
Authentic Arts: Venice Travel Guide

Authentic Arts Series

About The Books

VENICE A Travel Guide

Book Description for Authentic Arts: Venice Travel Guide

Every traveler to Venice wants to go home with a special souvenir–a carnival mask, a piece of Murano glass, a handcrafted piece of lace. But selecting which mask or which goblet to buy can be an intimidating experience. How do you know if you’re buying something authentic, something made in Venice, something made in a traditional way? How do you gauge how much you should pay, and how do you know if you’re being ripped off? How do you determine if you have fallen prey to one of the city’s many tourist traps?

Laura Morelli, an art historian and trusted guide in the world of cultural travel and authentic shopping, leads you to the best of the city’s most traditional arts: Murano glass, carnival masks, gondolas, lace, paper, and more. This indispensable guide includes practical tips for locating the most authentic goods in one of the busiest tourist destinations in the world. Packed with useful information on pricing, quality, and value, and with a comprehensive resource guide, Laura Morelli’s Authentic Arts: Venice is the perfect guide for anyone wanting to bring home the unique traditions of Venice.

Artisans of Venice is the companion to Laura Morelli’s Authentic Arts: Venice, A Travel Guide to Murano Glass, Carnival Masks, Gondolas, Lace, Paper, & More. Put both books together and you’ll be the most knowledgeable traveler in Venice!
Artisans of Venice

Book Description for Artisans of Venice: Companion to the Travel Guide

Going to Venice? Don’t buy anything in Venice until you read this book!

Buyer Beware: Venice is full of tourist traps and mass-produced souvenirs passed off as authentic. Do you know how to tell the treasures from the trash?

In Venice, it’s not easy to tell the treasures from the trash. This is true now more than ever before, as increasing numbers of carnival masks, glass, and other souvenirs flood into Venice, imported from overseas and passed off as authentic. There is no substitute for an educated buyer. Laura Morelli helps you locate the city’s most authentic artisans–those practicing centuries-old trades of mask making, glass blowing, wood turning, silk spinning, and other traditions. Wouldn’t you rather support authentic Venetian master artisans than importers looking to turn a quick profit without any connection to Venice at all?

Venice boasts some of the most accomplished master artisans in the world. Here’s how you can find them.

Laura Morelli leads you beyond the souvenir shops for an immersive cultural experience that you won’t find in any other guidebook. Artisans of Venice brings you inside the workshops of the most accomplished makers of Venetian fabrics, Murano glass and millefiori, carnival masks and masquerade costumes, gondolas, Burano lace, mirrors, marbleized paper, hand-carved frames, and other treasures. This book leads you to the multi-generational studios of some 75 authentic master artisans. If you’re reading on your Kindle device, tablet, or smartphone, you can click directly on their street addresses for an interactive map, and link to their web sites and email addresses directly from the guide. A cross-referenced resource guide also offers listings by neighborhood.

Laura Morelli, an art historian and trusted guide in the world of cultural travel and authentic shopping, leads you to the best of Venice’s most traditional arts. Laura Morelli’s Authentic Arts series is the only travel guide series on the market that takes you beyond the museums and tourist traps to make you an educated buyer–maybe even a connoisseur–of Florentine leather, ceramics of the Amalfi Coast, Parisian hats, Venetian glass, the handmade quilts of Provence, and more treasures.

Bring Laura Morelli’s guides to Venice with you, and you’ll be sure to come home with the best of Venice in your suitcase.

Laura Morelli

About The Author

Laura Morelli holds a Ph.D. in art history from Yale University, where she was a Bass Writing Fellow and Mellon Doctoral Fellow. She authored a column for National Geographic Traveler called “The Genuine Article” and contributes pieces about authentic travel to national magazines and newspapers. Laura has been featured on CNN Radio, Travel Today with Peter Greenberg, The Frommers Travel Show, and in USA TODAY, Departures, House & Garden Magazine, Traditional Home, the Denver Post, Miami Herald, The Chicago Tribune, and other media. Recently her art history lesson, “What’s the difference between art and craft?” was produced and distributed by TED-Ed.

Laura has taught college-level art history at Trinity College in Rome, as well as at Northeastern University, Merrimack College, St. Joseph College, and the College of Coastal Georgia. Laura has lived in five countries, including four years in Italy and four years in France.

Laura Morelli is the author of the guidebook series that includes Made in Italy, Made in France, and Made in the Southwest, all published by Rizzoli / Universe. The Gondola Maker, a historical coming-of-age story about the heir to a gondola boatyard in 16th-century Venice, is her first work of fiction.

Connect with Laura: Website  ~  Facebook  ~  Twitter  ~


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Books, Blogs, Reality

Books, Blogs, Reality by Ryan Ringbloom
New Adult Contemporary
Date Published: October 2014

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Life can suck…
When reality becomes overwhelming, seeking comfort in fictional fantasies keeps hope alive.  And while this escape may be a little delusional, it’s also therapeutic.
Sharing secrets is daunting, but virtual friends don’t often judge and they are always ready to share a glass of wine…or three…while typing out life’s latest endeavors.
Brooke believes obstacles only add to romance, not detract. Rachael longs for a more intense relationship, or so she thinks. Lizzie misses the excitement in her life, but sometimes new situations find you when you’re not even looking. And Jess believes a tiger can change his stripes. It can’t.
Bound by a shared passion for blogging about happily ever afters, these four young women use keyboard therapy to work through their expectations, anxieties, and inadequacies, all with the hopes of achieving the perfection found in romance novels.
Completely blinded by what they think life should be, they navigate their unique paths in search of what they envision is right. But when reality taunts them with persistent curve balls, will they be strong enough to choose wisely? Or will their happy endings escape them?
*Mature content 18+

It’s not uncommon for people to have two sets of friends. The
“real” friends; these are the ones who live nearby, the ones you see or talk
with occasionally (less and less as time goes on). Then there are the “virtual”
friends; these are the ones you talk to (well, type to) every day. The latter
group comes from all over. You’ve never actually met any of them and yet you
trust them with some of the deepest, most intimate thoughts and details of your
life. You share way too much information and in return, they over-share way too
much back.
On Brooke Bloomfield’s twenty-third birthday, she went to
lunch with her real life best friend, Lauren. The two girls had a very nice
time. They gossiped in between chews, catching up, because even though they
lived only ten minutes away from each other, they still hadn’t seen each other
in quite some time. When the bill came, Lauren grabbed it, insisting she treat
Brooke on her special day. They hugged goodbye at their cars and promised to
meet for lunch or a drink soon.
Later that same night, Brooke let loose and celebrated her
birthday in a much more exciting way, at a computer-generated party with her
three online BF’s, Rachael-XXOO, Lizzie1214, and JessRomance93. In a relatively
short time, all three of these girls had come to know more about Brooke than
anyone else.
Similar tastes in books kept connecting them through book
tours and blitzes. Comments on posts and reviews turned into discussions over
emails. Tweets bounced back and forth between the four of them endlessly, until
one day they discovered a social website designed for readers, where they could
all chat privately amongst themselves. Within no time, their virtual
discussions went from benign topics such as books they all loved, hated and/or
felt somewhere in between, to a hell of a lot more serious things.
It’s funny the things a person will share with people they
don’t actually have to face. Like a diary into which they feed their emotions
and it types back.
Brooke Bloomfield
NY  ~
Blogger, dedicated romance reader, and reviewer. I spend a
lot of time with my many fictional boyfriends. Addicted to cherry ice pops and
cupcakes with pink frosting.
ReaderGirlBrooke: Hey guys!
Lizzie1214: Wine is open. Time to celebrate!! The big two-three!
JessRomance93: Hey, birthday girl! I just opened a beer. Does
everyone have a drink now?
Rachael-XXOO: Got mine. Happy Birthday Brookey!!!  Did you get the pic of Preston’s
package all wrapped up in a bow?
ReaderGirlBrooke: Thanks guys. I just poured a glass of red.
Yes, Rachael – great pic! *blushes
Rachael-XXOO: You’re not blushing. You love it. I’m sure you
saved it with all the other dirty pics I send you.
Rachael-XXOO: By the way, did you guys finish Fix My Heart
yet? I’m only 45% in.
ReaderGirlBrooke: Yes!! Loved! Five stars. A guy exactly
like Grant is what I wished for when I blew out my birthday candles today at
Lizzie1214: I gave it five stars, too.
JessRomance93: It was good. Meh. Three stars.
ReaderGirlBrooke: Jess, are you serious? Only three stars?
How did you not fall in love with Grant? He was perfect!
JessRomance93: Yeah, Grant was perfect. But a little too
perfect, don’t ya think? Guys like that don’t exist.
ReaderGirlBrooke: Are you just saying that because of you-know-who?
JessRomance93: This has nothing to do with that asshole. I
just thought the way Grant rescued Cassandra was a little over the top.
Rachael-XXOO: Um, hello. What part of “I haven’t finished
yet” did you all not understand? Remember, we don’t discuss a book until
everyone is done reading.
ReaderGirlBrooke: Sorry! We’ll stop. Just make sure to stay
away from my blog until you’re done reading. My review is getting posted
Rachael-XXOO: I’m probably reading slower than usual because
my own love life has been picking up lately.
JessRomance93: Nice, Rach! Do we get some dirty details
ReaderGirlBrooke: Wah! The only love life I have lately
requires batteries.
Rachael-XXOO: Yes! I’ll give details later. And speaking of
dirty details, did you get my special little birthday care package, Brooke?
ReaderGirlBrooke: Yes, but I haven’t opened it yet. I
figured I’d wait till we were chatting.
Lizzie1214: Open it! Tell us what fun, twisted things
Rachael sent you.
Rachael-XXOO: Yeah, go ahead and open it up, birthday girl!
ReaderGirlBrooke: HAAA! I didn’t know they made so many
things in the shape of a penis. Lollipops, straws, a lipstick, pasta, and a
toothbrush! OMG! Where did u find a penis toothbrush?
Rachael-XXOO: I ordered everything online. Do you like the
ReaderGirlBrooke: I love it! Thank you!! I’m taking a pic of
everything right now to send you guys.
Lizzie1214: Will you actually eat the pasta and the
lollipops? I wonder what they taste like.
JessRomance93: Ew, yuck. What do you think it tastes
Rachael-XXOO: Go ahead, Brooke, try a lollipop and tell us
if tastes like a pecker.
ReaderGirlBrooke: Yum. It does. 😉


About the Author
Ryan Ringbloom
Twitter: @ryanringbloom
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A Natives Tongue by Michael D. Dennis Excerpt

native book cover

About The Book

In Michael D. Dennis’s touching new novel, A Native’s Tongue, a young man, torn between two women, struggles to find his way in the world.

As I walked out under the Los Angeles sky, the possibility of becoming something more than a short order cook, living in the valley, and resenting my dysfunctional family occurred to me…

Charlie Winters has never been an overachiever. He is used to just getting by while living with his single mother and working a dead-end job at a cheesesteak stand. Meanwhile, he’s constantly grappling with the voice of his sister, who died in a tragic car accident years earlier, echoing in his head.

So when Violet, an older woman, sets her sights on Charlie and refuses to let go, he follows along. He soon finds himself immersed in a destructive relationship that still fails to fill the void within him.

But then he meets Jennifer, a mystical young woman whose energy and life convinces Charlie to pursue her, even through the darkest corners of Los Angeles, and sets their lives upon a path that can’t be stopped.

Escaping to the California coast, Charlie and Jennifer finally find what they’ve always needed. But a sudden illness quickly pulls them both back to LA. It is there, amid the sex, drugs, and split-second decisions that pulse through the city, that tragedy strikes—threatening to tear Charlie and Jennifer apart forever.

Love and tragedy collide in Michael D. Dennis’s poignant new novel, A Native’s Tongue.


About The Author

Michael D. Dennis is an author and playwright who earned a degree in English literature from Loyola Marymount University. Winner of a LMU Playwriting Award for his play Death of a Watchdog, Michael also had his play, Hen in the Field, produced at the Whitefire Theatre in 2012. His highly anticipated debut novel, A Native’s Tongue, will be released in June 2014. Michael currently lives in Santa Monica, California with his girlfriend and two dogs, Jack and Aurora. To learn more, go to or connect with Michael on Facebook ( and Twitter (

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Chaperoning Paris


Chaperoning Paris – Promo Blitz
By Victoria Pinder
Contemporary Romance
Date Published: June 11, 2014

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Gigi Dumont never forgot how she walked away from the only man she ever loved.
She’s a teacher who has led her students to the finals of an international French competition to be help in Paris. The night before the trip, the Principal tries to cancel the trip before he, in turn, loses his job to her high school boyfriend, Sean Collins.
Sean Collins has survived cancer, a divorce , and Gigi having aborted their child back in high school. He assumed he’d hate her, if they ever crossed paths again. But he discovers she’s exactly what he wants.
When Gigi and Sean are stuck together for a week in Paris, Gigi feels she has lost all her control. How can she survive her attraction to Sean? The man’s sexier now than he was back in the day, and once upon a time, he’d had her heart. She finds herself falling for him, even knowing forever is impossible.


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Tracie Peterson celebrates 100 books with an iPad Mini Giveaway & A Sensible Arrangement Live Webcast Event!

Welcome to the campaign launch for Tracie Peterson’s 100th book! A Sensible Arrangement launches Tracie’s new Texas-based series, Lone Star Brides, that’s sure to please. As a special treat, devoted fans will be able to catch a glimpse of several popular characters from previous series.

Tracie is celebrating by giving away an iPad Mini and hosting a LIVE webcast event on 4/29.


One winner will receive:

  • An iPad Mini
  • A Sensible Arrangement by Tracie Peterson

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on April 29th. Winner will be announced at the A Sensible Arrangement Live Webcast Event on April 29th. Connect with Tracie for an evening of book chat, trivia, laughter, and more! Tracie will also be taking questions from the audience and giving away books, fun prizes, and gift certificates throughout the evening.

So grab your copy of A Sensible Arrangement and join Tracie and friends on the evening of April 29th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven’t read the book, don’t let that stop you from coming!)

Don’t miss a moment of the fun; RSVP today by signing up for a reminder. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 29th!

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