Innocent Princess by Lauren Helms

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A straight-laced princess meets a bad boy is this modern Repunzel retelling. INNOCENT PRINCESS by Lauren Helms is full of first love, music, and just a little illegal hacking.. Readers who love road trip romances featuring an adventurous girl falling for a brooding boy will adore this opposites attract, new adult romance. The next installment of the Modern Princess Collection is now LIVE! 

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This year is all about discovering who I really am.
A roadtrip to a place seven hundred miles away, might not seem like much, but to me it means freedom.
I set out looking for adventure, I never expected Ryker would help me find it. 
I’m no prince charming, but I may just be her knight in shining armor. 
First, captivated by her ridiculously long blonde hair, I soon find out there is so much more to Zella then her hypnotizing locks.
Turns out those hacking skills I’ve been practicing are about to come in handy.
A straight-laced princess meets a bad boy is this modern fairy-tale retelling full of first love, music, and just a little illegal hacking.


Copyright 2020 @ Lauren Helms

 I tug at my favorite blue T-shirt, slightly embarrassed. I’m normally on my A-game when it comes to women, and this one seems to be besting me. “One track mind it seems,” I mutter.
“So it seems. By the looks of it, you were doing something you probably shouldn’t be doing.” She looks almost too innocent to trust, so I can’t help flipping the switch on my other skill. A slow grin, one I’ve been told countless times is sexy as sin, slides across my face. Cocking my head slightly, I wink at her. Lowering my voice, just slightly, I say, “How’s your day going?”
She stares. Her eyebrows pinch together, and she cocks her head slightly. “Did you just smolder?”
My face falls, and I feel … out of place. Am I in an alternate universe? Since when did my smolder not work on the opposite sex? Not only did it not affect the pixie, but she also called me out on it. Is my smolder broken?
My thoughts are interrupted by an amused giggle. “Let me guess, that usually works on the ladies?”
“Yeah, I think I might be broken.” I can’t keep the pout out of my tone.
More giggles from Blondie.
“How about you try introducing yourself? Maybe I have to get to know you before the smolder is effective on me.”
Uh, maybe she’s right. I’m going to have to work my magic later on some random chick to ensure I haven’t lost my smolder mojo.
Shaking off the confusion, I get my head back into the game. “Hi, I’m Ryker Stone.”

About Lauren


Lauren Helms has forever been an avid reader from the beginning. After starting a book review website, that catapulted her fully into the book world, she knew that something was missing.

Lauren decided to take the plunge and write her first novel. While working for a video game strategy guide publisher, she decided to mix what she knew best–video games and romance.

She decided to take the plunge and joined NaNoWrimo and a month later, she had her first draft. 

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About the Modern Princess Collection


Once upon a kiss, a modern romance becomes a fairytale.

The prestigious Camelot University comes fully equipped with elitist guys, a castle, and a Glass Ball, but these self-proclaimed princesses don’t need crowns to prove their worth. They’ve taken love and life into their own hands and written their own fairytale. 

Follow seven of your favorite fairytale heroines as they find their happily ever after, in these standalone, contemporary romance novels. The ladies of Cam U are a dangerous combination of cute and badass, full of attitude and imperfections, and an innocence only fairytales can convey.

Want to keep up with all the Modern Princess Collection news? LIKE the Rewritten Fairytales Facebook page!  


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Ignite My Heart by Loni Ree

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Forever Write PR in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Ignite My Heart by Loni Ree was a good book but it did seem rushed to me that always happens when the books are short.  I always wish that short books like this were long so that I could have gotten to know the characters and I wanted to spend more time with the characters because I really enjoyed all of the characters in this book. I did enjoy that I was able to read the entire book in just one sitting which I love because it is just long enough to make me forget what is going on but not so long that it takes forever to read them.  I love reading short books while I am eating because I am able to get through most of the book in about 30 mins which make my lunches go faster and gives me a short break to walk away from my desk and escape into another world. This is also the first time I have heard or read anything by this author and I am going to check out more books by her in the future.  I also can’t wait to read more books in this series in the future.  If you don’t have a ton of time to read I would pick up a short book like this one and give it a shot.

About The Book


It only takes a spark…

Trace Remington
I’m used to my nice quiet life in Juniper. I usually save Mrs. Jacob’s cat from its own bad luck once or twice a week and, on occasion, deal with a real emergency. When Paige Reilly moves in, the little firecracker wakes up our sleepy small town and sets my blood on fire.

Paige Reilly
I was looking for somewhere quiet to settle down, and Juniper, Colorado looked like the perfect place. Little did I know, the quiet little town would welcome me with a bang. When the hottest guy I’ve ever seen shows up at my door to give me advice on fitting into the town and neighborhood, sparks start flying between the Fire Captain and me.

Are you ready for sparks to ignite? This book is guaranteed to set your kindle on fire.

About The Author

Loni Ree is a very busy mom of six who loves to read, and she finds that it helps her escape the chaos of everyday life. She likes quick reads that are red-hot and on the excessive side. Writing has also been a passion of hers, and Loni decided to share the stories floating around in her mind. Her short, steamy stories have a tiny bit of suspense and are a little over the top because she believes reading should be an escape from real life. Her books always have a happy ever after, guaranteed!

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The Last Scoop by R.G. Belsky

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Partners In Crime Book Tours in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

The Last Scoop by R.G. Belsky was an amazing book.  This is the third book in the series and I only read the first book so you don’t have to read the books in order if you don’t want to.  I am going to go back and read the second book because I enjoy the characters in these books.  The time I spend with Clare the more I like her.  I love that she seems like a real person because she has vice’s like most people do and that made me come alive to me as I was reading this story.  I also love books where the main character is a strong female because I think there need to be more books like that so that girls know that they can do anything that they put their minds too.  This book wasn’t super suspenseful but it did have enough that I didn’t lose interest as I was reading the book and I also was sad when it ended because I really love these characters and I hope the author writes more books with these characters in them.  If you are looking for a good mystery book to read I would check this one out.

About The Book

Genre: Mystery
Published by: Oceanview Publishing
Publication Date: May 5th 2020
Number of Pages: 368
ISBN: 1608093573 (ISBN13: 9781608093571)
Series: Clare Carlson #3
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

The killer whispered-“A pretty damsel…worth a pretty risk.”

Martin Barlow was Clare Carlson’s first newspaper editor, a beloved mentor who inspired her career as a journalist. But, since retiring from his newspaper job, he had become a kind of pathetic figure—railing on about conspiracies, cover-ups, and other imaginary stories he was still working on. Clare had been too busy with her own career to pay much attention to him. When Martin Barlow is killed on the street one night during an apparent mugging attempt gone bad, it seems like he was just an old man whose time had come. But Clare—initially out of a sense of guilt for ignoring her old friend and then because of her own journalistic instincts—begins looking into his last story idea. As she digs deeper and deeper into his secret files, she uncovers shocking evidence of a serial killer worse than Son of Sam, Ted Bundy, or any of the other infamous names in history. This really is the biggest story of Martin Barlow’s career—and Clare’s, too—as she uncovers the path leading to the decades-long killer of at least twenty young women. All is not as it seems during Clare’s relentless search for this serial killer. Is she setting herself up to be his next victim?

About The Author

R. G. Belsky is an author of crime fiction and a journalist in New York City. His newest mystery, Below The Fold, was published in May 2019 by Oceanview. It is the second in a series featuring Clare Carlson, the news director for a New York City TV station. The first Clare Carlson book, YESTERDAY’S NEWS, came out in 2018. It won the David Award at Deadly Ink for Best Mystery of 2018. Belsky previously wrote the Gil Malloy series – THE KENNEDY CONNECTION, SHOOTING FOR THE STARS AND BLONDE ICE – about a newspaper reporter at the New York Daily News. Belsky himself is a former managing editor at the Daily News and writes about the media from an extensive background in newspapers, magazines and TV/digital news. He has also been a top editor at the New York Post, Star magazine and NBC News. Belsky won the Claymore Award at Killer Nashville in 2016. He has finished several times as a Finalist for both the Silver Falchion and David Awards. YESTERDAY’S NEWS, was also named Outstanding Crime/News Based Novel by Just Reviews in 2018 and was a Finalist for Best Mystery of 2018 in the Foreword INDIES Awards. His previous suspense/thriller novels include LOVERBOY and PLAYING DEAD. Belsky lives in New York City.

Catch Up With R.G. Belsky On:
RGBelsky.comGoodreadsBookBubInstagramTwitter, & Facebook!

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This is a rafflecopter giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for R.G. Belsky. There will be Two (2) winners of one (1) Gift Card each. The giveaway begins on May 1, 2020 and runs through June 2, 2020. Void where prohibited.
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Imperfect Princess by Sonya Jesus

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Imperfect hearts never fall apart in IMPERFECT PRINCESS by Sonya Jesus. This emotional fairytale retelling about an imperfect girl and her scars will chill you in this modern version of The Snow Queen. Fans of the friends to lovers trope will devour this coming of age, new adult romance. The first book in the Modern Princess Collection is now LIVE! 


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It started with fire.


Not the kind that burns inside you and melts your heart into a mess of happy feelings. A real one. One that rips through wood and disintegrates brick and bone, leaving ashes and orphans in its wake.

Death would have saved me from a rocky family life. There would be no cigarette burns on the soles of my feet, no vicious words engraved in my mind, and no Kai Madison. The friend who saw past the scars and offered me pennies for my secrets. The guy who stole my heart with a single kiss in the middle of a rose garden on a snowy winter.

Nothing would have been easier to leave behind—to vanish from—but for the past four years, I’ve been isolated from the world, living in a hospital room and helping the Feds build a case against my foster-dad. Now I’m free and willing to risk my life to see him again.

There’s only one problem. I’m no longer imperfect. I have the same heart, but a different face.




Copyright 2020 @ Sonya Jesus 

“You know you can tell me anything, right?”

“What do I have to tell?” My body aches in protest, reminding me of the many secrets hidden just underneath the layers of cloth, and the many more beneath the layers of skin. What good does voicing truths do? A shared burden is still heavy, and I like feeling weightless in his presence.

“Everything…” He slips closer, breaths landing on my trembling lips. His thick blond lashes flutter, and in that same exact instant, our lips touch. And touch again.

Silk and smooth. Like melting ice.

They glide over mine, as though one year of life has blessed him with skill, my inexperience clearly evident in my ragged breaths. But he doesn’t seem to mind. When he tears his lips from mine, his hand falls to my chin, and he tilts it upward to face him. “You’re so different, Thorn.” Hovering his lips a couple inches away from mine, he whispers, “Be careful with the Del Rios. They aren’t who you think they are.”

About Sonya

Sonya’s a nerd—a cool nerd—who loves science, books, make-up and unicorns. She even has unicorn slippers and unicorn plushes adorn her office. It’s not obsession (or so she says), it’s simply an ode to her imaginative side. 

She believes in fairytales and in the beautiful things a mind can conjure. She’s a firm believer of empowering the crazy fictional ideas, putting them down on paper (figurative paper because she’s not a fan of writing in notebooks), and letting them flourish into a story. Sometimes that story is about psychos and murders.

Don’t believe me? Ask her in any of her social media. She’s all about those connections.

“There’s so much potential in a dream, not exploring it seems like such a waste of something absolutely beautiful.”

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About the Modern Princess Collection


Once upon a kiss, a modern romance becomes a fairytale.

The prestigious Camelot University comes fully equipped with elitist guys, a castle, and a Glass Ball, but these self-proclaimed princesses don’t need crowns to prove their worth. They’ve taken love and life into their own hands and written their own fairytale. 

Follow seven of your favorite fairytale heroines as they find their happily ever after, in these standalone, contemporary romance novels. The ladies of Cam U are a dangerous combination of cute and badass, full of attitude and imperfections, and an innocence only fairytales can convey.

Want to keep up with all the Modern Princess Collection news? LIKE the Rewritten Fairytales Facebook page!  


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Cover Reveal: Not A Fine Gentleman by Donna Hatch


Donna Hatch is the author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” and a winner of writing awards such as The Golden Quill and the International Digital Award. A hopeless romantic and adventurer at heart, she discovered her writing passion at the tender age of 8 and has been listening to those voices ever since. She has become a sought-after workshop presenter, and also juggles freelance editing, multiple volunteer positions, and most of all, her six children (seven, counting her husband). A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.


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Margaret, the eldest of the misbegotten Amesbury family is accused of murdering her jerk of a husband and then fleeing. Conner Jackson, a Bow Stree Runner, is hunting her down to bring her to justice. Or so he thinks.

This romantic story of loss and betrayal, forgiveness and redemption, and strangers marrying, will leave you laughing, crying, and swooning. Sprinkled liberally with suspense, mystery, and heart-melting kisses, this is not your ordinary historical tale of an arranged marriage nor of redeeming the rakes. Fans of Victorian and Regency Eras as well as those seeking clean and wholesome romance with plenty of chemistry will love this story!


The Rogue Hearts Series:
The Stranger She Married 
The Guise of a Gentleman
A Perfect Secret
The Suspect’s Daughter
Not a Fine Gentleman

Praise for Donna Hatch:
“Donna Hatch is one of the masters of clean romance with electric tension and smokin’ hot kisses.” ~ Reading is My Super Power Reviews

“Written with heart and depth, Donna Hatch’s books are absolute must-reads for any fan of swoon-worthy historical romance.”  ~ Sarah M. Eden, USA Today best-selling historical romance author

And now for the Cover



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Cover Reveal: Conspiracy in The Capitol by B. Ivy Woods

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We are excited to share the cover for Conspiracy in The Capitol by B. Ivy Woods, her upcoming romantic suspense. This is the first book for the In The Capitol series, which is a spicy, diverse, must-read second chance romance. Keep scrolling for a look at this wonderful cover.
Time is supposed to heal all wounds, but can it mend a broken heart?
Rae’s been unlucky in love ever since having her heart broken years ago. When her ex reappears and declares his hope for a second chance, she’s not sure what to do. Time can heal past wounds, but sometimes heartbreak is irreparable…
Flint knows that this is his last opportunity to win her heart again and he’s playing for keeps. But with his reemergence in her life comes danger. Mysterious messages that plagued their relationship years ago have returned, threatening their reconciliation. Rae already has doubts about rekindling their relationship but now the stakes have increased and her life might be in danger.
Can their love truly conquer all?
This second chance romance is book one In The Capitol series.
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Get a sneak peek at the characters from this contemporary romantic suspense series with the prequel, Love in The Capitol. Read it today for only $.99


About B. Ivy Woods

B. Ivy Woods has been writing for as long as she can remember. After getting her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Environmental Policy and a Masters in Energy Policy and Law and working in the environmental field for several years, she decided to become a stay-at-home mom. That is when thoughts of a writing career really took off. Although she competed in NaNoWriMo multiple times, 2019 was the first year that she won. This win inspired her to make writing a career. Her debut novel will be self-published in 2020.

Although she is originally from New York City, she currently lives in the DMV (Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia) with her husband, daughter, dog, and cat.


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