New Design
New Design
As you can tell I have redone my design again. That is the bad thing about learning how to design my own blogs. Now I can change it up as often as I want to. This design is super bright and I am not sure how I feel about it yet. I may end up changing some of the colors up tonight so that isn’t so bright but who knows. Those that know me know that it will change soon enough because I get bored easily. If you have any ideas on a theme I should do next let me know. I am always looking for new themes and new graphics to use.
I wrote a letter to the lady that adopted my daughter on Friday. My curiosity got the best of me and I am curious as to what she is like now and what she looks like. Since I sent the email I find myself checking my emails all the time. I hope they write back but I have to wonder if they will write back or if they will just ignore it and pretend that they never received the email. I wonder how people who placed their kids for adoption when things were so closed how they managed and dealt with it. If it was still closed like that I don’t know that I could have place my daughter. I am so thankful that things are more open with most adoptions anymore. I also know that they don’t have to talk to me anymore. I hope I hear from them but I will understand if they don’t write me back. I made me decision when she was bored and now the rest of the choices are made by them and her when she gets older.
I am still looking for people who are in need of a blog design. If you know of someone or would like one yourself let me know. I am going to be hosting a giveaway for a free design as well. Right now I can only design blogs that are hosted by Blogger but if you know someone who uses wordpress or any other host let me know and I can get their information to the lady that taught me all I know.
Great Sale Going On!
I am so excited to announce that I am now designing blogs with Wacky Jacqui’s Designs! The new layout I have I did all on my own!!!! I am still learning but I want to let everyone in on this great sale that Jacqui and I are hosting. You can get a blogger package for $55 that is usually $65 or you can get a WordPress package for $ 55 that usually is $85! Those are both great deals!!!!!!!!! Here are the details of what each package includes:
Blogger Package
• 2 , 3 or 4 column design
• Custom background
• Custom header
• Sidebar titles (unlimited)
• Custom signature
• Custom post divider
• Social network icons
• Custom blog button
• Navigation bar with text
• Favicon
• Installation
WordPress Package
• 2 , 3 column design
• Custom background
• Custom header
• Blog button
• Matching font color
• Custom Font for post and sidebar titles
• Custom signature
• Social network icons
• Menu Bar (drop down +8)
• Favicon
• Installation
These prices don’t include and kits or image fee’s and we add a 3.00 dollar Paypal fee to each package. Click here to fill out the order from and please put my name in the referring box so that we know it is my order!!!!! If you have any questions please leave a comment or email me! I also have a giveaway coming up as well!

New Design & My Latest Infusion
As you should have noticed I got a new design from Jacqui! I love this one and may keep it longer than the last one lol. I am finding I get bored easily and love to have new blog designs. I need to leave it along for awhile because I can’t afford to keep changing it every few months. So this one will stay for awhile!
I had my infusion on Friday and it went pretty well. I didn’t take the Benadryl that I usually take because I wanted to see if I could get along with out it. I am happy to say that I didn’t need it this time. I did get a headache but that is pretty normal. The one thing I did notice about this infusion is I was super tired after it. I hate how I am tired for a few days after and then come Monday or Tuesday I am good to go. Oh well if that is one of the only things I have to complain about I will deal with it because I am starting to feel better after them again. It has taken a few months to get back to where I feel better after them. Now I need to start walking after work so I can lose all the weight I have put on these past few months because I haven’t been able to do much because I was so tired.
I hope everyone has a great Monday! I may be missing for a few days because work is super busy for me right now. I had tons of work left on Thursday and since I am off this coming Friday as well I need to get totally caught up! Wish me luck!