
5-Hour Energy Yummification Contest Winners

I am not a huge fan of energy drinks but I do like to drink 5-Hour Energy drinks on days where I don’t have the energy to get through my day.  5-Hour Energy recently had a contest where they asked their fans to film a video of what they mix their 5-Hour Energy shots with.  The winners were recently announced and I wanted to share the winning combinations with you because they sound amazing and I am going to have to try them.

First Place ($50,000 prize): “Pomelimelade” by Tim Merlau, Los Angeles, CA

o   This winning submission mixes a Pomegranate 5-hour ENERGY® shot with limeade, and then takes us on a musical journey through all that can be accomplished over several hours (spoiler alert:  it’s a lot).

o   “Pomelimelade”

§  1 glass Limeade

§  1 shot of Pomegranate 5-hour ENERGY®


 Second Place ($30,000 prize): “Ramalamadingdong” by Mark Golembeski, Los Angeles, CA

o   The second place video helps us turn that 2:30 feeling frown upside down by mixing a 5-hour ENERGY® shot with lemonade.  This video has it all: a clown, a puppy, a guy in a tutu, and much more.

o   “Ramalamadingdong”

§  1 glass Lemonade

§  1 shot of Berry 5-hour ENERGY®

Third Place ($10,000 prize): “Arnold Power” by Zac Sheorn, Lugoff, SC

o   The third place winner reminds us that you don’t have to be good at sports, but mixing a Pink Lemonade 5-hour ENERGY® shot with decaffeinated iced tea helps keep you refreshed while practicing.  And practicing.

o   “Arnold Power”

§  1 glass Decaf Iced Tea

§  1 shot of Pink Lemonade 5-hour ENERGY®

I have to say that the one I am most excited to try is Ramalamadingdong.  It seems like the one that I would enjoy the most out of the 3 of them.  If you want to check out the video’s you can click right here to watch them.  If you love energy shots and/or drinks that make sure you try these and let me know what you think of them!

This is a sponsored post written on behalf of Coyne PR & 5-hour Energy.  The opinions expressed in this review at 100% mine.
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Sponsor Spotlight- The Work At Home Wife


I am so excited to tell you all about the next sponsor of mine. She has an E-book that is called “The How To Make Money Blogging Guide”.  I am still working through the book but let me tell you that it is a great book thus far and  I am so excited to work with it more and turn my blogs into money makers.  I have bought several different E-books on this subject and this is by far the easiest one I have found to follow.  She breaks everything down to manageable steps so you don’t feel overwhelmed by any of the steps.

This E-book was written by Angie Nelson.  She started her business in 2007.  After she started that she got many emails asking her if she was hiring or not.  She then realized  that she should start a blog and share her tips with people.  She started her blog on WordPress.com and then moved to her own site.  After she experiement with her blog she decided to start other blogs and see if they all work the same way.  She soon realized that they don’t work the same way.  She realized that every blogs works differently and you have to get to know what your readers want to see.

Once I work through the book fully I will write another post on all that I learned from this book.  I hope that you all will click on the button at the top of this post and pick up a copy of her E-book.  I am sure everyone can make money on their blogs if you follow her steps and find out what works for you and your readers!

Thank you Angie for letting me review this book!!!  I am so excited to get through it all and find out what will work for my blogs and readers!
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Sponsor Spotlight-Stress Case

Stress Case
I am so excited to tell you all about Casey from Stress Case.   First let me tell you that I love her design!  It is super cute and something that I may do on my blog one day.  Anyway while I was on her blog and reading different post of hers I saw that she does a series called What I Wore Wednesday.  She posts pictures of what she wears and then tells where she bought the things at.  I have always wanted to try a post like that but lets just say the clothes I wear aren’t anything to be showing off.  I loved all of her outfits that she has posted on her blog!

Another post  she reflected back 6 months when she got married!  I loved looking at all of her pictures from her wedding day.  I never thought to do that kind of thing when my husband and I were on speaking terms but that is different post all together.  I had to smile when she talked about  going to the bar after the reception was over.  I so should have do that.  It would have been a blast!  I can’t get over how pretty she is and how happy she looked!

After I read her post about cake pops from Starbucks I was glad that I can’t eat gluten or I would have had to go and get some!  Here is the picture she had on her blog about them:

I have never had these but they look and sound amazing!!!!!!  I once again have to thank god that I can’t eat gluten because I would eat way to many of them if I could eat them.  Just looking at the picture is making me hungry.

The funnest post I read of hers has to be “The One Where a Piggyback Ride Goes Terribly Wrong”.  Of all her posts this has to be my favorite. I am not going to give it away so you are going to have to go over to her blog and read the post!

All in all Casey is a great writer.  It was so easy to get into her writing and understand what she is saying.  I could read her blog all day long.  She puts so many details into her post that you can follow the story.  It is almost like you are there with her.  Like when she talked about the cake pops.  It really made me want to jump into my car and go and get one because the way she described them she made me want to go and get some!!!!  Go over to her blog and follow her also let her know that I sent you! 

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Free Advertising

***** All of you that have entered I still have you entries saved.  It was having an issue with the new giveaway that started tonight.  Once that I is over I will reopen this giveaway and give you all 6 more days to enter,  I am sorry about the confusion!


To launch my sponsors area I am giving 3 spots for two months.  I also am trying out Rafflecopter to host the giveaway and also to pick the winner  Here is all you have to do to enter:

Good Luck!
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Sponsor’s and Advertising


If you are looking for ways to get more traffic to your blog advertising is the way to go.  Every time I have an ad on other peoples blogs I get so many more people dropping by to see what my blog is all about.  I have several different packages you can pick from:

125×125 Button is $10 a month or $25 for 3 months
200×400 Banner is $20 for one month or $50 for 3 months

I will also be including a featured post about your blog and/or business.  I will include any pictures links and anything else you would like.   I will tweet about it and put it on Facebook on my fan page and also on my person page.  I can also send out a newsletter to all my followers about your blog or business.

Since I am just starting I am going to give the first 6 people that are interested 3 more months free on top of what ever package you chose.

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