Fast Ride by Michelle Dayton


We are excited to celebrate the release of Michelle Dayton’s new release, FAST RIDE! Join in on the fun with reviews, excerpts, plus a giveaway! FAST RIDE is a spicy, surprisingly emotional, contemporary romance, the first in a brand-new series. Find out what happens when Jen Appleton says yes to a one-night stand in a roadside motel with the hot, hot, hot Garrett Tracy.

Title:  Fast Ride

Author: Michelle Dayton

Published: April 30, 2018

Publisher: Self-published

Series: Tracy Brothers

Genres: Contemporary Romance

Word Count: 53K


Jen Appleton is the woman who always says yes. To her boss. To her employees. To charity. To everyone except herself. But when she rear-ends a red Porsche on her way home from a nasty day at work, and the man driving the midlife-crisis cliché turns out to be hot, hot, hot, Jen decides tonight’s the night to say yes to things she’s never said yes to before.

Yes, to a one-night stand in a motel.

Yes, to the hottest night on record.

Yes, to anything Garrett Tracy wants to do to her body.

Garrett knows the chemistry between them can only be described as extreme. But it’s just one night. And then he can get back to work convincing his ex-girlfriend to give him another shot.

When Jen approaches Garrett as the only person in Chicago who might solve her massive work problem, he agrees to help—on the condition that Jen will coach him in winning back his ex. As they work on their projects, Jen and Garrett can’t resist the incredible attraction sparking between them. It’s the perfect friends-with-benefits situation. Until Jen’s heart finally forces her to start saying no

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Copyright © 2018 Michelle Dayton

She was damn sexy when she was concentrating. Garrett finished laying out a somewhat sneakier strategy for her to follow at work and tried not to laugh when she jotted notes on a cocktail napkin.

“Text me early next week and let me know how it goes.” Then, impulsively he added, “We could even meet again in person if you need a sounding board.”

She folded her cocktail-napkin notes and put them in her purse. When she turned to him, her big brown eyes were shining. “I cannot thank you enough. This might actually work.” She bounced a little on her barstool and took a sip of beer. “I’m a little giddy,” she laughed. “I’ve been feeling so awful and hopeless this week, and it feels so good to have a plan of attack.”

It was inevitable. His dick had been at half-mast for most of their time together tonight, and he went fully hard at “it feels so good” in that low, prim voice. Both his brain and his cock remembered the last time she said that. Vividly.

Shifting in his seat to ease the discomfort, he just said, “You’re very welcome,” in a voice that had dropped by a half-octave.

Leave it alone, idiot. They had a good deal going here. She’d actually made a lot of sense when it came to the Melissa situation, and he really believed in the advice he’d given her about work. The electrical current between them was inconvenient, to say the least.

Besides, she didn’t seem to have the same problem around him. She hadn’t made one flirtatious comment, and she hadn’t made any reference to their night in the motel together.

Of course, she went and picked that moment to say, “Did you bring the Porsche tonight?”

Her lips were curved in a coy smile, topped with a too-innocent bat of her lashes. His pulse leaped. She wouldn’t have mentioned the Porsche unless she wanted him to think about last Friday. And she wouldn’t want him to think about last Friday unless…

“Unfortunately, no,” he answered smoothly, moving his arm on the bar so that it ever-so-lightly rubbed against hers. Her bicep tensed and released quickly, and he heard a quick, excited inhale of breath.

“I did notice, however, that you appear to be wearing a dress.” Boldly, he let his gaze wander all over her, loving the way she squirmed and squeezed her thighs together.

“It’s not the same one,” she said, and her voice was definitely sultrier.

He moved one hand to her warm knee and stared her in the eyes. “No, I took care of that one but good,” he said, smiling at the memory. He’d torn the cheap dress right in half with a single sharp tug. And then he’d pulled her nipples into his mouth, one after the other.

From her ragged breathing and her heavy-lidded eyes, he knew she was remembering the same moment. “The thing is,” he said, moving his hand higher on her bare leg, “this one looks just as good.”

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About Michelle Dayton:

There are only three things Michelle Dayton loves more than sexy and suspenseful novels: her family, the city of Chicago, and Mr. Darcy. Michelle dreams of a year of world travel – as long as the trip would include weeks and weeks of beach time. As a bourbon lover and unabashed wine snob, Michelle thinks heaven is discussing a good book over an adult beverage

Follow Michelle:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | BookBub

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Love Inspired Books: Primary Suspect by Laura Scott

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from the publishing company in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Primary Suspect by Laura Scott was a very predictable type book, but it was well written, and I enjoyed the characters.  This was a shorter book, so I was able read it in a few hours which I also enjoyed because I can read it fast and move on to another book.  I knew what was going to happen without knowing all the details in this book.  I wasn’t the biggest fan of Mitch through most of the book but by the end of it he had grown on me, but I loved Dana right from the start.  She seemed like someone I would get along with and I know I will check out more books by this author in the future because I enjoyed her writing.  This book would be great if you are looking for something to read that isn’t super intense and a quick read.

About The Book

Wrongfully Accused

A Callahan Confidential story

When fire investigator Mitch Callahan is attacked at a crime scene, he’s shocked to uncover the body of a slain ex-girlfriend—and realize someone’s framing him for murder. Widowed ER nurse Dana Petrie believes Mitch is innocent, and not just because he makes her feel alive again after tragedy marred her past. But is she willing to risk everything only to love and lose again?

About The Author

Laura Scott is honored to write for the Love Inspired Suspense line, where a reader can find a heartwarming journey of faith amid the thrilling danger. She lives with her husband of twenty-five years and has two children, a daughter and a son, who are both in college. She works as a critical-care nurse during the day at a large level-one trauma center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and spends her spare time writing romance. Visit Laura at

Also writes as: Laura Iding

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The Victim of the System by Steve Hadden


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Partners In Crime Book Tours in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

The Victim of the System by Steve Hadden was a great book.  I chose to review this book because the plot seemed different from books I have read lately, and I am so glad that I decided to review this book.  I know I will be checking out more books by him in the future because I really enjoyed his writing.  I felt so bad for Jack in this story.  I don’t think he should get away with what he did but I did understand why he did it.  This book left me thinking about how our justice system is and how things like this might happen in the world.  This book was one that made me think and I enjoyed that about it.  I wasn’t the biggest fan of Ike through the entire book and even after I finished the book I didn’t like him.  He is just one of those characters that I don’t like.  I know you will enjoy this book if you love thrillers and are looking for something different to read.

About The Book

Genre: Thriller
Published by: Telemachus Press
Publication Date: April 3rd 2018
Number of Pages: 330
ISBN: 9781948046039
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Twenty-two years ago, Ike Rossi’s life was shattered when his parents were murdered in cold blood. He surrendered his football scholarship and returned home to find their killer and raise his nine-year-old sister. Now, the crime of a local ten-year-old genius, Jack Cole, threatens to unearth old wounds rather than provide the closure Ike desperately wants.

When Ike meets Jack inside the Pittsburgh courthouse, he doesn’t see a murderer but instead a boy who has been victimized by a system that has left them both without justice. Despite knowing the case will resurrect the painful demons of his parents’ unsolved murders, Ike agrees to clear Jack’s name. The court of public opinion and the district attorney have an airtight case. Worse, taking Jack’s side thrusts Ike into the crosshairs of the most powerful family in Pittsburgh, the Falzones.

Now, with only days before the trial, Ike confronts the Falzones’ crumbling empire to find the shocking evidence that could save Jack. At the same time, he races to decipher a series of cryptic clues from Jack’s dead father that could hold the key to his son’s freedom. But each step closer to the truth draws them further into danger, and as three fractured families collide, Ike is forced to choose between saving Jack-and saving himself.

The Victim of the System is an intriguing and entertaining thriller about the justice system, closure and the abyss between them.


About The Author

Steve Hadden was born in Columbus, Ohio but spent much of his childhood in North Severna Park, Maryland. Building a short-wave radio with his father (an electrical engineer), frequent trips to the US Naval Academy, and the gift of a chemistry set, sparked his interest in chemistry and mathematics at an early age. At the end of elementary school, Steve’s family moved to Columbus, Indiana where he developed his love for basketball and where his favorite book was Stranger Than Science by Frank Edwards. Two years later, Steve moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where his junior high school creative writing teacher sparked his interest in writing. Steve attended North Allegheny High School and fell in love with Clive Cussler’s Raise the Titanic.

He attended Penn State, graduated with a degree in chemical engineering, and began a career in the oil and gas business, where he’s worked in engineering, management, and advisory roles. He’s traveled to intriguing places around the world and met fascinating people. His experience in the oil and gas business ultimately led to the idea for his first thriller, The Sunset Conspiracy. His interest in biology and science formed the foundation for his next four thrillers, Genetic Imperfections and The Swimming Monkeys Trilogy. He returned to his hometown of Pittsburgh with his latest thriller, The Victim of the System, a story with a mind-bending scientific twist.

Steve now lives in the foothills of the Cascades outside of Seattle. When he’s not working on his next intriguing thriller, Steve is hiking the trails with his wife and two Labrador retrievers, playing guitar or piano, reading great books, listening to music and consulting on business matters.

Visit Steve Hadden at, Goodreads, & Facebook!

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Lennon Reborn by Scarlett Cole

We are excited to celebrate the release of LENNON REBORN, the final instalment in Scarlett Cole’s Preload series! Join us for reviews and excerpts plus enter to win a complete series set of signed paperbacks!

Title: Lennon Reborn

Author: Scarlett Cole

Series: Preload #4

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: May 1, 2018

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press SWERVE

Format: Digital and Paperback


Lennon McCartney is not a broken man. Because being broken implies being whole once. When a horrific accident deprives him of the one thing he loves—his talent as a fierce and explosive drummer—Lennon is left with a life chained by an abusive mother, by crushing guilt over a tragic past. A life he doesn’t want.

Dr. Georgia Starr is a legend. She’s one of the most successful neurosurgeons in the world, coming from a long-line of respected New York doctors. Her life is built around solving complex medical cases in order to bring relief and hope to sick children. But the one problem she can’t solve is how to live her life. How to shake loose the burden of being her elitist, arrogant father’s daughter. How to be free.

Can a man who despises his life and a woman who desperately needs to live find the answers, and love, with each other?

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Copyright © 2018 Scarlett Cole


Georgia ripped off her coat and tucked it around the man of the floor. The air was sharp against her skin. Without thinking, she used her hand to move the stray hairs from across his face, and the man gasped. She checked his pulse and could tell the blood loss was getting dangerous.

“What’s your name?” she asked as she shone her light in his eyes. The tightness in her gut relaxed a little when they responded as they should.

The man hissed in a breath. “Lennon.”

“Do you know what day it is?” she asked.

“April . . . fucking . . . Fool’s . . . day.”

“Well, Lennon,” she said calmly, “the paramedics are almost here, and we’ll get you out of here soon.” She reached for his uninjured hand and squeezed it between hers. There was a spark of static between them, white and powerful. His life force. The thought was overwhelming.

“Let me go . . .”

She released his clammy hand immediately. “I’m sorry, I was just trying to give you some comfort. I—”

He reached for her hand, gasping. His fingers were large against hers. “No . . . you should . . . let . . . me . . . go.”

His eyes rolled closed.

No! She wouldn’t let him die. She tapped the side of his face until his eyes opened. “Wake up. I am not letting you go anywhere,” she said, knowing that any semblance of the professionalism to which she usually clung was slipping away. She believed patients’ stories about tunnels of white light, and seeing loved ones, and auras dimming. And she knew everyone needed to be allowed to leave if they really felt it was their time. But there was something so different about Lennon. She could feel his life force vibrate from his hand into hers, as if she taken hold of an electric fence. The energy was slipping away from him, and she would do anything to put it back in him.

He tugged her down toward him, so his lips could brush against her ear. “I’m . . . tired . . . of my life. Just . . . let me . . . go.”

His eyes closed, again.

She rested her forehead on his. “Your work here on Earth isn’t done, Lennon,” she said, tears burning her eyes. “And I am not going to let you go.”

About Scarlett Cole

The tattoo across my right hip says it all really. A Life Less Ordinary. Inked by the amazingly talented Luke Wessman at the Wooster Street Social Club (a.k.a. New York Ink). Why is it important? Well, it sums up my view on life. That we should all aspire to live a life that is less boring, less predictable. Be bold, and do something amazing. I’ve made some crazy choices. I’ve been a car maker, a consultant, and even a senior executive at a large retailer running strategy. Born in England, spent time in the U.S. and Japan, before ending up in Canada were I met my own, personal hero – all six and a half feet of him. Both of us are scorpios! Yeah, I know! Should have checked the astrological signs earlier, but somehow it works for us. We have two amazing kids, who I either could never part with or could easily be convinced to sell on e-bay.

I’ve wanted to be a writer for a really long time. Check through my office cupboards or my computer and you’ll find half written stories and character descriptions everywhere. Now I’m getting the chance to follow that dream.

Connect with Scarlett: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2018 Margaret Margaret

Billionaire Bachelor: Michael by Eve Black


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Billionaire Bachelor: Michael by Eve Black was a good book.  This is one of those books that I knew was going to happen without knowing what was going to happen.  With that being said I really did enjoy this book and I read it from start to finish in about a day and a half.  I think this might be the first book I have read by this author I am sure I will pick up more books by her in the future because I did enjoy the authors writing.  I liked Helene right from the start of the book.  I felt her, and I could be friends in the real world because we had quite a few things in common.  I wasn’t the biggest fan of Michael and I can’t really tell you why, but I just didn’t like him and that never changed as I was read the book.  I know that you will love this book if you are a huge fan of chick-lit books.

About The Book

Title: Billionaire Bachelor: Michael

Author: Eve Black

Series: Diamond Bridal Agency #2

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: April 18th, 2018

Format: Digital


Born into money, Michael Donovan has never known a moment of need or true want…until his father gives him an ultimatum; marry or lose his company. Tired of the clingy women in the elite social circles, and just plain done with one-night stands, he hires an exclusive bridal agency to find him a wife—any wife, he ain’t picky, as long as she’s willing to live by a hands-off policy.

He’s ready to settle down into a life of domestic boredom…until he meets his new bride.


Tired of living in her famous mother’s shadow, Helene Collins is ready to give up on her own happily ever after until she sees an interesting ad. Her mother’s name gets her through the door of the Diamond Bridal Agency, but it is up to her to make sure she doesn’t mess up the chance of a lifetime. Everything starts falling into place…until she meets her husband-to-be. He’s gorgeous, charming, and oh so sexy…so why does he need to marry her? And why does he keep breaking his own rules?

This is a sexy, smart, and fun contemporary romance novella.

About The Author

Eve Black is a lover of all things sexy, naughty, dirty, filthy, and chocolate.

She loves to write all the sexy scenes she wishes were in the books she reads. And so she writes sexy books!

When Eve isn’t writing, she is reading, and when she isn’t reading, she’s drinking tea and coloring in her adult coloring books.

Connect with Eve: Website | Facebook | Goodreads | Amazon

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Lennon Reborn by Scarlett Cole


Pre-order LENNON REBORN by Scarlett Cole, the final book in the Preload series!

“WOW!!! Scarlett Cole did it again! She shattered my heart into a trillion pieces and then ever so gently fused it together again.” Epic Romance Reviews

The final book in the Preload series, LENNON REBORN releases next week and we can’t wait for you to get your hands on this stunning, shattering rock star romance! Pre-order this opposites-attract romance today so you don’t miss out on the special $3.99 pre-order price! Plus enter to win the complete Preload series in digital format + $10 Amazon gift card!

Title: Lennon Reborn

Author: Scarlett Cole

Series: Preload #4

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: May 1, 2018

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press SWERVE

Format: Digital and Paperback


Lennon McCartney is not a broken man. Because being broken implies being whole once. When a horrific accident deprives him of the one thing he loves—his talent as a fierce and explosive drummer—Lennon is left with a life chained by an abusive mother, by crushing guilt over a tragic past. A life he doesn’t want.

Dr. Georgia Starr is a legend. She’s one of the most successful neurosurgeons in the world, coming from a long-line of respected New York doctors. Her life is built around solving complex medical cases in order to bring relief and hope to sick children. But the one problem she can’t solve is how to live her life. How to shake loose the burden of being her elitist, arrogant father’s daughter. How to be free.

Can a man who despises his life and a woman who desperately needs to live find the answers, and love, with each other?

Pre-Order Now for only $3.99: Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | iBooks | Chapters Indigo

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Copyright © 2018 Scarlett Cole


The coach gave an ominous groan as it finally gave up fighting the truck and gravity and fell toward the blacktop.

Time slowed as they were thrown from their seats. He felt weightless for a moment, and then a jarring thud to the ribs knocked the breath out of him. Darkness followed.

Seconds, minutes—who the fuck knew?—passed before a burning pain flooded his body. He tried to focus on where he was. His legs were tangled on something, the strap of Nik’s laptop bag. And it felt as though the bus had landed on his chest. It was impossible to draw a breath through the excruciating agony.

He tried to move his arm, but it felt like a thousand knives pressed deep into his skin. He vomited from the pain.


He looked to his arm and could see bone. The spins returned, and he was sick again.


Shudders racked his body.

Voices filtered through.

“Jenny, oh fuck, sweetheart. Stay still.”


Lennon couldn’t see him properly. Everything was blurry.

A child cried, but he couldn’t tell which.

He gasped in another breath, wincing as his ribs fought against the movement.

“Elliott’s leg is broken!” he heard Kendalee shout. From his position on the floor he could see Pixie. Her eyes were closed and she was still. Jordan held her hand tenderly.

A cold sweat covered his skin, the bus suddenly frigid as air weaved its way toward him through the broken glass. He moved his gaze to the ceiling. Fuck, he could see the gray sky through the windows. What he wouldn’t give for just a moment of sunshine.

What he wouldn’t give for someone to hold his hand.

What he wouldn’t give to just be released from all of it.

His breathing became harder, his heart rate slowing.

The sun wasn’t going to come.

And he was alone.

About Scarlett Cole

The tattoo across my right hip says it all really. A Life Less Ordinary. Inked by the amazingly talented Luke Wessman at the Wooster Street Social Club (a.k.a. New York Ink). Why is it important? Well, it sums up my view on life. That we should all aspire to live a life that is less boring, less predictable. Be bold, and do something amazing. I’ve made some crazy choices. I’ve been a car maker, a consultant, and even a senior executive at a large retailer running strategy. Born in England, spent time in the U.S. and Japan, before ending up in Canada were I met my own, personal hero – all six and a half feet of him. Both of us are scorpios! Yeah, I know! Should have checked the astrological signs earlier, but somehow it works for us. We have two amazing kids, who I either could never part with or could easily be convinced to sell on e-bay.

I’ve wanted to be a writer for a really long time. Check through my office cupboards or my computer and you’ll find half written stories and character descriptions everywhere. Now I’m getting the chance to follow that dream.

Connect with Scarlett: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

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