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Runaway by SM Knowles writing as Aubrey Kendall was a book I don’t usually get interested in by I did enjoy it for the most part.  I felt back for Courtney and I understand the choices that she made and why she made them but I don’t think I could even do what she did.  The story was a good story but there were parts that didn’t flow as well as other parts of the story.  Now that being said I really did enjoy this book and I was glad I got the chance to read it because like I said if I hadn’t been sent this book I don’t know that I would have read it on my own.


About The Book

At seventeen years old, Courtney Apuzzo is fed up. With a dead mom and an alcoholic father that beats her every chance he gets, Courtney decides that enough is enough. Packing up only what she needs, Courtney leaves home without telling a soul and heads off to find her new life.
Life on her own is not exactly as she thought it would be. With nowhere to stay, Courtney finds herself sleeping on an old stoop in an abandoned apartment alleyway. A chance meeting with a new group of friends seems like a great beginning to her second chance at a real life. But everything is not as it seems.
Tricked into a life she never wanted and fears, Courtney needs to run away, again. She needs to find a way out of this new and dangerous life. With the help from a man she barely knows, will Courtney find her way out? Or will she find herself on the run from a dangerous past, and a hopeless future? Faced with a choice that will change her life forever.

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