Her Super-Secret Rebound Boyfriend by Kerri Carpenter

To get over being dumped, Lola McBride crashes a high school reunion looking for a rebound fling. Instead, she finds Luke Erickson who convinces her to pretend to be his girlfriend at his family reunion. Who said reunions had to be zero fun in this sweet romantic comedy releasing June 2018 from Kerri Carpenter and Entangled Publishing!

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About Her Super-Secret Rebound Boyfriend:

Title: Her Super-Secret Rebound Boyfriend

Author: Kerri Carpenter

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: June 11, 2018

Publisher: Entangled Publishing – Lovestruck

Format: Digital eBook / Print

Digital ISBN: B07CL2K66R

Print ISBN: 9781640635593

It wasn’t shy librarian Lola McBride’s idea to crash someone else’s high school reunion. Her best friend made her do it, insisting that having a little fun with a super-hot rebound would make her forget about her recent breakup. That’s when she meets the hottest guy she’s ever seen.

Architect Luke Erickson had no idea attending his ten-year reunion would turn out to be so fun. He catches the sexy brunette in a lie, and he counters with a proposal—He’ll keep her secret if she helps get his family off his back by pretending to be his girlfriend at an upcoming family reunion.

From one reunion to another, Lola and Luke are suddenly spending a lot of time together. Good thing they’re only pretending, or this super-secret relationship could get really complicated.

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Copyright© 2018 Her Super-Secret Rebound Boyfriend

Kerri Carpenter

Maybe he knew her. Maybe they’d gone out in high school? Surely not. He’d remember someone who looked like this.

“Can you believe we’re already having our ten-year reunion?” he asked.

“What? Oh, right. Yeah. I mean, no.” She laughed. “I mean, no, I can’t believe it’s been ten whole years.” She quickly averted her eyes.

She was adorable.

He stuck out a hand. “I’m Luke Erickson.”

She shook his hand. “I’m Lo…” She glanced down at her nametag as if she needed a reminder. “I’m Kelli Martingale. Nice to meet you.”

Her words were cut off when she stepped forward, hit the side of the table, shaking all the contents on it. Luke jumped to save a particularly wobbly red Jell-O dessert, causing most of the Jell-O mold to mold right onto his favorite white shirt.

Kelli gasped. “Ohmigod. I’m so sorry.”

While he wanted to offer a huge fuckkkkk, he could tell that she felt horrible. So, he shrugged as she quickly tried to help him clean up. Together, they got as much of the Jell-O off his shirt as they could. Then she grabbed a mound of napkins and began running them over his chest.

He shivered. Actually fucking shivered. What the hell? This Jell-O must be extra cold. Kelli must have feel it too, because she paused, hands plastered against his chest, as she met his gaze. Her mouth fell open and formed an O.

Suddenly, it wasn’t his shirt he was worried about; his pants began to feel a tad too snug. He wrapped his hands around her wrists and tried to offer a smile. Although, with the new, um, pain he was experiencing in his lower half, it probably came out as more of a grimace.

“I think I have it from here.”

A red blush tinted her cheeks. “Of course. But I really am so sorry.” Then she dug in her purse and pulled out a pair of thick black glasses. “I’m not usually a klutzy person,” she explained as she put the glasses on. “My roommate thought I looked sexier without my glasses, so she forced me to take them off. But I’m blind as a bat without them.”

He took her in, and if he thought his pants were feeling tight before, he was pretty sure that all oxygen was leaving his body now. All he could say about the glasses was…holy fuck.

Her roommate thought she was sexier without them? Hells to the no. Definitely wrong on that one. The bombshell dress plus the thick sex kitten hair plus the gorgeous face plus the most seductive glasses in the history of eyewear equaled a speechless, hard Luke.

See, if Kennedy High taught him one thing, it was how to do math. Another equation was already becoming clear. Kelli plus Luke was going to equal one hell of a reunion.

About Kerri Carpenter

Award-winning romance author Kerri Carpenter writes contemporary romances that are sweet, sexy, and sparkly. When she’s not writing, Kerri enjoys reading, cooking, watching movies, taking Zumba classes, rooting for Pittsburgh sports teams, and anything sparkly. Kerri lives in Northern Virginia with her adorable (and mischievous) rescued poodle mix, Harry. Visit Kerri at her website, on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or subscribe to her newsletter.

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Trails of The Heart by Chandra Trulove Fry

Some would say the heart can only take so much. Some would say that the heart can endure many things. Still others might say that the right heart is strong enough for anything. 
Follow Devon’s journey as she faces life. Will her heart endure the trials set before her? Only time will tell.





I am a bibliophile book dragon who lives with her tech wizard husband and two youngest minions. I am a mother of three, however, and have one amazing grandson. We all reside in the beautiful Redding, California.
I am first and foremost a reader and an eclectic one at that. I own books in many various genres and will continue to hunt for more! I became a published author in 2017. My debut novella “Trials of the Heart” released in September of 2017. Since then, I have taken on many various projects. Writing is no longer just a hobby but is now a career.

Top Ten List

  1. Fave food is Mexican
  2. Fave color is Burgandy
  3. Fave book is The Falcon and the Serpent by Cheryl A Smith
  4. Fave mainstream author is Stephen R Lawhead
  5. Fave Indie author is Ali Winters
  6. Fave movie is The Fifth Element
  7. Fave TV show is Dr. Who
  8. Fave animal is lizards
  9. Fave thing to do is read
  • Fave place to be is a secluded library.



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Pre-Order: In My Skin by Shannon McKenna

“McKenna expertly stokes the fires of romantic tension.” —Publishers Weekly

“Her books will take readers on a nonstop thrill ride and leave them begging for more when the last pages are devoured.” —Maya Banks, New York Times bestselling author

Title: In My Skin

Author: Shannon McKenna

Release Date: June 19, 2018

Publisher: Self-published

Series: The Obsidian Files #3

Genres: Romantic Suspense

Format: Print & Digital



Come back to me …

Luke remembers a few things. Just not his last name, or anyone he ever knew. He knows that he’s a supersoldier, genetically enhanced and loaded up with brain implants. He just escaped from a year-long hell of captivity, and to protect his family and friends from his tormentors, he blocked his memories. Now he needs those memories back, fast … or he and those he loves will die agonizing deaths.

Luke’s dangerous plan to reconnect with his past—and stay alive in the present—has drawn his enemies’ attention to the tough and sexy Dani LaSalle. He’s duty bound to protect the luscious beauty from the evil pursuing them, but he can’t control the scorching desire she awakens in him.

Dani’s strict routine has been trashed by Luke’s explosive arrival. This rock-hard slab of valiant, smoldering manhood appears out of nowhere, saves her life, spirits her away to his mountain lair and bewilders her with tales of sadistic researchers, enhanced assassins. Is this gorgeous, problematic sex god just plain crazy—or is she? But Luke can do things with his mind that are just as wild as what he can do with that body … and she can’t say no.

And there’s no time to wonder. As their passion burns hotter, Obsidian moves closer … and Luke and Dani must place their lives and their hearts on the line just to survive …

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IN MY SKIN Excerpt

Copyright © 2018 Shannon McKenna


Trapped. In a closet. Stupid fucking bonehead move. Luke had acted without thinking, locked in combat survival mode.

But they were surrounded, and it was the only move to make. He had to make the best of it. Keep her from making noise. Giving his presence away.

He’d gotten inside just in time. The hostiles had showed up moments afterwards. He’d seen four thermal heat signatures slinking around out there. Systematic, professional, moving smoothly into position in the overgrown foliage. No unmod would have seen or heard them. Covering every entrance. Probably listening with modified ears, just like him.

He just hoped they weren’t scanning for thermals.  He couldn’t afford to lose the advantage of surprise, outnumbered as he was.

Now if he could just quickly, forcefully convince Dani to get down on the other side of the dryer while he went out to deal with them …

But she wouldn’t. It wasn’t her nature. He needed to calm her down first. Explain that she had to do exactly what he said, this instant, if she wanted to keep breathing.

But he couldn’t get the words out. At least not without scaring her so badly that she started screaming again.

Words wouldn’t come. All those long months of keeping silent, refusing to speak to Mark, then Braxton. Resisting interrogation, beating and torture.

He wanted to howl his frustration, but that wouldn’t help. Her heart was galloping.  Stripes of yellow light from the kitchen sliced through the slats in the door and across her eyes. They were wide and brilliant, glittering with angry tears.

“Hold still,” he whispered.

Her body squirmed against his, chest to thigh. She was tall and strong. Her head came all the way up to his nose. Her lush tits pressed against his body armor. The sensation made him want to ditch the damn vest. Feel all those curves for real.

Some other time. He had a job to do. And she absolutely did not deserve the shitstorm that was blowing her way.

“Dani,” he whispered. “Don’t scream.”

He meant it as an order, but it came out rough, hoarse. Pleading.

Slowly, he lifted his hand. Her mouth was slightly open. She was panting. The pink, tender fullness of her lips made him ache down low.

A tear glittered as it flashed down over her cheek. The sight of it hurt him inside.

“Don’t cry,” he begged, in a raw whisper. But he touched his fingertip to the wet tear-track that gleamed on her smooth, beautiful cheek. He wanted to taste it.

She inhaled. Luke sensed the ear-splitting scream that was forming in her mind, and did the only thing he could think of to head it off.

He kissed her.

About Shannon McKenna:

Shannon McKenna is the NYT bestselling author of seventeen action packed, turbocharged romantic thrillers, among which are the stories of the wildly popular McCloud series and the brand new romantic suspense series, The Obsidian Files. She loves tough and heroic alpha males, heroines with the brains and guts to match them, villains who challenge them to their utmost, adventure, scorching sensuality, and most of all, the redemptive power of true love. Since she was small she has loved abandoning herself to the magic of a good book, and her fond childhood fantasy was that writing would be just like that, but with the added benefit of being able to take credit for the story at the end. Alas, the alchemy of writing turned out to be messier than she’d ever dreamed. But what the hell, she loves it anyway, and hopes that readers enjoy the results of her alchemical experiments. She loves to hear from her readers.

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First Look: Fight For You by Nina Crespo

Aiden Kingman is reunited with the woman he mistakenly wronged seven years ago…and this time around, he’s determined to make things right. Check out this first look for FIGHT FOR YOU by Nina Crespo, coming this July…


In this second of the Kingman Brothers series, Aiden Kingman is reunited with the woman he mistakenly wronged seven years ago…and this time around, he’s determined to make things right.

Seven years ago, Aiden Kingman had to choose between betraying Delanie Clark and her father or staying loyal to his father’s company. He chose his father—losing Delanie in the process—and he’s regretted it ever since. Now as CEO and partner in Kingman Partners International, he needs to finalize buying a retreat property, but there’s one major hold up: Delanie is the contract negotiator for the owner, and she doesn’t trust him.

Delanie and her father lost everything when Aiden’s father lied about his intentions for buying her family’s mountain retreat. She swore that she would never have anything to do with Aiden Kingman again. But now she’s facing him across the negotiating table, and sparks that had previously been stamped out reignite between them. When tragedy places the deal on the line, will they put their history behind them? Or will the deal cost them both their second chance at love?

Nina Crespo, author of the charming and sexy Forget You, is back with a sizzling romance that will have you believing in second chances, forgiveness, and learning to love despite the past.

On Sale in Digital: July 9, 2018

Pre-Order this title at these online retailers:

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Read the first chapter from FIGHT FOR YOU:

Chapter One

Seven years ago

Delanie Clark stroked the dark wood footboard of the large sleigh bed in the bedroom of the rustic two-room mountain cabin at Clearmount Retreat. Should she greet Aiden Kingman wearing the lingerie set she’d picked out last week at the mall while thinking of him . . . or nothing at all?

She walked to the side of the bed and dropped her green backpack on top of the blue comforter. She’d let him discover her naked . . . in the hot tub. A smile she couldn’t stop bloomed on her face. That was the perfect place to wait for him and escape the chilly autumn night.

Finally, it was Friday. She’d hardly been able to concentrate during her classes at the University of Kentucky because he’d stayed on her mind. Since he’d called on Wednesday to tell her he was definitely flying in from Maryland for the weekend, the days had crept by at a snail’s pace and so had the five-hour drive earlier from Lexington. It seemed like an eternity since she’d last seen him, instead of just one week.

Delanie took off her brown hiking boots and socks, along with her tan wool sweater, jeans, and underwear. She stuffed her clothes into the pack, stowed everything in the closet behind her, then hurried into the corner bathroom for a towel. When she came back out, she dimmed the brass lamp on the bedside table.

Moonlight shining through the sliding glass door across from her gave the simply furnished room a romantic glow. The smell of the oak logs stacked inside the fireplace built into the wall near the foot of the bed lingered with the clean, earthy scent of the space.

While she was growing up and living on the retreat property, one of the jobs her father assigned to her had been filling the kindling boxes and stocking wood in the cabins. She used to imagine the guests enjoying warm drinks in front of their fireplaces, thoroughly mesmerized by the orange and amber flames curling and flickering over the logs.

Later on, she and Aiden would lie in bed, watching their own fire slowly burn to embers. For once, they could fall asleep in each other’s arms and wake up together in the morning, like a normal couple, and share breakfast. Her dad was on a fishing trip until late Sunday. For the first time, she wouldn’t have to sneak back down the trail into the family living quarters she shared with him before dawn. More importantly, Aiden’s concern about them seeing each other as a conflict of interest while he negotiated to buy Clearmount from her father no longer existed. The papers had been signed yesterday, selling the property to Aiden’s family company, TriRoyal Incorporated. They’d take over ownership of her dad’s thirty-acre retreat next month, and she and Aiden were finally free to share about their relationship.

Delanie hurried out the sliding door into the wood-framed, glass-enclosed deck and shut it behind her. Moonlight illuminated the steam rising from the sunken hot tub on the right. The mountains in the distance and the gently swaying trees surrounding her added to the peaceful ambiance.

She dropped the towel on the deck, twisted her long, dark hair into a loose topknot, then slipped into the rippling water. The stress from studying and agonizing over the economics exam she’d ultimately aced that afternoon melted away as she leaned back and closed her eyes.

Would Aiden have more of TriRoyal’s modernization plans to show her? What he’d shared so far was fantastic. Redwood-and-stone cottages would replace the well-used wood cabins that were currently on the property. Picture windows would provide views of the lake, trees, and mountains.

Delanie’s heart accelerated as she recalled Aiden sitting across from her a week ago in the hot tub, telling her about his plans. His slicked-back dark hair had emphasized the chiseled angles of his gorgeous face.

“Not only are we building larger decks on the cottages, we’re also installing bigger hot tubs.” He’d shot her a lazy grin. “You and I will definitely take advantage of them when we visit the new and improved Clearmount Retreat next fall.”

“I like that idea, a lot.” She hadn’t been able to stop herself from returning his smile. “But I wouldn’t mind if you took advantage of me now.”

Come over here and I will.”

“Uh-uh.” She’d crooked her finger at him. “You come here.”

As he’d stood and approached her, water had trailed down his defined pecs and abs. The gleam in his hazel-brown eyes and the erection rising high on his abdomen had promised her one thing—earth-shattering orgasms.

“Are you mine?”

That’s what he’d asked her in bed later on as he’d kissed her along her left leg, from her toes to her inner thigh. He’d started all over again with her other leg. Each brush of his lips inching nearer to her sex had taunted and teased her.

“Answer me, Delanie.”

She’d tried to respond, but his tongue feathering over her clit and a back-arching climax had taken away her ability to form words. His length gliding slowly inside of her and pulling out at an equally tortuous pace had captivated her. With each successive, deep stroke that followed, yes not only became her answer but a plea for more pleasure. And Aiden had delivered.

Infused with the warmth of remembered bliss, Delanie sank deeper into the water. What they shared was . . . perfect.

But her dad would be surprised to hear she and Aiden were in a relationship, and that they were going to keep seeing each other. He’d asked her not to become serious with anyone until after she’d turned twenty-one. She’d only missed the mark by six months, and her father did like Aiden. At twenty-four, Aiden was already an acquisitions negotiator for his father’s company. He understood the importance of responsibility and would support her making college her main priority over him. It wasn’t like they were planning to get married or anything. Surely, her father would understand why she’d kept it a secret until now. She and Aiden had happily and unexpectedly fallen in love—and she hadn’t wanted that to disrupt his business dealings.

A man’s voice coming from inside the cabin, clearly on the phone, broke into her thoughts.

Aiden? Her heart drummed in her chest as she listened closely. No . . . not Aiden. Gerard Kingman. Shit!

Just as she shrank back into the shadows, a stream of light came from the bedroom. Aiden’s tall, black-haired father opened the sliding door and strode into the enclosure, talking on his cell.

“I don’t care what it takes. Just do it. No more delays.” Gerard unknotted the maroon tie from the collar of his white dress shirt and stuffed it in the pocket of the charcoal overcoat that melded perfectly with his dark suit. With his back turned to Delanie, he moved toward the stairs at the other end of the deck.

The temperature seemed to creep up with the warmth flushing into her cheeks. She couldn’t let him find her bare-ass naked in the tub. If he came closer, she could dunk herself under the water. She’d rather drown than have him discover her.

“I don’t give a damn if they mow down the place, cement over the lake, and build a parking lot on top of it as long as the papers are signed. Get it done.”

Mow down the place? Parking lot? What was he talking about?

She heard the front door slam shut.

“Dad, where are you?” Aiden’s bellow reverberated. The solid thunk of his shoes became louder when he entered the bedroom. Delanie watched him storm out onto the deck and advance on his father while she tried to shrink back into the shadows farther still. “What the fuck did you do?”

Gerard slipped his phone into his pocket. “That’s none of your concern.”

“None of my concern?” Aiden’s muscles bunched and released underneath his navy sweater and jeans. “You working a side negotiation with the outlet mall developers on my deal damn well qualifies as my concern.”

Side negotiation? No. They weren’t talking about Clearmount. They couldn’t be.

“First, you work for me, not the other way around.” Gerard’s tone grew implacable. “Second, this is about business and has nothing to do with whether or not you can bang the property owner’s daughter with a clear conscience.”

“Leave Delanie out of this.”

“I didn’t bring her into it.” Gerard pointed at Aiden. “You did. I must admit, it was a smart move getting Delanie on your side. She was a big influence in swaying Bryan Clark to come to the negotiating table. He signed the deal. We own the property. It’s mine to sell. The mall developers are happily going to pay my asking price.”

“Clearmount is my project.”

“That has nothing to do with it. Because of my decision, we made money. Everybody got what they wanted. That’s how it works.”

“It wasn’t your call. This was my acquisition.” Aiden raked back his hair with both hands. “I should have been the one handling negotiations, not you.”

Delanie’s heart thumped so hard it felt as if her breastbone would shatter. “No!” Water sloshed in her face as she surged forward in the tub and into the light. Disbelief made her tremble more than the cold as she crossed her arms, covering her chest. “You promised my father you would preserve Clearmount as a retreat. Aiden—you showed me the renovation plans.”

Gerard’s dismissive look replaced the heat in the water with a chill. He turned to Aiden, blatantly ignoring her. “We’re flying out to our property in Denver tonight. Productivity at the hotel there is low, complaints are high, and since no one else seems to be able to solve the problem, we’re going to fix it. You’re riding in the town car with me to the airport. You can make arrangements for the car company to pick up your rental before we take off. Hurry up and deal with her. We don’t have all night.” He strode into the cabin.

Delanie looked to Aiden. “What’s going on?”

He snagged the towel from the deck. “You’re shivering.”

She took Aiden’s hand and he pulled her out of the tub, but he didn’t meet her gaze.

Hot and cold prickles dripped down her spine with the water puddling at her feet. “Is it true?”

He tucked the towel around her. “Let’s go inside.”

“Answer me!” The force of the words burned her throat. “Did you sell Clearmount to outlet mall developers?”

“It’s not that simple.”

“It was simple enough for you to fuck me so I’d vouch for you to my father.”

Aiden’s jawline angled as he gripped her shoulders. “It’s not like that.”

“Isn’t it? Like your father said, you got what you wanted. Right?”

His silence filled in the gaps.

He’d used her. How could she have been so stupid? She’d fallen for him but he hadn’t loved her at all. Anger and hurt washed over Delanie. She wrenched out of Aiden’s grasp. “Get away from me. I never want to see you again.”

FIGHT FOR YOU by Nina Crespo releases on July 9, 2018

Copyright © 2018 Nina Crespo. All rights reserved.


 Author Bio:

Nina Crespo lives in Florida where she indulges in her favorite passions—the beach, kickboxing, a good glass of wine, and dancing. Her lifelong addiction to romance began in her teens while on a “borrowing spree” in her older sister’s bedroom where she discovered her first romance novel. Curiosity about people and places, including what’s beyond the stars, fuels her writer’s imagination. Indulge in her sensual contemporary stories and steamy paranormal tales to feed your own addiction for love, romance, and happily ever after.

Need Nina? You can also visit her online at the following places:

Website Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | FreshFiction |BookBub | Authorsdb | Newsletter | Pinterest

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First Look: The Duke I Tempted by Scarlett Peckham

She intended to be the mistress of her own fate. And there was one thing she knew with absolute certainty from observing the ways of the world: one did not get that kind of power by marrying it.” 

THE DUKE I TEMPTED by Scarlett Peckham is out this July!


Having overcome financial ruin and redeemed his family name to become the most legendary investor in London, the Duke of Westmead needs to secure his holdings by producing an heir. Which means he must find a wife who won’t discover his secret craving to spend his nights on his knees—or make demands on his long scarred-over heart.

Poppy Cavendish is not that type of woman. An ambitious self-taught botanist designing the garden ballroom in which Westmead plans to woo a bride, Poppy has struggled against convention all her life to secure her hard-won independence. She wants the capital to expand her exotic nursery business—not a husband.

But there is something so compelling about Westmead, with his starchy bearing and impossibly kind eyes—that when an accidental scandal makes marriage to the duke the only means to save her nursery, Poppy worries she wants more than the title he is offering. The arrangement is meant to be just business. A greenhouse for an heir. But Poppy yearns to unravel her husband’s secrets—and to tempt the duke to risk his heart.

On Sale in Digital: July 31, 2018

Pre-Order this title at these online retailers:

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Read and exclusive excerpt from THE DUKE I TEMPTED:

The Duke of Westmead cleared his throat. “Given I rebuked you for your lack of transparency, Miss Cavendish, honor obliges I disclose to you that I became rather dismayed when I learned you were betrothed. I suppose I thought, how dare she? How dare she squander her gifts on so middling a creature as Mr. Raridan? Or, more to the point, on anyone?”

Poppy didn’t speak. She couldn’t, because her breath was caught. She had never heard herself described in such terms by anyone. How could she, when the local gentry who had known her all her life told a different story about her? One of an eccentric spinster who coarsened herself with commercial enterprise. An arrogant, unlikeable woman, unhealthily obsessed with plants.

“Thank you,” she said, hoping her voice did not convey how deeply what he said affected her. It would not do to seem overly moved.

He shrugged, as though his words were unremarkable. As though such assessments of her worth were lobbed at her all day.

The carriage she had been waiting for at long last appeared through the stable gates and rolled up to the bottom of the steps.

“Miss Cavendish, in light of my lapse of judgment, I fully understand if you do not wish to return to Westhaven. But if my sister believes me guilty of ruining her plans I shall have to live with her mortal disapproval. I don’t suppose I could prevail on you to reconsider finishing your work? I assure you that I will not attempt to intercede in so much as the placement of a vase.”

The contours of his face should not have a say in her decision and yet she could not help but admire them, as the fading light danced across the planes that made him sometimes handsome, sometimes fierce.

Or perhaps it was only the way that he looked at her. As if her respect meant something to him. As if she did.

“Very well,” she said. “I shall return in the morning. For Lady Constance’s sake.”

After just a beat too long, he nodded. “I’m glad to hear it. For Lady Constance’s sake.”

And then he smiled.

Boyishly and quick and warm, like the sun darting out from a bank of clouds. It was so unexpected and disarming that without thinking, she craned her face towards his to get a better view of it. Their eyes met, and a chill ran down her spine. Because for just a moment, she thought he might lean in, close the distance, and kiss her.

No. Not thought he might. Wanted him to.

She wanted him to kiss her.

Instead, he folded his mouth back into its usual grim line, bent in a deep bow and offered her his hand to help her into the carriage.

But it did not escape her notice that he held her fingers just a beat too long as he said: “Be well, Miss Cavendish.”

    Author Bio:

Scarlett Peckham fell in love with romance novels as a child, sneaking paperbacks from the stash in her grandmother’s closet. By the time she came of age she had exhausted her library’s supply and begun to dream of writing one of her own.

Scarlett studied English at Columbia University and built a career in communications, but in her free hours always returned to her earliest obsession: those delicious, big-hearted books you devour in the dark and can never bear to put down. Her steamy historical romances about alpha heroines have been finalists for the Golden Heart® Award four times. Her debut book, THE DUKE I TEMPTED, will be out July 31, 2018.

Scarlett splits her time between London and Los Angeles. When not reading or writing romance she enjoys pretending to know about wine, discussing The Real Housewives, and cooking enormous pots of soup.

Scarlett is represented by Sarah Younger at the Nancy Yost Literary Agency, and spends far too much time on Instagram and Twitter.

Connect with Scarlett:  Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Instagram | Newsletter | Amazon


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Dancing In The Rain by Jennifer Slattery

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Dancing In The Rain by Jennifer Slattery was a sweet story.  I fell in love with this book right from the start.  This book has a different plot from books that I usually read in this genre, so I really enjoyed this book.   I loved watching as both Loni and Michael grew throughout the book and where they ended up by the end of the book.  This book also reminded me that we can’t judge people because of their disabilities.  I was also reminded that even though things may be hard for me I need to keep pushing forward because we all capable of more than we know.   All in all this was a super sweet story and I can’t wait to read more books by this author in the future because so far I have really enjoyed both of the books I have read by this author.

About The Book

On the verge of college graduation, Loni Parker seeks employment as a music teacher, but no one will hire her since she’s blind. Or so she thinks. To take her mind off her troubles, her roommate invites her to spring retreat at Camp Hope in the gorgeous North Carolina mountains. Unbeknown to Loni, Michael Ackerman, the director, is an ex-con responsible for the accident that caused her blindness. When Loni warms up to camp and wants to return as a summer counselor, Michael opposes the idea, which only makes Loni want to prove herself all the more. Though she doesn’t expect to fall for the guy. Still, her need for independence and dream of teaching win out, taking her far away from her beloved Camp Hope . . . and a certain director.

Camp director Michael Ackerman recognizes Lonie instantly and wants to avoid her at all costs. Yet, despite the guilt pushing him from her, a growing attraction draws him to the determined woman. She sees more with her heart than the average person does with his eyes. But her presence also dredges up a long-buried anger toward his alcoholic father that he’d just as soon keep hidden. When circumstances spin out of control, Michael is forced to face a past that may destroy his present.

About The Author

Jennifer Slattery is the founder of Wholly Loved Ministries, and in that capacity, helps women embrace and live out who they are in Christ, find healing and restoration in His unfailing love, and enjoy the deep emotional and spiritual freedom only He can provide. (Go HERE to learn of upcoming Wholly Loved events.) She loves interacting with women and women’s group on a personal level and speaks locally and nationally on topics pertinent to women juggling all the demands and uncertainties in today’s fast paced, ever-changing culture. (You can find out more about her speaking endeavors HERE.)

Read her latest blog post HERE. Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

As a multi-published author, Jennifer also has a deep love for story and has five novels out with New Hope Publishers with a sixth releasing independently this summer. She’s also a regular contributor to Crosswalk.com where she writes Christian living, parenting, and marriage articles and functions as one of their featured bloggers. (You can find and follow her Crosswalk Blog HERE.) As the managing and acquiring editor for Guiding Light women’s Fiction, an imprint of Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, she loves working with writers to help them strengthen their manuscripts and grow in their gifting. When not writing, you’ll likely find her at one of Omaha’s many coffeehouses.

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