Fake Friends

REAL FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food.
FAKE FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. / Mrs.
REAL FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM
FAKE FRIENDS: Never see you cry
REAL FRIENDS: Cry with you
FAKE FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back
REAL FRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget it’s yours
FAKE FRIENDS: Know a few things about you
REAL FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you
FAKE FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing
REAL FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds butt that left you
FAKE FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door
REAL FRIENDS: Walk right in and say ‘I’M HOME!’
FAKE FRIENDS: Are for awhile
REAL FRIENDS: Are for life
FAKE FRIENDS: Will talk bad to the person who talks bad about you.
REAL FRIENDS: Will knock the person out that talked bad about you
FAKE FRIENDS: Won’t care if you are hurting and will blow you off in a time of need
REAL FRIENDS: Will be hurt if you are hurt and stay with you in a time of need
FAKE FRIENDS: Would ignore this
REAL FRIENDS: Will send this to all their real friends and hope to get it back!
If you were killed today, I’m sorry I wouldn’t be able to come to your funeral,
because I’d be in jail for killing the person who did it
I wanted to let you know that I love you to death & think you are amazing!

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Kelly’s Letter To Her Daughters Birth Mom

This is a guest post written by Kelly of KellysLuckyYou.com.  One of the reasons Kelly feels lucky is because she has been blessed with a beautiful adopted daughter.  Although Kelly can’t send a letter directly to her daughter’s birth mother, she wanted to write what is in her heart, as if she could reach out and send a hug.  Send a hug to not only her daughter’s birth mother, but every birth mother who has had the courage to make such a difficult decision of love.

To the Birth-Mother of our (yours and mine) daughter,

I am the adoptive mom of our five year old daughter.  She came to my arms when she was eight months old.  She came into my heart, the very first second I saw her.  It was literally love at first sight.  First and foremost, please know that the baby you gave birth to, is safe, loved, and treasured.  She is the greatest gift I could ever imagine and I am thankful every single moment to you.  If it wasn’t for your courageous choice, I know my life would never hold the joy and love it does today.

As I watch her grow and see her personality develop, her skills and amazing talents emerge, I wonder what you are like.  We’ve never met and I don’t know anything about you – except what you have passed on to my daughter.  Because much of who she is, is biologically inherited, I know that you must be something like her.  For this reason, I’m guessing that you are beautiful, kind, smart, and fun.  Your daughter is all those things and more.

I want her to know that you made a difficult, unbelievably brave decision, when you decided first to give her life, and second to let her go to another family.  I can’t imagine how hard it was, and still is, to this day.  It saddens me to think that she might not be here today, if you had chosen abortion.  The world will be a better place because of this child.  She is truly incredible.  And you had enough love for her that you let her go. 

I will never find the words to express my gratitude to you.  The only gift I can give you in return, is to love our daughter with all my heart.  To give her the best of myself, the best I can give.  And I can give you a promise, that she will be loved, treasured, and cared for to the best of my ability.  I hug her and tell her every day that I will love her always and forever – I wish I could do the same for you.  I wish I could hug you and tell you I will be grateful – always and forever.

Adoptive-mothers and birth-mothers have an unusual bond.  Realistically, there are things I will never know or share with my daughter that you have and do.  There are things you will never know or share with her, that I am so blessed to have and do.  But we can never be jealous of each other, because of all things, we share the most important thing of all, we both want the best for this beautiful child

Please feel my hug and my heartfelt thanks.  Please feel the peace of knowing that your child, our child, is loved and safe and happy.  Thank you.



Musical Monday Week 5-Rascal Flatts

If you would like to play along with this new meme all you have to do is:

  • Grab the button
  • Write a post that includes a song and why you like that song
  • Come back and link up!

The first song for this week is by Rascal Flatts  and it is called “I won’t go”.  I heard this song on the radio this week and it made me realize that at times I could use a guy around me to hold me up on days that I am struggling with life.

I also am going to post another song by Rascal Flatts and it is called “Forever”.  I found this song while I was listening to songs by them on YouTube.  This song reminds me of a couple of people that I wish were still in my life but decided that they didn’t want to be in my life anymore.  It makes me sad that they don’t need me around anymore but I do know that everything happens for a reason!

I hope you enjoyed the songs this week!

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Making New Friends-GFC

Welcome to the new bloghop Making New Friends. This is a weekly party to meet new people, follow each other and create new bonds. Each week the theme will change and rotate from Blogs (GFC), Facebook, Twitter, to Feedburner.

There are only 3 rules.

  1. Follow the host
  2. Add your link
  3. Follow others and have fun!!

Here are the host:

This weeks theme: Blogs (GFC)

Add your link here:

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Libby’s Story Of Meeting Her Birth Mom

I was adopted when I was 3 weeks old (which is a story in itself.) I always knew I was adopted so I can’t remember the first time my parents told me. I just always knew. At five years old I told my parents I wanted to meet my biological mother and they told me that I wasn’t old enough and that when I was 18 I could meet her if I still had the desire. I didn’t want to meet her then because I didn’t love my family, I just always had a need for it. I felt like something was missing. Even though I had the most amazing family that anyone could have ever asked for. I loved my family so much and they were fabulous parents and did everything for me but I needed to know where I came from. It may sound weird to those of you who aren’t adopted but you just always have this feeling like you aren’t where you belong whether you have the best adopted parents in the world or not. You really can’t explain the feeling. It’s not something that anyone but adoptee’s will understand ever. I just wanted to know who I looked like and who I sounded like and all that good stuff that non-adopted people can see every.single.day of their life. Don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t change my situation for anything because I wouldn’t be who I am today if I hadn’t been adopted. I love my parents and the family who have raised me and taken care of me. They have been great and will do anything for me even still to this day. Being adopted has not defined who I am either. I am, me because of the people who raised me and loved me and made sure I was taken care of every day of my life. I love who I am and what I have become. To be adopted shouldn’t affect how you live your life either. I lived my life everyday happily and lovingly with the family that was chosen for me. My parents wanted to make sure that I always knew that I was adopted because they didn’t want me to find out later in life and resent them for not telling me sooner, which unfortunately I probably would have because to me it is a huge deal that you know. I would never have guessed I was adopted either because I look shockingly like my adopted parents. Whenever we’d tell people I was adopted they would never believe us because we look so much alike.
I met my Biological mother on my 18th Birthday in 2000, I was a senior in high school. I asked my parents the summer before I turned 18 if we could find her and meet her in October for my birthday. They of course said yes because they knew how important to me it was. But I also made it VERY clear that they would always be my parents and that would never change no matter what happened. So my parents contacted the adoption agency they had used so many years ago to find her. Well she had not been in contact with the agency since 1984; which was 2 years after I was born. So my parents had to hire a private investigator to find her. They didn’t know how long it would take or where she would be now. In August we got a phone call from the Agency saying they had found her and contacted her to tell her that I wanted to meet her and that she had written them back and said she would love to meet me! I was ecstatic. They had all her contact information and gave it to my parents. That evening my mom told me they had found her and she told me what she knew and then she handed me a letter. A letter that my biological mother had written to me the day I was born. She had written one to my parents and one to me to be given to me when my parents felt the time was right. I had never been so excited in my entire life. After my mom and I had finished reading both of the letters together, she gave me her phone number so I could call her. I had so many different feelings flying around in my mind and body at that point I can’t remember what sticks out the most. All I know is that I couldn’t wait to call her. We live in the Pacific Northwest and she lives in Georgia so the time difference is 3 hours so I had to call her right away if I wanted to talk to her that day and of course I did. So after a couple times of chickening out on dialing the phone I called her and when she picked up the phone I had never been so happy. We talked for a long time and I can just remember thinking oh my gosh I am actually talking to my biological mother. It was completely surreal. I found out I had a half-brother who was almost 6 and I was so excited. We exchanged e-mail addresses and I gave her my phone number. We also made a plan for her and my brother to fly here to Oregon to meet.
So on October 11, 2000 I met my biological mother for the very first time. That day was one of the very best days of my entire life. My parents let me stay out of school that day which was a Wednesday so that I could go to the airport and pick her up with them. This was Pre-9/11 so you could still go to the gate without a ticket so my mom, dad and I all me them at the gate when they got off the airplane. I was so excited and nervous… I remember thinking that it was taking forever for them to get there. But when the people started getting off I ran up to the door and was just waiting. I had only seen a couple pics of them and they were a little old so I didn’t know if I would recognize them but as soon as I saw her I knew it was her. We just stopped and hugged and we just stared at each other and cried for a while. It was amazing. We have pictures of our first meeting in the airport but it was before we had digital cameras and I don’t have them scanned into my computer so I don’t have any to show you, SORRY! I wish I did because my mom captured some very amazing moments in those pictures. I can tell you that it was a very emotional reunion. But it was amazing. She spent 10 days here and it was awesome. We had a blast together. We still keep in contact and see each other as much as we can since we live across the country from each other. But I cannot imagine my life without her and my half-brother in my life. They have been there for all the big things in my life since we met; my high school graduation, my wedding, and a couple weeks after my son’s birth.
They are an extended part of my family and my parents and her get along so well. They love each other and my parents even consider her part of their extended family. I am so glad that I got the opportunity to meet her and have a relationship with her. I wouldn’t change anything about my life now, except maybe that we didn’t live so far apart so we could see each other more often. I am truly blessed with such an amazing family. So to all of those people out there who are adopted or have given up a child for adoption have hope that someday you will get the opportunity to meet because it CAN happen.
