Valentines Day

Valentine Countdown Blitz – 12 Days Of Clean Romance

Ines Bautista-Yao is the author of One Crazy Summer, What’s
in your Heart, Only A Kiss, When Sparks Fly, All That Glitters, and Someday
With You. She has also written several short stories. Among them are “Plain
Vanilla,” “A Captured Dream,” one of the four short stories in Sola Musica:
Love Notes from a Festival, “Things I’ll Never Say,” part of the Summit Books
anthology Coming of Age, and “Before the Sun Rises,” part of the Ateneo
University Press anthology Friend Zones.
She is the former editor-in-chief of Candy and K-Zone
magazines and a former high school and college English and Literature teacher.
She is also a wife and mom who lives in the Philippines with her husband and
two little girls. Her books are available digitally on Amazon and


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Twenty-four-year-old photographer’s
apprentice Regina has always felt like the plain, dull orange next to the shiny
red apple that is her best friend Lana. But then she meets Ben—the first guy to
ever break Lana’s heart, and the first guy to ever make Regina feel that he
only has eyes for her. 

As Regina finds herself falling hard for Ben, she also
finds herself breaking all the rules of best-friendship. Will she give up the
love of her life for Lana, or will she finally realize that she deserves her
share of the spotlight, too?



When she slid
into the driver’s seat, she leaned her head back, closed her eyes, and took a
deep breath, allowing herself to sink into the semi-darkness. What had just
happened here? She reached for the cup of coffee, took a sip, and noticed, in
the dim light coming from the lampposts outside, that there was something
scribbled on the cup in thin, black marker. Pulling it back and peering at it,
Regina noticed that it was a number. A phone number. And a name: Ben. That was
it. No message. No request to call. Overconfident worm. So why were her fingers
aching to reach for her cell phone and punch in those numbers? Why was she so
tempted to veer the car around and head back to El Tomador in the hopes that he
would be there waiting for her?
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Valentine Countdown Blitz – 12 Days Of Clean Romance


Hannah R. Conway is a military wife,
mother of two, middle school teacher, and speaker. Her novels are a deployment
experience of their own, threaded with faith, and filled with twists and turns
sure to thrill, and encourage. Hannah is a member of the American Christian
Fiction Writers, and My book Therapy. She and her family live near Nashville,


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“Life heats up for Leanna Wilson when an accident
claims her parent’s lives. Her dreams of a high profile law career are reduced
to rubble when she returns home to assume custody of her sister, Brie. Without
the financial means to take legal custody of her sister—or a binding will to
place her safely in her arms—Leanna’s future becomes more uncertain than ever.
Already prepared for a blazing custody battle, with less than capable
relatives, Leanna’s world is set ablaze when her ex-fiancé complicates matters
in an attempt to destroy her future and her faith. US Army, SSG Garrison Burke
has spent the last few years alone—balancing flag and fatherhood since the
tragic death of his wife. Facing deployment, Garrison is desperate to find a safe
caretaker for his son, Ezra—preferably anywhere but the abusive home he grew up
in. So, when Leanna Wilson walks unexpectedly back into his life, he’s not sure
if she’s a blessing or a curse. More importantly, Garrison cannot seem to
forget how he betrayed Leanna many years ago. Yet, as Leanna and Garrison begin
to run out of time, they start to see that the solution to their problems might
lie within each other, but will they forget the past and allow their broken
hearts to mend? As sparks begin to fly and their love is rekindled, a marriage
of convenience will either make their wildest dreams come true or cause their
best-laid plans to go up in smoke.”



~ AmazonAmazon UK
He twisted her arm tighter and she
yelped. “Let me go.”
“You may want to start packing
Brie’s bags now.”
“You’re hurting me, William.”
“Now you know what it’s like. To
want something and not get it. To love someone who won’t love you back. It hurts,
Leanna. You hurt people.”
He was at least partially right.
She’d hurt him. Used him to fund her bank account, much like he was now using
her to satisfy his need to control. Leanna twisted but couldn’t loosen his
hold. He pulled her closer.
“I’d take your hands off her, now.”
The voice, familiar, called from the front yard.
William jerked his hands away and
spun around. He paused, then let out a small laugh. “Ha. Of course.”
Leanna rubbed at the handprint on
her arm, then peeked around William.
A man in uniform, dress blues at
that. She sucked in a sharp breath, hand against her mouth.
Garrison. Her lips parted.
William stepped from the porch,
hands in the air, and then dropped them to his side. He bumped Garrison’s
shoulder as he passed giving a sidelong glance at Leanna before climbing into
his car. He winked before driving away.
Garrison followed William down the
drive with his stare. He turned his attention back to her.
There he stood, like a ghost. A
memory from her past, but he was very much in the present.
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Valentine Countdown Blitz – 12 Days Of Clean Romance

is the pen name used by Robyn Echols for her adult Golden Oaks series which
includes Family Secrets, the first book in the series, and her historical
Except for
the first year of her life, Robyn has lived in California. She started her
young life in San Diego and has had gradually moved northward. She has been
writing since she was in junior high school.
working several jobs, including that of being a rural carrier and union steward
for the California Rural Letter Carriers’ Association, she has spent years
learning and teaching family history topics. She enjoys focusing on history
from a genealogist’s perspective by seeking out the details of everyday life in
the past. Several of her family history articles have been published in
genealogy magazines.

She resides
with her husband in California near the “Gateway to Yosemite.” When
she is not piecing together novel plots and characters, she enjoys piecing
together quilt blocks.
Connect with the Author here: 
In 1868, Otto Atwell has a 160 acre
homestead near Abilene, Kansas and a limp as a result of an arrow shot in his
low back while with the 16th Kansas Cavalry on the Powder River Expedition in
1865. What he doesn’t have is a wife. Then again, what woman would want to
marry a cripple? 
Libby Jones comes to Junction City as a mail order bride. Not
only does the man who sent for her reject her, he tries to sell her to the
local brothel to recoup his fee. Otto offers to marry her, but she rejects him
in favor of a job with his relatives. 

Will Otto’s offer still stand when
trouble from Libby’s past catches up with her?



“Mr. Atwell, like your brother, you asked me to call you by your first
name. I will do so only if you call me Libby. And to answer your question, I
don’t think most women like hearing tales of pain and suffering, especially
about their kin, or if it’s only for the sake of glorifying in such matters.
Otherwise, I think women are stronger than you realize. I believe your mother
would want to know what you’ve been through, especially if it still affects
your life, rather than being kept in the dark.”
            In the silence that
followed, Libby took another sip. “I appreciate knowing your story, Mr.
            “Otto. I just hope it
doesn’t give you nightmares.”
            “I doubt it will.”
            I suffer my own
            Libby swallowed and
chose her words carefully. “I appreciate knowing your attitude about tribal
people. As you can see, my native heritage is written on my face. There are
many people who look down on me because of it.”
            “I hope you don’t
think I’m one of them.”
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Valentine Countdown Blitz – 12 Days Of Clean Romance

Amey Zeigler
wrote her first mystery with her best friend in fourth grade. She wrote, the
friend illustrated. It also had a cute boy in it with spiky hair (because that
was the style back then). Not much has changed. She loves mysteries. She loves
romance. She loves suspense. She loves action, adventure and comedy. But she
wants it to have a happy ending.
Because she grew
up moving all around the United States, Amey loves writing about different
places. In her books, she explores the whole world.
Growing up, Amey
was always trying new things. She played violin, drums, flute, piano, all
before she was sixteen. She also discovered she didn’t have much talent for music.
When people asked
her what she wanted to be when she grew up, she was afraid to tell them she
wanted to be a writer because she didn’t know how to write.
She is so
grateful for her Sophomore year Honor’s English teacher who gave her a star and
five points (out of five!) for Voice on her personal essay. Otherwise, she
wouldn’t have had enough courage to pursue writing.

In her spare
time, she adopts stray furniture left on the side of the road, fixes it up and
gives it a new look and home. Amey lives with her husband and three children
near Austin, TX.

Connect with the Author here: 
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year-old investigative journalist, Andy Miller is armed with her many disguises
and creativity to take down the riff-raff of Saint Louis. When her stepbrother
is murdered by the mob, Andy soon discovers she’s out of her depth.


Enter Hugh
Donaldson who has reasons of his own for discovering the murderer. He’ll use
everything in his power to achieve that, including lying to Andy about his
past. Dangerous as he is attractive, his martial arts skills and his quirky
ways raise Andy’s suspicions.
Although Andy
balks at his lies, Hugh’s charms, twenty-inch biceps, and electrifying blue
eyes are difficult to resist. Striking out on their own, Hugh and Andy try to
outwit each other as they traverse North America tracking down people connected
to the case.
As clues
disappear and the body count climbs, Andy and Hugh must trust each other and
use their combined skills to bring the murderer to justice.



He stepped closer, lowering his chin,
giving her a deep stare. His eyes had a depth Andy had never seen before.
Knowledge and understanding and something else in those pupils.
“Your black belt won’t always save
you, you know.”
Andy turned away. He continued to
follow her.
For some reason, his persistence irked
her. She thrust a hand to his chest. Rock solid. “Don’t. I could take you down
if I had to.”
“I’m sure you could.” A cocky grin
started at one side of his mouth, before spreading to the other. “Goodnight,
then.” With a salute to her, he marched backward. When he rounded the corner
out of sight, Andy found her phone and dialed Carla.
“What did the guy want?” Carla asked.
“Karate lessons.”
“Are you sure? I think he was into
Andy changed the subject. “What did
your mom want?”
Before Carla answered, two men in
rubber masks rushed Andy, sliding up beside her, grabbing her phone and purse.
She immediately let go of the burner phone, but her tote! Everything she needed
was in there.



She was not giving up her bag without
a fight.
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Valentine Countdown Blitz- 12 Days Of Clean Romance

Donna Hatch is the author of the
best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” and a winner of writing awards such as The
Golden Quill and the International Digital Award.
 A hopeless romantic and
adventurer at heart, she discovered her writing passion at the tender age of 8
and has been listening to those voices ever since. She has become a
sought-after workshop presenter, and also juggles freelance editing, multiple
volunteer positions, and most of all, her six children (seven, counting her
A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific
Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there
really is a happily ever after.

Connect with the Author here: 


When charming rake Tristan Barrett sweeps Lady Elizabeth off her
feet, stealing both her heart and a kiss in a secluded garden, her brother
challenges Tristan to a duel. The only way to save her brother and Tristan from
harm—not to mention preserve her reputation—is to get married.
But her father, the Duke of Pemberton, refuses to allow his
daughter to marry anyone but a titled lord. The duke demands that Elizabeth
marry Tristan’s older brother, Richard, the Earl of Averston. Now Elizabeth
must give up Tristan to marry a man who despises her, a man who loves another,
a man she’ll never love. 
Richard fears Elizabeth is as untrustworthy as his
mother, who ran off with another man. However, to protect his brother from a
duel and their family name from further scandal, he agrees to the wedding,
certain his new bride will betray him. Yet when Elizabeth turns his house
upside down and worms her way into his reluctant heart, Richard suspects he
can’t live without his new countess. Will she stay with him or is it too
little, too late?






“Get your hands off my sister!” a
voice snarled.
Tristan snapped his head back and
stepped away. Alone, Elizabeth wobbled on her feet. Her brother, Martindale,
stalked into view, bristling like an angry dog.
With his hands held out, Tristan
faced Martindale. “My lord, we were merely—”
“None of your lies, Barrett.”
Other voices made exclamations of
delighted horror. Elizabeth faced a nightmare; most of the houseguests stared
at her, including one of London’s worst gossip, Lady Einsburgh. Naturally they
would assume the worst. Heat crawled up Elizabeth’s neck and burned her cheeks.
She’d never live down the humiliation. Closing her eyes, she clamped her mouth
shut to avoid screaming at the injustice of it all. She’d only desired a few
moments alone with the man she loved. Instead, she’d been caught in an intimate
embrace in a dark garden. Gossipers would spread an exaggeratedly sordid tale
all over England. She’d be utterly ruined.
Immersed in his role of haughty
marquis, Martindale snarled, “Consider your second, Barrett. Tomorrow you shall
receive my challenge.”
Elizabeth’s heart stalled. A duel?
“No, Martindale. You can’t do this.” Elizabeth’s protest died on her lips as
her brother rounded on her.
“Silence! You’ve behaved like a
common whore.”
Elizabeth recoiled as if he’d slapped
Tristan stiffened. “Hear now, that’s
no way to speak to the lady. I give you my word, it was merely a kiss.”
Martindale let out a scoff. “And I
should trust the word of a known rake?” He turned to Elizabeth, his eyes boring
into hers. “You’ve brought disgrace upon the family.”
Tears burned Elizabeth’s eyes.
Martindale was right. Only Tristan could save her from shame. She turned to
him, silently pleading for rescue.
Tristan glanced at her, his
expression unreadable, before returning his attention to Martindale. He lowered
his voice. “Let us go inside and discuss this in private.”
“There’s nothing to discuss. You’ve
compromised my sister. Choose your weapon.”
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