Green by S.M. West

Thank you for joining up for the Review and Excerpt Tour for S.M. West’s GREEN! Devour this hot and sexy romantic suspense where hope and friendship grow into something more. Follow along for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card!

Title: Green

Author: SM West

Release Date: 2/28/18

Publisher: Self-published

Series: A Love in Color Novel

Genres: Contemporary, Romantic Suspense

Green. The color of hope.

ANNA MARI is living for today, not daring to hope for tomorrow. She’s a pawn in her grandfather’s game, and time is her enemy. Her freedom is the prize.

DAVIS COOPER is licking his wounds of betrayal when he’s assigned to babysit his boss’s sister. The pretty little thing who’s most definitely off-limits.

Though they struggle to set boundaries, the root of their friendship grows into something more. But none of that matters – Anna’s fate is sealed and neither hope nor love can save her.   

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GREEN Excerpt

Copyright © 2018 S.M. West

Eventually, I select a large canvas, so large, I can’t get it on the easel and settle for the floor. I strip my jeans, long sleeved shirt and slip my shoes off, donning the sizeable green smock hanging on the wall. And I paint. Losing track of time or space. Fully immersed in the colors, my vision, my emotion.

“Here you are,” Coop says from the doorway, and I twist on all fours in his direction.

He’s leaning on the door jamb with his arms relaxed at his sides, and his feet crossed like he has been standing there a while.

“How long have you been here?”

I’ve been painting for hours, my fingers tingle, my feet are numb, and my lower back aches from crouching and contorting myself into strange, awkward positions. I was oblivious to the cries of my body while working.

“A bit.” He pushes off the wall, nearing to help me to my feet.

I roll my neck and shake out my limbs before tilting my head to look at him. He smiles, his white teeth and twinkling eyes pop as he tucks a few strands behind my ear.

“You’ve got some paint on your face.” His finger slides down my check and then the side of my nose. “It looks good on you.”

Heat travels from the center of my chest outward, and I can’t help but smile, “I’m glad you think so.”

Gone is my anger or bruised ego from his departure last night. I don’t really know what I was expecting or wanting, and I’m glad to see him. I’m also happy to see that he’s more himself.

“What am I going to do with you? You have to stop disappearing on me.”

“And what? Make your job easier, not a chance.” I tease, treading lightly, all too aware of the kind of trouble my wondering off could cause.

Don’t miss the first two standalone novels in the Love in Color series, RED and BLUE.

RED: Amazon | iBooks | Nook | Kobo

BLUE: Amazon | iBooks  | Nook | Kobo

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About S.M. West:

S.M. West writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, erotica and whatever her heart desires. She spends most of her time juggling a day job, being a mom, wife, and writing. She’s a self-professed junkie of many things, including a voracious fan of music, a born wanderer, a wine aficionado and chocolate connoisseur.

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Guinevere: The Dawn of Legend by Cheryl Carpinello


“Think before acting,” her father always warned. But Princess Guinevere is ruled by her heart. Her betrothal to King Arthur has not changed this.

When Guinevere and Cedwyn’s latest adventure takes a dangerous turn, they find themselves embroiled in a life-or-death struggle as foretold by Merlyn’s Goddess of the Stones.

Renegades–foiled in their attempt to kidnap the princess–steal the children of Cadbury Castle to sell as slaves. Guinevere and Cedwyn vow to rescue the children, but a miscalculation puts them all in more danger. The plan quickly unravels, and Guinevere’s impassioned decisions come crashing down as Cedwyn chooses to turn his dream of becoming a knight into reality. Will their courage be strong enough to survive, or will one make the ultimate sacrifice?”

I’m a retired high school English teacher. A devourer of books growing up, my profession introduced me to writings and authors from times long past. Through my studies and teaching, I fell in love with the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Now, I hope to inspire young readers and those Young-at-Heart to read more through my Tales and Legends for Reluctant Readers set in these worlds—Ancient Egypt, Medieval Wales, and coming soon, a hair-raising adventure through ancient worlds in search of 5 rare Phoenix Feathers.


All of my books come with Free study guides and/or extensive Back-of-the-Book materials.


My husband and I love to travel. In 2008, we spent three weeks in Egypt traveling by local train from one end of the country to the other; in 2014, we spent three weeks in the UK driving over 1700 miles through England, Wales, and Scotland; and in 2016, we spent a week in Iceland. We’ve also traveled to Mexico, Jamaica, and Aruba. Our next big adventure will be to Greece and Italy.



When I’m not writing or traveling, our 4 grandkids keep us busy.



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Top Ten List

  1. Things I like to do when not writing:

I enjoy traveling, reading, spending time with my family, and working in the yard. I’m definitely not a housekeeper.


  1. How I relax:

Sitting on the beach in Puerto Aventuras, Mexico!


  1. My favorite color:

Blue’s always been my favorite color. It’s the color of my eyes, of the sky, and of the ocean.


  1. My favorite drink:

Just can’t pass up a good margarita!


  1. My favorite snack:

I devour nachos and Auntie Anne’s pretzels!


  1. My your favorite movies:

Star Wars, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, and The Mummy. I’ve watched each of these so many times that I’ve lost track, and my husband shakes his head when he sees one on and says, “Really?” I just smile.


  1. I am a night owl:

I don’t usually go to sleep until midnight, and now that I’m retired, I’m comfortable not seeing the sun come up in the morning:)


  1. My favorite food:

That would be a smothered shredded beef burrito washed down with a good margarita.


  1. My favorite authors:

I grab anything by the writing duo of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Childs, and I also love their individual books. David Baldacci’s books are also favorites. I’m addicted to blood & guts & spy thrillers!


  1. If I could live anyway, it would be in Colorado.

We have the best weather—All four seasons. I live next to the foothills, and a drive up in the Rockies is a cure for any ailment. I can see the world famous Red Rock Amphitheater from my couch, and if the wind is just right, we can hear the concerts. My immediate family is all here, except for one sister who lives in Texas, poor soul. In addition to being a retired teacher, I’m also a retired airline employee. So, when I need a change, it’s so easy just to hop a plane and go to the beach.



Many trials await the two of you. Perhaps the hardest are the ones you will have to endure alone.

“You, Guinevere, will find yourself lost. You—who are destined to be a great queen—will have to traverse a journey of immense pain and self-doubt. You must let your inner feelings guide you. The journey will be hard and painful. You must summon the courage of your soul to sustain you.

“You, Cedwyn, faithful friend of the princess and the queen. Your journey may be the hardest of all. You will be sent far from those you serve and love. Your duty will demand that you see this most difficult journey to its end. Whether it be death or life for you will depend upon many things. Your courage must also come from deep within your soul for one so young. Your love of family and friends must be great. But greater still must be your loyalty to the knight’s duty. For your knight’s vow comes soon. You must embrace it. You must defeat the temptations to turn aside for your own safety.

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Hacking IT by Kimberly Dean


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Pump Up Your Book in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Hacking IT by Kimberly Dean was a different book for me to read.  I love that the author made the main character a female hacker because not many authors do that.  I wish that more people would write books like this so that girls would do more of this stuff in the real world.  Anyway, let’s get back to my thoughts on this book.  This book was shorter than other books that I have read lately, and I loved that about this book because I was able to read it in about a day.  I wasn’t the biggest fan of Luke and I can’t really pin point what I didn’t like about him, but he was just a character that drove me insane.  I really like Kylie because like I said before I love to see women in tech jobs.  I thought this book was well written and I wouldn’t mind reading more books by this author in the future.  I think that anyone who likes chick lit with enjoy this book as much as I did.

About The Book

Author: Kimberly Dean
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 200
Genre: Romantic Suspense

Independent software developer Kylie Grant is on top of her game in the world of IT. She has loyal clients, a good reputation, and a prestigious membership in technology giant Afire Industries’ small business accelerator. Things are going well until she stumbles across an innocuous issue with the lighting in the building where she rents space. When she digs into the problem, she discovers something unexpected—a hack.

The incursion doesn’t affect her, but Kylie leaves enough clues to fix the problem. That earns her a visit from Luke McAllister, Afire’s chief security officer. Luke is handsome and rugged and everything that Kylie likes in a man, but she soon finds that he is blaming her for the security breach. Before long, the two are on a collision course, but also secretly looking at more than each other’s digital footprints.

When a fluke accident sends Kylie to the emergency room, Luke fears that the beautiful developer is in danger beyond the online world. Little does he know that she is also hiding a secret that threatens to jeopardize their now sizzling relationship.

Can Kylie fix Afire’s problems without falling victim to the hacker? And can Luke learn to trust her and keep her safe before their enemy strikes again?

About The Author

When taking the Myers-Briggs personality test in high school, Kimberly Dean was rated as an INFJ (Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judging). This result sent her into a panic, because there were no career paths recommended for the personality type. Fortunately, it turned out to be well suited to a writing career. Since receiving that dismal outlook, Kimberly has become an award-winning author of romance and erotica. When not writing, she enjoys movies, sports, traveling, music, and sunshine.



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Upheld: Ordinary women discovering an Extraordinary God

Five women have joined together under the pen name, Grace Lane, to write about their personal experiences in hopes to inspire and uplift others.  The following character sketches will give you a little insight about each author.

Writing about motherhood and her husband’s health struggles, Rebekah lives true to the meaning of her name—to bind. Life’s experiences have shaped her into a wise, steadfast daughter of God who has the beautiful ability to make others laugh through her clever wit.
Jeni’s stories revolve around the loving care of her son with special needs. Knowing that he will not live out his childhood, she’s armed with strength and determination to give him the best life possible. The bright hope Jeni finds through the Savior will encourage the lowest of hearts.
Elizabeth is passionate about sharing the Light of Christ. You’ll feel this in reading about the challenges she faces with her spouse’s addiction and divorce. Through sophistication, uplifting words, and a touch of spunk, she’s a modern-day disciple “gathering in the fold” and feeding His sheep.
A woman of intuition, Faith has a distinctive gift for understanding people. Her personal goal in life is to help women recognize their potential in whatever role they fill. She writes about her battle in overcoming abuse as a child and her fight with low self-esteem.


A single mom for ten years, Dawn not only believes the motto “Light trumps darkness”, but she lives it every day. Her short stories are about finding God after a heart-crushing divorce. Dawn touches many lives through her unwavering testimony and simple ways.
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Upheld: Ordinary women discovering an Extraordinary God
Life happens. Ordinary and extraordinary events fill the days and nights, but regardless of the circumstance, God is there. We’re five friends who, over the course of a decade, learned to recognize the heavenly touches in our lives. We share our stories in a series of short vignettes, as glimpses of the profound and practical ways God lifts us.

First as a newlywed and then as a young mother, Rebekah awakens to the daily light that comes from realizing how often and simply the Lord touches her life. Jeni nurtures a child with special needs and learns that strength and support are only a prayer away. Elizabeth forges a new path towards renewal and regeneration after she exits the roller coaster ride of her spouse’s addiction. Faith discovers the beauty of reminders from a loving Heavenly Father that she has worth and the precious gift of agency. Dawn opens her mind to the understanding that no matter what happens peace can abound and everything will work out.

In Upheld: Ordinary women discovering an Extraordinary God we invite you to walk with us, explore the nooks and crannies of life, and have joy in the knowledge that you are not forgotten. As you read, we hope you will also discover God upholding you in your own life.
And now for the Cover
Isn’t it lovely!!!


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Hello Stranger by Lisa Kleypas

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Hello, Stranger by Lisa Kleypas was an exciting book.  I read this entire book in one day because it was super easy reading.  I enjoyed the story and the characters in this book which is one reason that I was able to read it so quickly.  I loved that this book was different from any other historical book that I have read, so I really enjoyed that.  I fell in love with Garrett right from the first page of this book because I love that the author had such a strong female character.  I loved that she was a doctor who I know wasn’t something that happened a lot during this time period.  I wasn’t the biggest fan of Ethan during most of the book because I just didn’t like him but means that the author did a great job of making the characters come to life as I was reading this book.  If you are looking for your next book to read I think you should pick this one up and if you do read it let me know what you think about it.

About The Book

New York Times bestselling author Lisa Kleypas delivers a scintillating tale of an unconventional beauty who finds passion with the spy who can’t resist her

A woman who defies her time
Dr. Garrett Gibson, the only female physician in England, is as daring and independent as any man—why not take her pleasures like one? Yet she has never been tempted to embark on an affair, until now. Ethan Ransom, a former detective for Scotland Yard, is as gallant as he is secretive, a rumored assassin whose true loyalties are a mystery. For one exhilarating night, they give in to their potent attraction before becoming strangers again.

A man who breaks every rule

As a Ravenel by-blow spurned by his father, Ethan has little interest in polite society, yet he is captivated by the bold and beautiful Garrett. Despite their vow to resist each other after that sublime night, she is soon drawn into his most dangerous assignment yet. When the mission goes wrong, it will take all of Garrett’s skill and courage to save him. As they face the menace of a treacherous government plot, Ethan is willing to take any risk for the love of the most extraordinary woman he’s ever known.

About The Author

New York Times bestselling author Lisa Kleypas graduated from Wellesley College with a political science degree. She is a RITA award winning author of both historical romance and contemporary women’s fiction. Her novels are published in fourteen different languages and are bestsellers all over the world. She lives in Washington State with her husband Gregory and their two children.

Connect with Lisa Kleypas

Facebook: @LisaKleypas

Twitter: @LisaKleypas

Instagram: @lisakleypas

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Playing The Pauses by Michelle Hazen & Guest Post

We are excited to celebrate the release of PLAYING THE PAUSES by Michelle Hazen. This is the second installment in her Sex, Love, and Rock & Roll series. Follow the tour for reviews, excerpts, guest posts, plus enter to win a $50 Amazon gift card!  

“Hazen’s use of the frantic energy of a rock band’s tour contrasts perfectly with the slow and seductive dance this couple engages in. Readers are sure to enjoy following The Red Letters on their drama-fueled climb to fame. “ —RT Book Reviews

“To call Playing the Pauses an erotic novel alone would be to belie its equally strong explorations of the boundaries between personal, career, and sexual growth.” —Midwest Book Review

When an ultra-independent tour manager meets the one musician she can’t resist, their kinks fit together perfectly, but their lives don’t. Michelle Hazen is back with PLAYING THE PAUSES, the second, stand-alone installment in her Sex, Love, and Rock & Roll series. Fans of Kylie Scott’s Stage Dive Series and YOU REALLY GOT ME by Erika Kelly, will love this bad boy, friends with benefits romance with a dash of BDSM mixed in.

Title:  Playing the Pauses

Author: Michelle Hazen

Release Date: March 5, 2018

Publisher: Self-published

Series: Sex, Love, and Rock & Roll #2

Genres: Contemporary Romance

Page Count: 290

Rock Star Dom + his Queen of the Spreadsheet employee = KRYPTONIT

Kate is a globe-trotting tour manager who can’t be tied down.

Danny is a Dominant rock star and tattoo artist who needs her help to explore his true kinks.

Kate just got her big break, running an international tour for a rising band. Her job is everything to her…at least until she meets the band’s enigmatic bass player.

After they collide in one unforgettably erotic night on a hotel balcony, he comes to her with a proposition. As a former BDSM club performer, Danny’s spent so long fulfilling other people’s fantasies that now he wants to reclaim his own—and he says she’s the only one who can help.

Getting caught in bed with her rock star boss could cost her career, and yet there’s something about Danny’s quiet intensity that she can’t resist. He steals her heart, hard. But the end of the tour is approaching, and their jobs are headed two different directions.

To be together one of them will have to stop touring, but the only thing they crave as much as each other is music.

** This book can be read and understood as a standalone, but does contain spoilers for earlier books in the series. **


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About Michelle Hazen:

Michelle Hazen is a nomad with a writing problem. Years ago, she and her husband ducked out of the 9 to 5 world and moved into their truck. As a result, she wrote most of her books with solar power in odd places, including a bus in Thailand, a golf cart in a sandstorm, and a beach in Honduras. Currently, she’s addicted to The Walking Dead, hiking, and Tillamook cheese.

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Guest Post

The Inspiration Behind Playing the Pauses

The funny thing about Danny is that he already existed.

With most of my characters, I start with a glimmer and then start to fill it out. Brainstorm flaws, hobbies, the unique way they speak. This time, I invented Jera for A Cruel Kind of Beautiful (Book 1) and the first thing I knew about her was that she was a drummer and her best friend was a bassist who was also a tattoo artist and his name was Danny. Just like that, all those pieces of information wound up together like it was a single fact. Like they were a single fact. I didn’t even know Jera’s name at that point but I knew Danny’s.

He came fully formed. I always knew exactly what he would do; the challenge was explaining it to other people because he doesn’t think like anyone else. Half the time, he doesn’t think at all. His brain is this silent, beautiful plane. It’s why I didn’t write his book from his perspective: it wouldn’t make any sense. I had to let Kate tell it for him. There’s a novella later in the series half-told from his perspective and it’s an utterly exotic experience. Remember that old movie Being John Malkovich? It’s like that. It’s tourism into the brain of a person so different from you and I that it’s hard to comprehend.

The most frustrating thing about Danny is that he’s an artist and I know what his tattoos look like. They’re described in his book and they sound so pretty but I myself can’t draw a stick figure without a ruler. Which means all those gorgeous tattoo designs are always going to stay locked up in my head with no way to get out.

It’s also frustrating that I always know WHAT he does, but sometimes it takes me a bit of time to get him to tell me WHY.

Like for instance, Danny’s a vegetarian who hates vegetables. And fruit. I always knew that, from his first scene where he walks in eating Cheetos, but I didn’t know why until I wrote his book and I literally watched my fingers type the story behind his vegetarianism without having any idea what I was about to say (It’s a crazy weird story, too, you guys).

Danny’s real in a way none of my other characters quite are, and that would creep me out if it didn’t feel so…utterly natural.

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