I wish that I was a child again because I would love to have the whole summer free. I hate that because I am an adult I get stuck having to work all summer long. I think everyone should get a few weeks off each so we can do something fun. If I did get a break, these are the seven things that I would rather be doing.
- I would love to go to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. It is one of my favorite places to go, and it changes all the time. We used to go all the time when I was growing up, and it is something that I miss. Even though when we went the last time, I couldn’t do some of the hikes and what not because of the MS.
- I would love to have two weeks off that I could do nothing but read. I would love to be able to pick a few books of my own or even read some of the ones I have found over the years but never had any time to read. ( I might just take a break because I am dying to finish the 3rd book in the Divergent series. I started it, but I haven’t had time to finish it, and I have to know how it ends lol.)
- I would love to go to a different country on vacation and get to meet new people and explore new places.
- I would love to go to Florida and go to all the parks that they have in Orlando.
- I would also like to take time off and catch up on all the movies I had missed over the past few years because I never have the time or energy to go and see them when they came out.
- I would love to be able to sit at home and do absolutely nothing all day long.
- I would also love just to get in the car and take a road trip somewhere. I am a huge fan of taking road trips because I like to find and see new places.
Those are seven things I would rather do this summer instead of having to work all summer long. What would you like to do if you could do anything you wanted to do?
I got the idea for this post from Mama Kat. If you are looking for things to write about you can click here and get some great ideas.