy, erstwhile enemy turned very good friend, and her normal crew of cohorts, Audrey wont stop until the threat no longer looms.
We made our goodbyes, and walked the two men to the door.  When they were gone and the door was locked, Gretchen turned to me.  “Today has been, without question, the weirdest day of my life.

I nodded my agreement, unsure what to say.  Shed started the day in prison and ended it giving in to blackmail.  

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The Pain Colony by Shanon Hunt

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Audiobookworm in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

The Pain Colony by Shanon Hunt was a book that left me wondering what in the hell I had listened to.  Even saying that now I want to go back and listen to it again. One thing I really enjoyed about this book was that it was narrated by 2 people which made following the story and characters easier.  I really enjoyed both of the narrators of this book I wouldn’t hesitate to pick up another book they narrate in the future. There was so much about this book that left me totally confused once it was over.  Even saying that I still really enjoyed this book and it did keep me guessing right up until the end. This author did a great job of keeping me guessing just when I thought I had figured out what was going on something would happen that would leave me shocked.  This book kept me on the edge of my seat as I was reading it and that made me enjoy it even more. This book also left me wondering if things like this could really happen because I could see it really happening in today’s world. If you are looking for something different to read or listen to this winter I would for sure pick up a copy of this book and check it out.

About The Book

Author: Shanon Hunt

Narrator: Noah Michael Levine, Erin deWard

Length: 13 hrs and 53 mins

Publisher: Narrow Ledge Publishing⎮2019

Genre: Thriller

Release date: Oct. 21, 2019

Six dead bodies with one disturbing similarity. An illicit genetic experiment. A secret society of true believers willing to do whatever it takes to become Pure.

And this is only the beginning.

DEA Special Agent Peter Malloy is no stranger to the devastating impact of drugs. So when six bodies turn up with surgical ports implanted in their spines, he’s sure a potent new opioid is the culprit. But when lab tests show zero evidence of any known narcotics, he fears something far more sinister.

Allison Stevens thought she knew everything about her boss. But after he disappears, she’s stunned to discover his secret genetic research in pain tolerance. When she becomes the target of the FBI’s investigation, Allison has only one move. She must expose his illegal experiment. There’s just one problem. Some secrets will be protected at any cost.

As Malloy and Allison get closer to the truth, they begin to realize they’re about to uncover the most chilling medical discovery in human history.

If it doesn’t get them killed.

The Pain Colony is a gripping suspense thriller–you’ll be plunged into terrifying twists of modern science, chilling tension, and shocking revelations that will leave you breathless.

“A nail-biting page-turner you can’t put down!” –BookTrib

“A shocking finale that even jaded readers won’t see coming!” –BookLife

About The Author

Shanon Hunt

As a former pharmaceutical executive of 15 years, Shanon Hunt has firsthand experience with cutting edge medical advances. But it wasn’t until she took an interest in CRISPR and the near future implications of genetic engineering that she became inspired to write a suspense thriller.

When she’s not plotting her next story, she enjoys being tormented by her frisbee-obsessed Australian Shepherd, hiking the wilds of northern New Jersey, and canyoneering in southern Utah with her husband, Steve. She lives in suburban New Jersey with Steve and their two teenage sons, Nick and Ben.


About the Narrator: Erin deWard

Erin deWard is an Audie Award winning audiobook narrator and a classically trained stage actor. She is a long-time company member of The Strange Bedfellows, a Rockland County, NY based Shakespeare company and can be found directing, assisting another director, or on the lighting board for The Children’s Shakespeare Theatre in Rockland County, NY. She also directs English Language dubbing for IDC in New York. Erin has been working in the field of Audio Description (media accessibility for people who are blind) as a writer, voice talent, advocate, and trainer for over a decade. She is a proud and grateful member of SAG/AFTRA.


About the Narrator: Noah Michael Levine

Family lore has it that, when I was three years old, my parents took my two older brothers and me on a vacation to Puerto Rico.  At some point during the sojourn, my parents … well … they lost me on the beach. After searching, frantically, (Or not, as the case may be.  I mean, they DID lose me in the first place.) they found me in the hotel bar, sitting on a hooker’s lap, telling a story to a sailor. And THAT is when my life in performance & yarn-spinning began.

The rest of my life has pretty much followed suit.  Telling stories and becoming characters. I have over 40 years experience as a stage, film/TV actor and  singer/songwriter/musician. And now, with over 325 audiobook titles, I’m so passionate about this industry – a medium that allows me to be immersed, for hours and hours, in wonderful characters and their tales.  I’m grateful for the authors, narrators, & productions companies with which I work and so thankful for all the listeners!


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