A Life Filled With Multiple Sclerosis, Moments & Memories
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I have lost total faith in the justice system in Utah. I have a friends who’s boyfriend is locked up and was just sent to prison for something that he shouldn’t have been sent to prison for. I am not going to get into the story because it isn’t my story to tell but I know the facts and it isn’t fair in the least that he is in prison for this crime. I am truly amazed at the fact that he is there. It makes me really wonder how many people we really convicted that are innocent and we make them waste their lives sitting in jail and or prison for something that they didn’t do. I think at times people that don’t have any money to fight it get locked up because people are unwilling to do there jobs and find the person that really committed the crime. It is also upsetting that we are letting people out of prison that really are going to go out and rob people or rape people again and yet we are keeping people in prison for things they didn’t do. I would be so mad if I found out that the person who hurt me had be released because the prison was too full.
Now that being said I believe as do his girlfriend that he deserves to be in prison because of things that he did when he was younger. This has taught be that karma is a bitch and everyone will get theirs at some point. I think people think that if it doesn’t happen right away then they got away from karma. Well I hate to break it to the world but you will never get away from your karma it will always find you and give you what you deserve!
A few weeks ago I took a road trip with Misti to Richfield to go to jail! I am sure most of you are wondering why in the heck we would drive 2 and a half hours to go to jail well it was because on of her friends is in jail there and I have started to write him so I wanted to go with her and see him. The drive there was great until the GPS wanted me to go off roding in my car. I was like WTF???? Good thing I am smarter than it and turned it off and we found it with out the lying thing!
It was really good to see him and finally meet him sober. I had met him once before but he was high so it was nice to meet him and he seems like a really nice guy. I have decided that I am going to get back to the old me and that means I am going to have a lot of guy friends but not date or anything like that.
Anyways the visit was supposed to be for an hour but they let us stay for 2 hours! I am so glad that they let us because he hasn’t had a visitor and he has been in there over a year now. He was so shocked and yet wierded out because he would see people and what not walk by and he didn’t know how to take it. It was funny to see how he acted and how nervous people make him. I can’t imagine being locked up for over a year and not having a visitor and he hardly had people writing him until Misti got his address and started writing him.
All in all it was a great trip and a lot of fun! I am trying to get back to posting and blogging again so we will see how well I do. I hope everyone is having a great week!
I got this award from my bloggy BFF Elle. I figured I better get around to posting it and passing it on. The rules for the award are as follows:
“The only rule for this award is that if you accept it, please don’t keep it to yourself. Please pass this along to others and share the bling!”
I am going to pass it on to all of my followers that don’t have it yet!
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