For day 7 it wants me to list some of my favorite childhood toys. It has taken me hours to searching the internet to find this first toy. I remember I got it when I turned 8. I still remember the year I got this because I got the max amount of puppies that you could get. My grandma also in the hospital this year and as far as I can remember I believe that my birthday was on Thanksgiving this year.
It is called Puppy Surprise and let me just say I loved this toy and I even remember opening it and being so excited because I got the max number of puppies that you could get in one. My grandma also in the hospital this year and as far as I can remember I believe that my birthday was on Thanksgiving this year.
I also loved to mess around with my barbies. In fact I still have most of them in the basement along with any dolls that I had growing up. Other than those I don’t remember any toys that I loved playing with. Growing up I did spend a lot of time outside running around and playing in the dirt or in the winter playing in the snow.
I remember waiting a getting a Furby and I loved it until it would start talking in the middle of the night and wake me up. After that I hid it in a drawer because it creeped me out to say the least. In fact we just threw them out because I totally forgot that it was in that drawer and I found it and made sure it got thrown away because they are creepy and I think the new ones are even more creepy but that is a whole different post.